Headless vs. composable platforms: What’s the difference?

Headless vs. composable platforms: Understand the difference between these two options and choose the one that best fits your business needs.

Senior Content Marketing Specialist

Razan Saleh

Senior Content Marketing Specialist

With web development quickly evolving, many modern solutions are emerging to assist online businesses. And if you’re still clinging to those outdated monolithic systems, it’s time for an intervention.

Traditional or monolithic platforms, are integrated systems with tightly coupled components, offering a one-size-fits-all solution. On the other hand, modern technology like headless and composable architecture allow more flexibility, customization, and scalability to meet evolving market demands.

So, which one is right for you? Well, it all depends on your business goals and needs. In this blog, we’ll discuss the differences between headless and composable platforms and how they can benefit your business.

What is a headless platform?

A headless platform is a modern approach to building and managing websites through API. In simple terms, it means separating or decoupling the website’s front-end (how it looks and user experience) from the back-end (your data and business logic).

When a platform’s front and back-end operate independently, changes on one end do not affect the other. Headless architecture offers brands the flexibility to build applications through API, whatever and however they want. API handles communication, acting as an intermediary between the front end and back end.

Think of it like having a really stylish mannequin (the front-end) that you can dress up in different outfits (designs) while the machinery (back-end) inside the mannequin keeps everything running smoothly.

What is a composable platform?

A composable platform takes a step beyond headless by breaking down features and functionalities into modular components that can be assembled and reassembled through plug-and-play to create a tailored software solution for your business.  

Instead of being stuck with a rigid, one-size-fits-all solution, a composable platform empowers you to build and innovate using MACH (microservices, API-first, cloud native, and headless) architecture and to optimize performance and create unique customer experiences.

To simplify it a bit more, imagine having a set of building blocks – each piece designed to work seamlessly together, but also able to be taken apart and used in different ways. It is like having a toolbox full of interchangeable tools that you can use to build exactly what you need for your business.

Headless vs. composable platform

Composable and headless architectures share many similarities in building seamless user experiences. The main difference between them breaks down to this:

  • Headless architecture focuses on flexibility in separating the front-end presentation layer from the back-end platform functionality.
  • Composable architecture focuses on breaking down the platform into independent services and prioritizes flexibility and scalability in building applications and integration capabilities.

Here’s a detailed overview highlighting other key differences between them:

ArchitectureFront-end and back-end are developed separately; they communicate through a full REST API and can operate indecently.Integrates front-end and back-end functions using modules. Each element works independently and can be replaced independently via their own APIs.
FlexibilityFully flexible and customizable as front-end changes do not impact back-end.Highly flexible as individual elements can be replaced without affecting the system.
ScalabilityBetter scalability for handling high volumes of traffic and content due to decoupled architecture.Scalable for adapting to changing business needs and adding new features quickly.
IntegrationProvides APIs for integrations but sometimes requires additional development to integrate with other systems and applications.Provides APIs for integrations using plug-and-play, with pre-built integrations and standardized APIs. 
CostBusinesses usually pay for the entire platform, even if they only use certain features so this could be more expensive.Composable is more cost-effective as businesses only pay for specific components rather than the entire platform.
Use caseEnhancing customer experience and personalizing the user journey.  Enhancing flexibility and platform performance.
Business logicEncapsulated in the back-end components, delivered via API.Split into Packaged Business Capabilities (PBCs).

Benefits of using headless and composable platforms 

Transitioning to a headless or composable platform allows you to select and integrate the best components for your business needs rather than being locked to a single vendor’s ecosystem. In turn, this enables rapid adaptation to internal and external changes.

But that’s not it. By crushing the monolith architecture and choosing a headless or composable platform, businesses gain:

Flexibility and customization

One of the key benefits of component-based technology is the flexibility it offers. By combining different solutions, such as headless or composable systems with an omnichannel communication platform, you can create a solution tailored to your specific needs.

This mix-and-match approach avoids the constraints of a monolithic or one-size-fits-all system, allowing for a more customized and adaptable approach.


The headless or composable setup enables quick deployment, changes, iterations, and strategy modifications without being held back by back-end updates. For example, if you need to revamp your website’s front-end design, you can do so promptly, accelerating your time-to-market and enhancing your responsiveness to consumer demands.

Seamless integrations

By adopting a headless or composable architecture, you have the freedom to pick from a vast range of third-party services and select the best-suited components for your business needs. This allows you to integrate SaaS solutions that can be used individually as components or brought together for a highly tailored architecture that aligns with your unique requirements.  

Examples of SaaS integrations include:

Omnichannel capabilities

Regardless of the device your customers prefer, a modular omnichannel setup ensures consistent adaptability across various touchpoints. By constructing your app from modular components, you deliver a seamless experience on mobile apps, chat apps, messaging and voice channels, and social commerce platforms such as Instagram Shopping.

This flexibility removes the friction in the shopping experience, letting your customers run through different touchpoints of the buying process on whatever device and channel they want.

Enhanced user engagement and loyalty

Offering omnichannel product options that cater to customers across different platforms naturally leads to increased engagement and loyalty. For example, personalized in-app promotions and engagement, timely proactive customer support, self-service options and a responsive website experience keeps customers invested and satisfied, fostering loyalty and repeat purchases.

How CPaaS fits into a headless or composable architecture

CPaaS (Communication Platform as a Service), functions as a composable building block for communications by providing developers with a set of APIs that can be easily integrated into their applications or platforms.

This allows businesses to quickly add communication channels such as SMS, RCS, voice, video, and email to their existing software solutions without having to build these channels from scratch.

Examples of CPaaS integrations and use cases

  • SMS: Integrating SMS into your platform or software solution allows you to engage with customers and send updates, alerts, and notifications via text messages. This functionality can be easily added using Infobip’s SMS open API, without the need for extensive development work.
  • WhatsApp Business Platform: Integrating WhatsApp with your existing systems via API allows you to offer secure interactions, scale engagement and create unique journeys on the world’s most popular chat app.
  • RCS: Integrating RCS with your existing systems via API allows you to engage with customers through branded, rich, conversational messaging.
  • Voice: Integrating voice allows you to embed and customize voice calls and capabilities across applications and easily connect two phone numbers to start a conversation using a single API. 

Challenges to consider before switching to composable or headless

While switching to composable or headless architecture is an optimal choice for brands looking to go global, not everything is rosy. Here are some speed bumps you might hit:

  • Complex setup: Implementing a solution like this requires a tech-savvy team of developers to manage the complex integration and it can be tricky and time-consuming.
  • Performance hurdles: Optimizing performance across all components can be challenging, but providing a seamless user experience is essential. To ensure a fast and smooth communication between the front-end and back-end , your developers must be familiar with the latest techniques to build a highly performant system.
  • Security concerns: Protecting customer data across multiple systems can be very challenging. To do this efficiently, security measures must be taken to secure APIs against unauthorized access and prevent data breaches.

How Infobip delivers composable and headless solutions

Both headless and composable platforms offer unique advantages that can help you take your platform or solution to the next level. It’s all about finding the right technology partner fit for your business and making the most of the tools at your disposal.

Infobip delivers headless and composable solutions to help Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) optimize their operations, increase flexibility, enhance the customer experience, and lower operational costs.

Infobip x Spryker

A great example of how we work is our partnership with Spryker, a leading composable commerce platform for B2B Commerce, Enterprise Marketplaces, and Thing Commerce. Spryker partnered with Infobip to help their business customers optimize customer engagement, deliver more personalized shopping experiences, and drive revenue growth.

Through our partnership, Spryker can now provide Infobip’s CPaaS and Conversational Experience solutions to their customers across manufacturing, hardware distribution, and automotive industries faster and in a more personalized experience via their digital marketplace.

Watch the video below to learn about this partnership.

So, whether you’re looking to mix things up with a headless solution or piece together a customized solution with a composable platform, Infobip can support you.

Our Partner Connect Program offers quick go-to-market strategies, resources, certifications, CX consultancy, and training to help you extend your product capabilities and deliver conversational customer experience at scale.

Ready to optimize your platform?

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Jul 30th, 2024
7 min read
Senior Content Marketing Specialist

Razan Saleh

Senior Content Marketing Specialist