Solidifying your post-purchase experience with WhatsApp Utility messages

Discover how to increase your customer lifetime value and loyalty by providing a conversational post-purchase experience with WhatsApp Utility messages.

Product Marketing Manager

Gabriela Marinčić

Product Marketing Manager

The customer journey doesn’t end at the point of sale. The post-purchase experience plays a pivotal role in shaping customer loyalty, satisfaction, and finally, lifetime value. This is where WhatsApp Utility messages play an important role. 

Previously, we’ve spoken about how customers are looking for more conversational experiences, and how WhatsApp has been at the forefront of meeting this customer expectation with:

Now, it’s time to close the loop by providing those crucial post sales updates to foster stronger customer relationships and drive long-term success.

What are WhatsApp Utility messages?

Before we get into how WhatsApp Utility messages help increase loyalty and lifetime value, let’s deep dive into what they are.

Utility messages are business-initiated communications that provide post-transaction updates or notifications to customers who have opted to receive them. These messages are an essential part of the customer journey, keeping customers informed about their interactions with your business. 

These messages usually have:

  • a post-purchase focus,
  • are event-triggered,
  • and are transaction-specific

These types of messages are usually:

  • Invoice delivery and reminders
  • Payment updates or notifications
  • Alerts
  • Account updates

How WhatsApp Utility messages align with your customer expectations

According to our generational marketing trends report, customers across generations expect brands to send them important post-purchase messages.

Order and purchase updates


of Gen Z expect order and purchase updates


of Millennials expect to be updated on purchases


of Gen X want to be updated post orders and purchases


of Baby Boomers expect order and purchase updates

Payment or transaction notifications


of Gen Z expect payment or transaction notifications


of Millennials expect to be notified on transactions


of Gen X want to be notified post payment


of Baby Boomers expect payment notifications

Renewal of service alerts


of Gen Z expect renewal of service alerts


of Millennials expect to be alerted on service renewals


of Gen X want to get renewal of service alerts


of Baby Boomers expect renewal of service alerts

Why does the post-purchase experience matter

A positive post-purchase experience can significantly impact a customer’s perception of a brand. It’s an opportunity to reinforce the purchase decision, address any concerns, and provide additional value.

Studies have shown that customers who have a positive post-purchase experience are more likely to:

  • Repeat purchase: 67% of customers are more likely to make another purchase from a brand if they had a positive post-purchase experience (Source: PwC).
  • Recommend the brand: 77% of customers are more likely to recommend a brand to others if they had a positive post-purchase experience (Source: PwC).
  • Become brand advocates: Customers who have a positive post-purchase experience are more likely to become brand advocates and share their positive experiences with others.

WhatsApp: Your arsenal for post-purchase engagement

First and foremost, Utility messages such as delivery alerts ease customers’ minds by keeping them informed in real-time. Customers are more at ease with the possibility of shipping delays or mishaps when they are updated on the status of their items. 

And to add to it, repeat business may be encouraged using this method since it alleviates their concerns and improves their overall experience. 

You can proactively deal with delivery problems and delays thanks to alerts. You can show empathy for your customers by keeping them in the loop and giving them choices. Thereby, retaining consumers and increasing the chance of long-term loyalty.

In addition, based on a customer’s purchase or browsing history, you can provide personalized recommendations or promotions with marketing messages. This will enhance your customer lifetime value by encouraging more purchases by recommending similar products, cross-selling or up-selling complementary things, or providing access to special discounts.

WhatsApp, with its global reach and high open rates, is an ideal channel for delivering personalized post-purchase communications. WhatsApp Utility messages offer a variety of functionalities that can be tailored to meet specific business needs and enhance the customer experience.

Key benefits of WhatsApp Utility messages for post-purchase engagement:

  • Real-time communication: Instantly reach customers with important updates, notifications, or support requests.
  • Personalized interactions: Tailor messages based on individual customer preferences and purchase history.
  • Rich media capabilities: Share images, videos, and documents to provide additional context and information.
  • Interactive features: Use buttons, menus, and quick replies to guide customers through the post-purchase process.

Top WhatsApp Utility use cases to engage post-purchase

Let’s delve into some practical use cases where these messages can make a significant impact.

1. Opt-in management on WhatsApp

Goal: Confirm opt-in for receiving messages on WhatsApp as a follow-up to opt-ins collected via other channels (e.g., website, email). Also, confirm opt-outs.


  • Improved customer experience: Enhance transparency regarding privacy choices
  • Reduced opt-outs: Reinforce customer expectations for future utility messages, ensuring continued engagement

2. Order management

Goal: Confirm, update, or cancel an order or payment with a customer using specific order or transaction details in the message body.


  • Cost savings: Reduce inbound inquiries about orders, saving time and resources
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Keep customers informed, reducing friction in order changes
  • Increased fulfilment rates: Improve the percentage of customer orders that you successfully process and deliver within a specified time frame
  • Reduced opt-outs: Reinforce customer expectations for future utility messages, ensuring continued engagement

3. Payment or account alerts

Goal: Send important account updates, including time-sensitive alerts, safety information, payment reminders, and other information.


  • Reduce late payments: Increase revenue by ensuring timely payments
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: Create a simpler, more transparent payment experience
  • Cost savings: Decrease inbound inquiries related to payments and account issues

4. Feedback surveys

Goal: Collect feedback on previous orders, interactions, or ongoing relationships with customers.


  • Increased feedback collection: Gather actionable business insights from more customers.
  • Granular feedback: Collect specific insights related to customer experiences through timely delivery post-event.

5. Support and engagement

Goal: Send a message to continue an interaction on WhatsApp to further loyalty.


  • Cost savings: Deflect expensive calls to a more efficient communication channel
  • Customer channel adoption: Encourage customers to use preferred messaging platforms for seamless interactions

Post-purchase experience examples across industries


  • Order confirmation and tracking: Send real-time updates on order status, shipping information, and delivery estimates.
  • Returns and exchanges: Provide easy-to-follow instructions for returns and exchanges, including pre-paid return labels.
  • Product recommendations: Suggest complementary products or accessories based on the customer’s purchase history.


  • Payment confirmations: Send instant notifications for successful payments and provide transaction details.
  • Security alerts: Notify customers of suspicious activity on their accounts and offer guidance on how to protect their information.
  • Personalized offers: Promote relevant financial products or services based on the customer’s needs and preferences.


  • SIM activation and delivery: Send instructions for activating new SIM cards and track delivery status.
  • Bill reminders and payments: Provide timely reminders for upcoming bills and offer convenient payment options.
  • Customer support: Offer 24/7 support through WhatsApp chat, addressing customer inquiries and resolving issues promptly.


  • Order updates and tracking: Keep customers informed about the status of their on-demand services, such as food delivery or rideshare.
  • Ratings and reviews: Encourage customers to leave feedback and ratings and offer incentives for participation.
  • Promotions and discounts: Provide exclusive offers and discounts to keep customers engaged and coming back for more.


  • Booking confirmations and reminders: Send booking confirmations and reminders to guests, including check-in and check-out times.
  • Pre-arrival information: Share relevant information about the property, amenities, and local attractions.
  • Post-stay surveys: Collect feedback from guests to improve future experiences and address any issues.

By effectively utilizing WhatsApp Utility Messages, businesses can create personalized, engaging, and efficient post-purchase experiences that drive customer satisfaction, loyalty, and long-term success.

Leveraging WhatsApp Utility messages for post-purchase success

The post-purchase experience is a critical component of building lasting customer relationships. By leveraging WhatsApp Utility messages, businesses can deliver personalized, timely, and valuable interactions that foster customer satisfaction, loyalty, and increased lifetime value. 

Our conversational customer experience platform empowers you to harness the full potential of WhatsApp Utility messages, creating seamless and engaging post-purchase journeys that drive long-term success.

Want to increase your customer loyalty?

Start building your post-purchase experience with WhatsApp Utility messages today!

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Sep 17th, 2024
6 min read
Product Marketing Manager

Gabriela Marinčić

Product Marketing Manager