Chatbots vs. conversational AI: Exploring the differences

Discover the differences, benefits, and uses of chatbots and conversational AI to transform your business and enhance customer engagement.

Ana Rukavina

Imagine planning a vacation without Google Maps or booking a flight without the internet. Almost unthinkable, right? That’s how deeply technology has woven itself into our lives.

Reports show that 72% of organizations’ customer interactions are now digital, and businesses must adapt to this new reality or risk falling behind. Chatbots and conversational AI are rising to the occasion, ready to transform how businesses operate. Experts predict that by 2025, artificial intelligence (AI) will power 95% of interactions between brands and customers.

But what exactly are chatbots and conversational AI? How are they different? And which one is the right fit for your business? Find the answers in this blog.

Difference between chatbots and conversational AI

The lines between chatbots and conversational AI often blur. But, it’s important to understand the following:

Conversational AI is a broader technology with various applications, including enhancing chatbots.
When it comes to chatbots, there are two main types to consider—rule-based chatbots and conversational AI chatbots.
Rule-based chatbots guide users with a series of pre-set options to help them find what they need.
Conversational AI chatbots (intent-based) are designed to provide a more natural, human-like conversation.


Chatbots are like reliable employees who always follow the company handbook to the letter. They operate based on pre-defined rules and workflows triggered by specific user keywords or phrases.

Think of them as digital assistants with a set script. When you ask a chatbot a question, it scans your input for keywords and matches them to pre-programmed responses. This makes them highly effective for handling routine inquiries and providing quick answers, such as:  

  • “What are your business hours?”
  • “How can I track my order?”
  • “Can I reschedule my appointment?”

But, like that rule-following employees, traditional chatbots can get a little flustered when faced with something unexpected. They struggle with complex questions, nuanced language, and anything that deviates from their script.

Conversational AI

Conversational AI is the technology that makes software capable of understanding and responding to voice or text human conversation. It works using four main technologies:

Conversational artificial intelligence capabilities include:

  • Understand the meaning behind a user’s query, even if it’s phrased in different ways
  • Remembering past interactions and personalizing the conversation
  • Learning and improving over time based on user feedback and data

Conversational AI takes rule-based chatbots to a whole new level. It transforms them from simple rule-followers to intelligent conversationalists capable of engaging in more sophisticated and context-aware interactions.

chatbots vs. conversational AI

Rule-based chatbot (left) vs. conversational AI chatbot (right)

Chatbots vs. conversational AI: A head-to-head comparison

Let’s break down the key benefits of each technology so you can see where they truly shine.

Benefits of chatbots

  • 24/7 availability: Chatbots never sleep, ensuring your customers get the support they need whenever they need it. This round-the-clock availability enhances customer satisfaction and fosters loyalty.
  • Automating the routine: Chatbots can manage 80% of routine tasks. This frees your human agents to focus on more complex and value-adding activities.
  • Speedy responses: No one likes to wait. Rule-based chatbots deliver answers three times faster on average compared to traditional channels. Meaning that your customers get the information they need without delay.
  • Contact center optimization: Imagine automating nearly a third of your contact center tasks. Rule-based chatbots are making this a reality, allowing for better resource allocation and efficiency.
  • Driving conversions: In certain sectors, chatbots have achieved impressive conversion rates of up to 70%. This translates to more leads captured, more sales closed, and ultimately, increased revenue.
  • Boosting sales: Business leaders aren’t just seeing marginal gains. They’re reporting a remarkable 67% increase in sales attributed to chatbots. This underscores the significant impact these tools can have on your bottom line.
  • Resolving customer requests efficiently: A satisfied customer is a loyal customer. Statistics show that one third of consumers find chatbots very effective in resolving their queries, highlighting their ability to deliver positive experiences.
  • Time and cost savings: Time is money, and rule-based chatbots excel at saving both. 90% of companies using chatbots for customer service report saving up to 4 minutes per inquiry at just $0.70 per interaction.

Benefits of conversational AI chatbots

While chatbots offer efficiency and cost-effectiveness, conversational AI technology takes customer engagement to the next level.

  • Handling complex queries: NLU allows it to comprehend not just keywords but the true meaning behind a customer’s query. Conversational AI can tackle open-ended questions and provide relevant information even when the query is not straightforward.
  • Context awareness: Conversational artificial intelligence doesn’t just respond to individual messages; it understands the context of the entire conversation. The system can recognize patterns, remember past interactions, and use that information to provide more relevant and personalized suggestions.
  • Continuous learning: The more interactions conversational AI handles, the better it understands human language, recognizes intent, and provides accurate responses.

Use cases for chatbots vs conversational AI chatbots

Rule-based chatbots shine

  • You need to automate routine tasks and FAQs
  • You want to streamline lead generation and qualification
  • You’re looking for a cost-effective solution for simple customer service inquiries
  • Efficiency and consistency are top priorities

Conversational AI chatbots shine when:

  • You want to provide personalized and engaging customer experiences
  • You need to handle complex or nuanced inquiries
  • You’re looking to build strong customer relationships and foster loyalty
  • You require a virtual agent or concierge service
  • You want to gather in-depth customer feedback and insights

Limitations of chatbots

It can be frustrating to repeat your input multiple times when a chatbot doesn’t seem to grasp what you’re saying. Unfortunately, this is one of the common limitations of rule-based chatbot interactions. While efficient for specific tasks, chatbots can fall short in certain areas, impacting the overall user experience.

Irrelevant responses: Rule-based chatbots often miss the broader context of a conversation. This can lead to them providing irrelevant responses or asking repetitive questions.

Example: If a user asks, “Can I change my flight?” after previously inquiring about baggage fees. A chatbot might respond with information about baggage allowances instead of understanding the new request within the ongoing conversation.

Stuck in a loop: When faced with questions outside their pre-programmed knowledge base, rule-based chatbots can get trapped in a repetitive cycle of unhelpful answers. They cannot learn from new interactions or adapt to unexpected situations.

Example: The well-known “I can’t help you with that.” chatbot answers.

Surface-level support: Chatbots are adept at handling straightforward, frequently asked questions. However, they often struggle with complex queries that demand deeper understanding or involve multiple variables.

Example: A customer seeking technical troubleshooting for a software issue might find a chatbot’s pre-programmed solutions insufficient. Escalating to a human agent might cause delays in resolution when the customer wants quick help.

Chatbot limitations can prevent businesses from fully understanding customer needs and gathering valuable insights, leading to missed opportunities for improvement and innovation.

Limitations of conversational AI

While conversational AI offers a leap in sophistication and personalization, it’s not magic.

High data dependency: Conversational AI thrives on vast training data to understand language nuances, context, and user intent. Building a robust system requires extensive data collection and curation, which can be time-consuming and expensive.  

Example: A conversational AI solution deployed in a highly specialized field like biotechnology might require extensive training on domain-specific terminology and concepts. Gathering and curating this data can be challenging, leading to a longer development cycle and potentially increased costs.

Data bias: If not carefully monitored, conversational AI can perpetuate or even amplify biases over time through its interactions.

Example: A conversational AI loan assistant trained on biased historical lending data might unconsciously discriminate against certain racial or ethnic groups.

Data privacy and security: Conversational AI systems process vast amounts of user data, including personal information and sensitive conversations. This raises concerns about data security, privacy breaches, and potential misuse of information.

Example: A conversational AI healthcare chatbot storing sensitive patient information, such as medical history, might become a target for cyberattacks. If security measures are inadequate, a breach could expose this confidential data, leading to serious legal consequences.

Implementing chatbots and conversational AI in your business

Integrating chatbots or conversational AI into your business requires a strategic approach. Here’s a roadmap to ensure a successful implementation:

1. Define your goal

Clearly define what you want to achieve with technology.

Are you looking to improve the productivity of your customer service teams? Streamline lead generation? Automate internal processes? Or enhance the overall user experience?

Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the success of your implementation. These could include metrics such as customer satisfaction ratings, response times, conversion rates, or cost savings.

2. Choose the right platform

Consider factors such as:

  • the complexity of your use case
  • budget
  • scalability requirements
  • integration capabilities with your existing systems

3. Prepare your data

Collect and organize the data you’ll use to train your chatbot or conversational AI model. This could include customer interactions, FAQs, product information, or any other relevant data.

Cleanse your data to remove errors, inconsistencies, and irrelevant information.

4. Train and develop your solution

Your approach will vary depending on your choice.

For chatbots, define rules and workflows based on your use case and data. Then, design the conversational flow, mapping out different user scenarios and corresponding chatbot responses.

For conversational AI solutions, you’ll need to train your NLP and machine learning models using your curated data. Test your conversational AI system to ensure it understands user queries, provides accurate responses, and delivers an outstanding experience.

5. Integrate with existing systems

Integrate your chatbot or conversational AI solution with your CRM, marketing automation platform, customer support software, and other relevant systems to create a unified customer experience.

6. Launch, monitor, and optimize

Launch your chatbot or conversational AI solution on your chosen platforms, ensuring it’s easily accessible to your customers.

Regularly refine your chatbot’s rules or retrain your conversational AI models based on insights and performance data.

Stay on top of the latest advancements in conversational technology and incorporate new features to enhance your solution.

As technology continues its rapid evolution, so will the capabilities of conversational AI and chatbots. Here’s what we expect in the future:

Voice and visuals: Conversational AI chatbots will increasingly incorporate voice and visual inputs, enabling more natural and intuitive interactions. Imagine chatting with an AI assistant using voice commands, gestures, or even facial expressions.

Adaptive responses: Imagine conversational AI systems tailoring their responses based not only on the user’s intent but also on their emotional state.

Augmented reality (AR): Integrating conversational AI with AR to overlay digital information and interactions onto the real world could enhance customer experiences in retail, education, and other fields.

Virtual reality (VR): AI-powered virtual assistants will guide users through immersive VR environments, providing support, information, and entertainment in virtual worlds.

Internet of Things (IoT): Think of connecting conversational AI with IoT devices to create smart homes, offices, and cities, enabling users to control and interact with their surroundings using natural language.

Fairness and bias mitigation: Ethical AI development will prioritize fairness and actively work to eliminate biases in algorithms and data, promoting equality and inclusivity.  

Human in the loop: Human oversight will remain crucial in ensuring AI systems operate responsibly and ethically and address any unintended consequences or ethical dilemmas. 

The possibilities are endless, but one thing is sure: the future of customer engagement is conversational.

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Sep 19th, 2024
9 min read

Ana Rukavina

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