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Solutions for telecoms
The Infobip advantage for telcos
See why leading telecoms around the world choose Infobip to transform their network
Telecom CPaaS partnerships
Create new B2B revenue streams with our omnichannel communications platform
Telecom core & security
Anam Protect Firewall
Secure your network from SMS and Voice fraud with our firewall that protects 120+ operators
SMS Firewall
Ensure all A2P SMS traffic is properly charged and eliminate revenue leakage with our SMS Firewall
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Knowledge hub
What is Data coverage?
Data coverage refers to the location in which you can receive and transmit data from your mobile device.
You will not be connected to the online world if you are in an area with no data coverage. This is important when tracking your IoT devices, for example.
What is the difference between Data Coverage and Mobile Signal?
If you send a message and a person does not receive it because they do not have a data signal, the fallback option ensures SMS delivery by pushing SMS to Telecom Operators bypassing the servers. In that way, it is guaranteed that messages are not delayed e.g. because of server issues.