Custom-built IVR solution on Voice

Create ideal interactive voice experiences for your business and offer customers self-service options to resolve queries faster.

What is IVR?

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an automated phone system that allows customers to navigate menus over Voice.

Whether for inbound or outbound IVR, pre-recorded messages and text-to-speech features allow customers to avoid speaking with an agent and still get the information they need via self-service.

With keypad selection or voice recognition, customers can choose IVR menu options and have their call directed to the information, department or individual they are looking for.

Satisfy customers with efficient IVR

Increased satisfaction

Self-serve IVR enables customers to navigate call menus without having to interact with an agent or get routed to the wrong department. Increase customer loyalty by reducing call queue wait times and offering better overall call center efficiency.

Real-time feedback

Collect immediate feedback and valuable data from customers through IVR. Whether over a keypad menu or voice message, customers can rate their satisfaction and give you genuine insights into their experience with your brand.

Amplify Voice messages

Customers can easily leave messages over IVR which can be recorded over our flexible Voice API. Make it easy to store and reference customer Voice messages when needed and elevate your Voice message service.

Inbound calls

Guide your customers when they reach out to you and offer them a fast and convenient journey through IVR.

Ensure your first interaction with customers meets their expectations by building various automized IVR call scenarios that lead them to faster resolution and less time spent explaining their needs to multiple agents.

automate interactions on IVR

Outbound calls

With event-triggered automation, you can reach out to customers on Voice and offer IVR menus to guide them in a variety of situations.

Save your couriers time by avoiding pickup calls. With outbound IVR you can ask a customer to confirm the pick up location and time through automized Voice services.

Elevate self-service with dynamic IVR

Improve customer experiences by building dynamic IVR menus. Offer customers personalized and convenient IVR menus that help them navigate information that is relevant to them.

IVR scenarios do not have to be pre-defined. Use valuable customer data from Infobip’s People CDP, or integrate your back-end system’s data through API calls from within your IVR to build scenarios that speed up resolution time and offer a more tailored experience. With the help of Calls API, you can take your IVR services to the next level.

const string platform = ;
var options = new RestClientOptions("") { MaxTimeout = -1, }; var client = new RestClient(options); var request = new RestRequest("https://{baseUrl}/voice/ivr/1/messages", Method.Post); request.AddHeader("Authorization", "{authorization}"); request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json"); var body = @"{""bulkId"":""BULK-ID-123-xyz"",""messages"":[{""scenarioId"":""6298AA7707903A4ED680B436929681AD"",""from"":""41793026700"",""destinations"":[{""to"":""41793026727""},{""to"":""41793026731""}],""notifyUrl"":"""",""notifyContentType"":""application/json"",""callbackData"":""DLR callback data"",""validityPeriod"":720,""sendAt"":""2023-10-03T12:21:00.632+0000"",""retry"":{""minPeriod"":1,""maxPeriod"":5,""maxCount"":5},""record"":false,""deliveryTimeWindow"":{""from"":{""hour"":6,""minute"":0},""to"":{""hour"":15,""minute"":30},""days"":[""MONDAY"",""TUESDAY"",""WEDNESDAY"",""THURSDAY"",""FRIDAY"",""SATURDAY"",""SUNDAY""]}}]}"; request.AddStringBody(body, DataFormat.Json); RestResponse response = await client.ExecuteAsync(request); Console.WriteLine(response.Content);
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Unlock the full potential of IVR through our easily integratable API

Connect with any of your existing communication systems and start implementing pre-made IVR scenarios with our IVR API or build your own use case with Calls API.

Take IVR further with our SaaS solutions

Automation, customer data and omnichannel solutions can help your business offer better IVR services, reach your business goals and engage with customers the way they prefer.

Cloud contact center

Route your customer to the right queue and connect them with an agent who is equipped to resolve their issue. Agents have a full view of the customer’s past conversation history and profile that will help them provide the most accurate assistance and information.

Explore Conversations

Customer engagement solution

Build efficient and relevant IVR flows. Pull data from People CDP, our customer data platform to craft personalized and relevant IVR menus that speed up time to resolution and offer the customer a better overall experience.

Explore Conversations

Start crafting your own IVR menus

Automate support and satisfy customers with IVR.