Easily build and deploy Viber chatbots

Design Viber Bots for any use case using a simple code-free interface or API integration.

Discover what you can do with Viber Bots


Enable customers and prospects to find your Viber chatbot from the app’s search bar and Explore screen.

Ultimate flexibility

Offer online services, manage customer relationships, distribute games, launch polls, and more with Viber Bots’ diversity of message formats.

Easy opt-in

Automatically opt-in users that make contact through your Viber Bots channel and provide options to manage their communication preferences.

viber bots custom keyboards

Custom keyboards

Define custom keyboards that display a set of replies that users can select from to enable quick exchanges and improve the user experience.

Maximize customer satisfaction with Viber chatbots

Native integrations with Infobip Conversations and Answers, you can provide effective and convenient customer support by combining the strengths of AI chatbots and human agents for a 24/7 service.


Manage all your Viber messages from a unified workspace where your team can access conversation history, customer profiles, message templates, and more for contextual and personalized support.

Explore Conversations


Build a chatbot to answer the most frequently asked questions directly on Viber, with the option to transfer to live agents without losing conversation history or context.

Explore Answers
final String platform = ;
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder() .build(); MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json"); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\"personData\":{\"externalId\":\"1\",\"firstName\":\"Jane\",\"lastName\":\"Smith\",\"address\":\"67 Farringdon Road\",\"city\":\"London\",\"country\":\"United Kingdom\",\"gender\":\"FEMALE\",\"birthDate\":\"1966-01-15\",\"middleName\":\"Janie\",\"profilePicture\":\"http://profile.com\",\"tags\":[\"VIP Customers\",\"New Customers\"],\"customAttributes\":{\"Contract Expiry\":\"2018-06-01\",\"Company\":\"Acme\"},\"contactInformation\":{\"phone\":[{\"number\":\"41793026727\"},{\"number\":\"41793026728\"}],\"email\":[{\"address\":\"jane@acme.com\"},{\"address\":\"janesmith@acme.com\"}]}},\"flowVariables\":{\"orderDate\":\"2021-09-01\",\"orderDetails\":\"Extended Weight, Discount\",\"orderNumber\":1234567}}"); Request request = new Request.Builder() .url("https://{baseUrl}/communication/1/flows/10159347/participants?phone&email=janewilliams@example.com&externalId=8edb24b5-0319-48cd-a1d9-1e8bc5d577ab&pushRegistrationId=8edb24b5-0319-48cd-a1d9-1e8bc5d577ab") .method("POST", body) .addHeader("Authorization", "{authorization}") .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") .addHeader("Accept", "application/json") .build(); Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
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For developers – try Conversations API

Build rich, cost effective, and scalable messaging solutions with the Conversations API.

Harness over 15 years of experience with the world’s best connected platform.

With industry-leading expertise, you can deliver superb customer experience through our global network.

9,700+ global connections

And 800+ direct operator connections to facilitate reliable messaging and use cases anywhere in the world.

75+ offices on 6 continents

Global experience and local presence provides best-in-class service and solutions.

40+ data centers

Our worldwide data centers help you keep operations running smoothly and efficiently.

Ready to build a Viber chatbot?

Get started today. No coding required.