Answer FAQs

Offer 24/7 self-service support by providing instant answers to frequently asked questions through automated chatbots. 

Pain points

  • Unorganized information: many times, FAQs are unorganized and difficult to sift through for customers, making it hard to find the answers they need
  • Slow responses: long wait times for email or a transfer to customer service when they can’t find their answers can lead to poor customer service 
  • Too much information: Long lists of FAQs without clear categorization or prioritization can overwhelm customers, making it hard to find specific answers.

How FAQs on messaging channels can help:

  • Brands can make finding answers to FAQs faster over messaging channels, by directly answering the specific questions the customers inputs in chat 
  • With a rule-based chatbot, businesses can provide consistent and concise information
  • Seamless transfer to customer service is made easy over messaging channels
  • Add GenAI for translations to offer FAQ support to international customers who speak different languages 
  • 24/7 conversational support for FAQs makes customer experiences smoother and more convenient  

The business benefits:

  • Improve customer satisfaction: Messaging channels can provide instant answers to common questions, reducing customer wait times and enhancing satisfaction. 
  • Reduced Support Volume: By effectively answering common questions via messaging, businesses can decrease the volume of inquiries handled by customer support representatives, freeing them up to address more complex issues. 
  • Adaptability: Messaging platforms can quickly adapt to changing customer needs and business requirements, making it easier to update FAQ content and support strategies.

Available channels





eCommerce & retail
