Build secure chatbots with Telegram

Safely interact with customers with easy-to-build chatbots and fully encrypted messages.

Users worldwide trust Telegram

Telegram offers businesses and customers a safer way to exchange messages, making it the most popular chat app in nine countries.

  • 700 million

    monthly active users
  • 9 countries

    choose Telegram as their top chat app

Create meaningful messages on Telegram

Discover features that help your brand build better engagement on a secure channel.

Branded accounts

A branded Telegram account adds an extra layer of trust and security to your interactions and helps build better brand loyalty.

Customizable media

Telegram has a variety of media options, such as text messages, images, files, audio, and video.

Entry points

Chat links, QR codes, and in-app search let you invite customers to connect to your official Telegram account easily.

Looking for a digital transformation partner?

Get in touch with our experts to find out how our solutions can bring you better engagement across channels.

Generational messaging trends - Gen X - Awareness

Automate and personalize interactions on Telegram

With a chatbot and a cloud contact center, you can offer customers faster support and personalized communication with live agents.

Cloud contact center

Manage all your messages on any channel and add Telegram as a fallback. Access conversation history and engage with customers on a unified platform.

Explore Conversations

Chatbot building platform

Easily build a chatbot with drag-and-drop features – no coding required. Answer your customers’ most frequently asked questions directly on Telegram.

Explore Answers

Converse with customers at any stage

Interact with customers at any point in their journey and help guide them from lead to post-purchase.

Engage with customers to help them convert and offer smoother purchasing journeys on Telegram

Send notifications, reminders, and promotions – or offer support in an easy and convenient manner.

  • Refund status
  • Delivery information
  • Opening hours and shop locations
  • Back-in-stock reminders
  • Cart abandonment reminders
final String platform = ;
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder() .build(); MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json"); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\"topic\":\"Topic.\",\"summary\":\"Summary.\",\"status\":\"OPEN\",\"priority\":\"HIGH\",\"queueId\":\"FBDDA7F8B33417374ACC02F5265527E6\",\"agentId\":\"97457D13B1FC79AF3C1A1096AE7E77AB\"}"); Request request = new Request.Builder() .url("https://{baseUrl}/ccaas/1/conversations") .method("POST", body) .addHeader("Authorization", "{authorization}") .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") .addHeader("Accept", "application/json") .build(); Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Programmable Conversations API

Easily add Telegram to your communication mix through our cloud contact center solution with simple integration – and offer customers fast and secure messaging throughout their journey.

Design your own Telegram chatbot

Offer a full conversational experience with Answers,
Conversations, and Telegram