Enterprise SMS and texting solutions for all your business needs

Reach customers around the world using reliable and globally compliant enterprise SMS solutions from Infobip, featuring high delivery rates and leading customer support.

Main features of our enterprise SMS platform

Our SMS platform is a cloud messaging solution that integrates with any existing tech stack, providing high-volume messaging capabilities for enterprises in any industry.


Personalize your messages using attributes from People, our customer data platform, or connect your own data source.

Use cases for enterprise SMS

Our enterprise SMS solutions support a variety of use cases, with the highest delivery rates anywhere in the world.

Promotional SMS

Use promotional SMS messages to engage with customers at every stage of their journey.


Protect your customers’ accounts with SMS 2FA (two-factor authentication) or SMS OTP and boost security.

Transactional SMS

Set up automated SMS flows, like welcome text messages, order confirmations, updates, and more.

SMS reminders

Ensure your customers never forget important dates or appointments by sending text reminders over SMS.

SMS notifications

Quickly update and alert customers over SMS, and ensure that your urgent messages get read.

SMS marketing

Double your conversion rates by sending personalized, automated SMS marketing messages.

final String platform = ;
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder() .build(); MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json"); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\"personData\":{\"externalId\":\"1\",\"firstName\":\"Jane\",\"lastName\":\"Smith\",\"address\":\"67 Farringdon Road\",\"city\":\"London\",\"country\":\"United Kingdom\",\"gender\":\"FEMALE\",\"birthDate\":\"1966-01-15\",\"middleName\":\"Janie\",\"profilePicture\":\"http://profile.com\",\"tags\":[\"VIP Customers\",\"New Customers\"],\"customAttributes\":{\"Contract Expiry\":\"2018-06-01\",\"Company\":\"Acme\"},\"contactInformation\":{\"phone\":[{\"number\":\"41793026727\"},{\"number\":\"41793026728\"}],\"email\":[{\"address\":\"jane@acme.com\"},{\"address\":\"janesmith@acme.com\"}]}},\"flowVariables\":{\"orderDate\":\"2021-09-01\",\"orderDetails\":\"Extended Weight, Discount\",\"orderNumber\":1234567}}"); Request request = new Request.Builder() .url("https://{baseUrl}/communication/1/flows/10159347/participants?phone&email=janewilliams@example.com&externalId=8edb24b5-0319-48cd-a1d9-1e8bc5d577ab&pushRegistrationId=8edb24b5-0319-48cd-a1d9-1e8bc5d577ab") .method("POST", body) .addHeader("Authorization", "{authorization}") .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") .addHeader("Accept", "application/json") .build(); Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Quickly connect to our flexible SMS API

Start sending programmable SMS messages with our comprehensive API and build the experiences your customers are looking for with:

  • a basic or fully featured API
  • advanced functionalities
  • clear API documentation
  • support from dev

Benefits of our enterprise SMS solutions

Engage customers globally, protect your business from regulatory fines, and scale easily with our SMS solutions built for the needs of enterprises.

Get a special pricing offer for large-scale SMS programs

We offer volume-based discounts for enterprises looking to send large volumes of SMS.

Discover how other enterprises use SMS to enhance their business

Learn how our customers use SMS to elevate customer engagement, achieve the best delivery rates, and reach their business goals. 

Frequently asked questions about enterprise SMS

An SMS service provider recognized for its excellence

The industry experts have spoken.
Our SMS service is recognized worldwide for driving impeccable results for customers.

Infobip named as established leader second year in a row

Juniper Research Top CPaaS Vendor

Infobip named a leader

2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for CPaaS

Infobip takes top spot

Metrigy CPaaS MetriRank report

Industry CPaaS leader

Leader for CpaaS 2023

In today’s delivery environment, we need to have a reliable communication partner. An increase in customer satisfaction and a 20% reduction in costs are some of the results we achieved using the Viber with SMS failover solution from Infobip in partnership with Croatian Telecom. We look forward to expanding our communication channels portfolio with Infobip in the future.

Tomislav Lažeta

Sales Director, DPD

Reach customers around the world with a dedicated enterprise SMS solution