Embracing omnichannel marketing automation for a connected customer experience

This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to harness the power of omnichannel marketing automation, from understanding its core principles to selecting the right tools and implementing effective campaigns.

Let’s get started.

Imagine walking into your favorite boutique, spotting a stunning dress, checking their website for reviews, messaging them on Messenger for sizing details, subscribing to their newsletter to get 10% off, and ultimately buying it on their app while sipping your morning coffee. That’s the power of omnichannel marketing.

It’s not just about being everywhere—it’s about creating a smooth, interconnected shopping experience where every interaction with a brand is built upon the last. Think of it like a well-orchestrated symphony, where each instrument (website, app, social media, channel) plays its part in perfect harmony.

Omnichannel vs. multichannel marketing

Firstly, let’s get our terminology straight.

Both omnichannel and multichannel marketing aim to reach customers through multiple channels but differ in approach and focus. While all omnichannel campaigns use multiple channels, multichannel campaigns are not always omnichannel.

Multichannel marketing means communicating with customers across various platforms, but there’s no real strategy behind which channel is best for a particular message or customer segment. The same message is blasted everywhere, potentially annoying customers who see it repeatedly.
On the other hand, omnichannel marketing is about truly understanding your customers’ journeys and tailoring your messages to each touchpoint. It’s about creating a cohesive experience, no matter where or how customers interact with your brand.

Think of omnichannel marketing as a VIP backstage pass for your customers. No matter where they interact with your brand – online, in-store, or through their smartphone – they get the same red-carpet treatment. Their preferences, purchase history, and interactions are all woven together to create a consistent experience that makes them feel valued and understood.

Which channels should you offer?

Think about the different touchpoints in your customer’s journey.

Instead of blasting out the same message across all channels, tailor your communication to each one’s strengths. Consider:

  • Email: Perfect for in-depth product information, sharing documents like invoices, order confirmations, personalized offers, and nurturing leads through targeted campaigns.
  • Social media: Showcase your brand’s personality, spark conversations, generate leads, and share user-generated content to build community.
  • SMS: Deliver time-sensitive updates, promotions, and exclusive deals to customers’ mobile phones for immediate attention.
  • Mobile push and in-app messages: Ideal for personalized notifications and specialized offers direct to customers’ phones.
  • MMS: To capture attention, enhance your text message communication with rich media, such as images, videos, or audio.
  • WhatsApp: Provide direct communication, offer support, send personalized messages, and facilitate purchases.
  • RCS: Elevate SMS and MMS with interactive features like rich media, suggested replies, and branding options to create a more engaging messaging experience.
  • Voice: Engage customers through voice calls, voice assistants, or interactive voice response (IVR) systems to offer support, gather feedback, or promote products and services.

To elevate your omnichannel communication, consider incorporating interactive elements that captivate your audience and encourage deeper engagement:


Showcase multiple products or options in a visually appealing way.


Collect customer information effortlessly.


Guide customers to the next step with clear calls to action.

Channels for Moments customer engagement software


Set up automation based on customer actions, behaviors, or key dates.


Create personalized message flows on any channel.


Ensure your message always gets through.

To effectively leverage these various channels, it’s essential to understand the different types of expectations customers have when interacting with your brand.

Types of customer expectations

To achieve marketing success and truly know your customers, it’s crucial to understand their different expectations.

  • Explicit: Directly voiced expectations, like desired product features or service levels.
  • Implicit: Unspoken expectations based on experience with other businesses. For example, expecting a hot cup of coffee in a clean mug.
  • Interpersonal: Expectations regarding online and offline interactions with your brand.
  • Digital: Expectations for convenience and personalization online.
  • Dynamic performance: Evolving expectations based on market trends and competitor actions.

By understanding these various types of customer expectations, let’s delve into the current trends that are shaping how consumers engage with brands in 2024.

Trend 1 – Personalized experiences

Customers are no longer satisfied with generic interactions. They want experiences tailored to their individual preferences, needs, and histories. Actually, McKinsey’s data shows that 71% of consumers expect personalization, and 76% are frustrated when they don’t get it.

This means understanding their past purchases, browsing behavior, and demographics to deliver relevant recommendations, offers, and content.

Personalization doesn’t mean just saying “Hello, first name”, it means recommending a new savings account with a better annual equivalent rate (AER) for a customer that had shown interest in one beforehand.

Trend 2 – Loyalty programs

Loyalty programs are more than just discounts and points in this increasingly competitive market. They offer a sense of exclusivity and recognition, fostering a deeper connection between customers and brands. This translates to actual results: members of loyalty programs generate 12-18% more incremental revenue growth per year than non-members. Think VIP experiences, early access to sales, and personalized rewards that go beyond transactions.

Trend 3 – Connect chatbots to your marketing campaigns

Integrating chatbots into your marketing campaigns has emerged as a trend for boosting lead generation and providing instant customer support. According to Statista, 26% of business-to-business (B2B) marketers using chatbots in their marketing programs gained between 10 and 20% more lead generation volumes.

By strategically deploying chatbots on your website, landing pages, or even social media ads, you can tap into a new avenue for capturing leads and nurturing them toward conversion.

So, how does omnichannel marketing play a role here?

Omnichannel marketing is your secret weapon to not only meet but exceed these evolving customer expectations, turning potential challenges into opportunities for deeper engagement and loyalty.

1. Enhanced customer insights

With a truly omnichannel approach and provider on your side, you will be able to gather customer data in one location. This will, in turn, enable you to deliver omnichannel personalization at scale, leveraging each channel and all information about your customers.

2. Improved customer satisfaction

When thinking about showing the customer that their needs are at the center of attention of any business, one thing naturally comes to mind – solving their problems as fast and conveniently as possible.

To achieve this, customer service needs to be always on and catered to the customer. An omnichannel approach to personalizing the experience for each customer makes this easy.

Omnichannel support truly shines here because it helps streamline communications for both the customer and the agents. You can do this by organizing the customer’s entire conversation history in one place and equipping the customer service agents with all the relevant information they need to address the issue. Ultimately, the omnichannel approach results in a higher number of returning customers, satisfaction rates (CSAT and NPS scores), and positive word-of-mouth.

3. Increased sales and retention

Omnichannel customers who experience personalized and responsive communication tend to spend more and remain loyal to the brand. Additionally, studies show that companies with strong omnichannel strategies retain an average of 89% of their customers, compared to only 33% for those without.

A key driver of this success is personalization, enabled by automation tools that analyze customer data to suggest products or services that perfectly align with individual preferences and past purchases. By making customers feel seen and understood, you create a deeper connection with customers that translates to increased engagement, larger cart sizes, and a stronger overall customer lifetime value.

4. Maintaining brand trust

If not handled promptly, a disruption in a primary channel can lead to a negative customer experience. That is where you enter failover channels.

They are alternative communication channels that you can leverage when your primary channels experience technical difficulties, outages, or other unforeseen issues.

Failover channels provide a smooth transition, allowing customers to continue their journey without missing a beat, minimizing frustration, and maintaining brand trust.

Omnichannel marketing success is about knowing your customers inside and out so you can deliver the right message at the right time on the right platform.

The omnichannel communication trend is past just being a buzzword and needs to be incorporated into all marketing strategies.

 Source: Forbes

While the strategies discussed lay the foundation for an effective omnichannel approach, the true game-changer lies in automation. Automation tools will help you deliver unique customer experiences smoothly and consistently across these channels.

Omnichannel marketing automation leverages technology to streamline and enhance customer interactions across all channels.

Benefits of omnichannel marketing automation strategies

1. Enhanced efficiency and productivity

Automation gets the job done for you. We’ll give you a scenario to provide you with a clear idea of how.

A social media manager spends countless hours manually scheduling social media posts, crafting individual emails, and analyzing campaign data. With the introduction of an omnichannel marketing automation platform, these tasks are now streamlined. The platform can:

  • link social media lead generation campaigns with forms and the initial nurture flow
  • sends out personalized email campaigns triggered by specific customer actions
  • compiles comprehensive reports on campaign performance

As seen in the example, automation eliminates manual tasks and frees up valuable time for the team to focus on strategic initiatives and creative projects. In fact, automating social media posts and advertisements can save six hours each week.

2. Hyper-personalized customer experiences

Customers interact with your brand in various ways—visiting a physical store, browsing online catalogs, purchasing apps, reading social media feedback, and exploring your websites. Every touch point should be unified and can also be improved with automation.

Imagine an avid reader and frequent customer of an online bookstore receiving an email with recommendations for new mystery novels and a special discount code for their birthday month. This is not a coincidence.

The bookstore’s omnichannel automation platform has analyzed customers’ purchase history, browsing behavior, and personal details to deliver a tailored experience that resonates with their interests and makes them feel valued.

3. Unifies all channels

Instead of having multiple platforms and tools, omnichannel automation platforms consolidate everything into a single interface. And instead of siloed data spread across different platforms, you have consolidated customer information in a single, unified database.

This ensures that every interaction, whether on your website, social media, email, or in-store, is captured and used to build a comprehensive customer profile.

4. Saves costs

While often associated with enhancing customer experiences and driving revenue, omnichannel marketing automation also significantly reduces costs and optimizes business resources.

With automation, businesses can leverage data-driven insights to deliver tailored communication when it matters the most. This results in more effective campaigns, reduced ad spend wastage, and increased return on investment (ROI).

5. Scaling your business

As your business grows, so does the complexity of managing customer interactions across multiple channels.

Initially, you do everything yourself, but soon, you struggle to keep up with customer inquiries, order confirmations, and shipping updates. Implementing an omnichannel automation platform will allow you to automate these communications, ensuring each customer receives timely updates and personalized messages.

Now that we have covered all the benefits of omnichannel marketing automation, in the next chapter, learn how to create a successful omnichannel marketing automation strategy.