Authenticate customers globally with Voice OTPs

Provide a convenient and secure verification process with the most inclusive communication channel.

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Experience the benefits of Voice OTPs

Using an established and reliable channel for OTP messages has functional, performance, and cost advantages.

Maximize reach for authentication messages  

Ensure the reliable delivery of personalized, automated security messages directly to mobile handsets and landlines in almost any global destination. 

Provide user choice

Incorporate Voice as part of your wider 2FA process to give flexibility to users in how they receive authentication messages – to increase accessibility and engagement.

Prevent fraud  

Benefit from the security of Voice OTPs which reduce the chances of unintended recipients receiving the message.  Only pay for answered OTP calls and reduce the impact of spam attacks. 

Send one-time PINs (OTPs) using Voice messages API 

Send OTPs to users via a configurable voice message that is read out loud when they pick up the phone.

  • Flexible configuration options for an optimal user experience
  • Adjust the speech rate to give time for users to enter the OTP code
  • Allow users to easily replay voice messages
  • Add pauses to make the speech pattern sound more natural



The customer logs into their account with a username and password.


Choosing channels

A screen is displayed offering them a choice of channels for the delivery of an OTP to authenticate them.


A phone call

The customer opts to receive a phone call.



The automated call reads out a code.



The customer inputs the OTP from the call into the website/application

Use a secure and flexible channel for sending OTPs

Authenticate registrations

Verify people registering for your services by sending OTPs on the Voice channel.

Start using Voice for verifying users and transactions.