Rule: Driving platform success with CPaaS X

Discover how platform businesses can implement API-based, scalable solutions to reach customers across diverse channels, empowering them to navigate the complexities of modern customer engagement easily.

Content Marketing Expert

Marthinus Jansen Van Vuuren

Content Marketing Expert

In today’s business landscape, navigating communication preferences feels like trying to untangle a knot of cables. Customers are spread across numerous channels, making it difficult to keep tabs on them and provide a consistent experience. It’s a juggling act that requires businesses to always stay at the top of their game.

Amidst this complex environment, successful companies like Rule are mastering the art of providing a unified communication platform. Founded in 2007 by CEO Sam Jahanfar, Rule emerged as a frontrunner in MarTech, primarily focusing on email marketing services.

We met with Jahanfar to talk about the changing CX landscape and how partnering with Infobip enables them to provide businesses access to multiple platforms.

The challenges facing platform companies

Platform companies often navigate a wide range of customers and countries. As a result, they need an advanced solution to cater to differing channel preferences and regulatory requirements. But it’s not just about flexibility – they also need to be agile, with the ability to streamline onboarding and speed up the implementation of new channels to messaging strategies.

Having focused mainly on providing email solutions in its earlier years, Rule was not exempt from these challenges when it realized the need to expand its platform.

The communication landscape became fragmented. Our newsletter platform worked well, but we knew we needed to expand to offer more ways for our customers to reach their customers.

Chief Executive officer

Rule Communication

For Rule, this fragmentation posed a dual challenge:

  1. They needed to determine priority channels to reach their diverse customer base.
  2. It was necessary to integrate channels into their platform with minimal engineering effort to provide a unified communication experience.

Adapting to evolving channel preferences

Staying on top of changing customer preferences is often easier said than done. Regional differences make things more complicated, with differing varying depending on the market.

Viber, for instance, enjoys popularity in Eastern Europe, while Western Europe sees RCS emerge as a preferred channel. The rise of messaging apps like WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, and Line further highlights the need to adopt an omnichannel communication strategy and seamlessly switchbetween channels.

In Infobip’s analysis of over 473 billion interactions on our platform in 2023, we saw the sharpest increase in the use of conversational channels like Messenger (5x increase), Line (3x increase), Telegram (145.3% increase) and WhatsApp (62.2%). However, it’s the uptake of RCS that stood out: In 2023 alone, RCS saw a growth of 358% on Infobip’s platform. Juniper Research estimates that the global number of RCS users will reach 2.1 billion by 2025.

It requires a strategic approach, coupled with the right technology, to keep up or even stay ahead of these messaging trends.

That’s where CPaaS X by Infobip steps in, emerging as a game-changer for companies like Rule. Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS), transforms business messaging through unmatched flexibility and advanced capabilities while enabling personalized customer interactions.

By working with Infobip CPaaS X, we can reach whatever platform or communication channel we need. It helps us mitigate risk and focus more strategically.

Chief Executive officer

Rule Communication

Under the hood of CPaaS X

At the heart of CPaaS X lies a single, unified API – a powerful tool that integrates multiple messaging channels into a single interface. Its flexibility allows agile adaptation to changing consumer preferences, making it easier to manage and orchestrate omnichannel messaging.

Businesses can unlock the full potential of their strategies with these key benefits:

  1. Plug-and-play: CPaaS X is easy to implement. Multiple channels can be connected through the API without increasing deployment and management overheads, enabling tailored and accelerated CX strategies.
  2. Environment flexibility: Platform companies like Rule can cater to each customer’s unique requirements thanks to CPaaS X’s ability to configure separate use cases. Users can also follow a testing, staging, and production approach for each use case.
  3. Expedited time-to-market: Automated onboarding speeds up the activation of channels for clients, allowing faster engagement with end-users.
  4. Flexible and scalable communications: Thanks to a single API, companies can link multiple channels to offer clients seamlessly automated messaging across various channels. CPaaS X can also optimize traffic distribution and trigger failover messages as needed.
  5. Real-time monitoring and reporting: CPaaS X delivers dynamic reporting for each client, offering insights per customer, use case, or resource type. Automated traffic monitoring quickly detects irregularities and possible fraud, making companies more responsive.

These features allow Rule to deliver tangible results for its clients and optimize costs thanks to streamlined efficiencies. The adaptability and scalability of CPaaS X make it simple for them to integrate with various business systems, e-commerce platforms, and analytics tools, empowering their clients to deliver hyper-personalized marketing experiences effortlessly.

Unleashing AI in internal processes and CX

With businesses constantly seeking innovative solutions to meet changing expectations, many companies are exploring ways to implement AI into their solutions. Jahanfar believes the AI market has matured over the past year, and it’s time to explore its real business value.

As we look ahead, the biggest wins with AI lie in internal processes. There, we can truly harness the benefits of AI to enhance efficiency and productivity.

Chief Executive officer

Rule Communication

As businesses implement more channels in their strategies, the integration of AI in CPaaS X offers many benefits, from hyper-automated synchronization between multiple channels to streamlined internal processes. It also unlocks insights from customer interactions, allowing businesses to refine communication strategies.

Leading the way in customer engagement

Infobip’s CPaaS X is helping platform companies like Rule thrive and refine the standards of customer engagement.

With unparalleled flexibility, advanced capabilities, and seamless integration of diverse channels, it’s easy to manage modern communication challenges with CPaaS X.

From streamlined operations and expedited time-to-market to flexible and scalable communications, CPaaS X delivers clear benefits for clients.

By unlocking the full potential of their messaging strategies, businesses can deliver hyper-personalized experiences and stay ahead of changing customer preferences.

Embrace the future of business communication with CPaaS X

Learn more about CPaaS X to unlock endless possibilities for your platform.

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Jun 4th, 2024
5 min read
Content Marketing Expert

Marthinus Jansen Van Vuuren

Content Marketing Expert