Alyasra Fashion: Building strong customer relationships through personalization

Alyasra Fashion is setting new customer satisfaction and convenience standards with its personalized approach. Learn how.

Ana Rukavina

Hospitality and personal connections are deeply integrated into MENA culture, making customer experiences a paramount factor in the region. Businesses operating here must prioritize creating exceptional customer experiences that reflect these values. Digital transformation has further heightened customer expectations, demanding seamless, high-quality, personalized experiences.

A McKinsey Digital Sentiment Survey across Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates revealed that consumers prioritize convenience, speed, reliability, and personalization in their digital interactions. To thrive in this dynamic market, businesses must develop winning strategies that align with these growing needs. Ultimately, delivering exceptional customer experiences is crucial for fostering loyalty, satisfaction, and retention.

To better understand how brands can navigate these trends, we spoke to El Hussein Mohamed, Head of CRM at Alyasra Fashion. Watch the video or read on to discover how brands can deliver omnichannel customer experiences.

What do customers expect

Omnichannel support

Data shows that 74% of customers have used multiple channels to begin and complete a transaction. This means the customer’s journey is no longer confined to a single channel. Negative or positive experiences, whether in-store, online, mobile, or over the phone, are interconnected and should be viewed as a unified experience. While these interactions may occur across different platforms, each touchpoint contributes to the overall customer perception of a brand.

Additionally, 56% of customers say they often have to repeat or re-explain information to different representations. Customers demand to be met where they are, expecting quick and consistent responses across various platforms. The challenge lies in maintaining this consistency while providing a personalized experience that caters to individual needs.

Omnichannel retailing is one of the key things that changed customer behavior regarding the customer experience and expectations. Omnichannel customer experience is taking us to the next level, which is unified commerce.

El Hussein Mohamed

Head of CRM, Alyasra Fashion

Avoiding message overload

Equally important is ensuring that each communication is tailored to the platform and the customer’s stage in their journey, providing value without redundancy. Bombarding customers with the same message repeatedly can lead to frustration and disengagement. Instead, it’s essential to adopt a strategic approach to communication, ensuring that each message is relevant, timely, and tailored to the specific channel.

By doing so, as Mohamed pointed out, businesses can maintain customer interest and enhance the overall experience, fostering a positive relationship built on trust and respect.

Infobip has made it so simple to communicate to customers through various channels in a simple way.

El Hussein Mohamed

Head of CRM, Alyasra Fashion

Continuous improvement and digital innovation

Salesforce confirms that 73% of customers expect better personalization as technology advances.  

The evolution of technology has been instrumental in addressing the challenges posed by varied customer expectations. Innovative solutions now focus more on customer needs than ever before, facilitating seamless interactions across multiple channels. For instance, their adoption of omnichannel customer service solutions allows them to respond to inquiries via email, WhatsApp, SMS, RCS, and other platforms, ensuring that the quality of service remains consistent regardless of the channel.

Integrating AI-powered chatbots has further enhanced their ability to serve customers efficiently.

AI can reduce the load on the customer service area and maintain the customer 24 hours.

El Hussein Mohamed

Head of CRM, Alyasra Fashion

However, as Mohamed pointed out, the balance between automation and human interaction remains crucial, as certain situations demand the empathy and understanding that only a human can provide.

Personalization: The key to customer loyalty

Customers no longer respond to generic marketing messages; they seek personalized interactions that cater to their unique preferences and needs. By utilizing data and advanced segmentation, you can tailor your marketing campaigns to specific customer segments, driving higher engagement and return on investment (ROI).

A notable example of this approach was their campaign targeting health-conscious customers in the Gulf region. Despite being a small segment of their customer base, the campaign promoting organic chicken products yielded a significant ROI.

The most important thing now is to move from mass marketing to personalization. That is the only way you can compete with the market.

El Hussein Mohamed

Head of CRM, Alyasra Fashion

The role of technology partner in driving omnichannel experiences

The role of technology partners, such as Infobip, has become crucial in driving omnichannel experiences by providing the expertise, tools, and platforms necessary for businesses to deliver seamless, integrated customer journeys across multiple channels.

As Mohamed pointed out, technology partners now have a deeper understanding of their position between partners and customers. They recognize what customers are truly looking for and prioritize these needs. This shift ensures that businesses can offer personalized and consistent experiences, whether customers interact through online platforms, mobile apps, or physical stores.

Technology partners can help businesses anticipate customer needs and preferences with advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

With a good platform, it’s important to have people to lead us through it and help us utilize every aspect of the platform.

El Hussein Mohamed

Head of CRM, Alyasra Fashion

The Infobip advantage

The right partner can help businesses tackle the problem of omnichannel support, integrate AI-powered solutions, and maintain consistent messaging—all crucial elements for enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. By combining advanced technologies and strategic insights, brands can stay ahead of the curve, adapting to changing customer behaviors and preferences with agility and precision.

Partnering with Infobip offers several benefits for driving omnichannel experiences:

  • Digital channels: We provide a suite of digital channels, including SMS, email, voice, chat apps, and social media, enabling seamless customer interactions across multiple platforms
  • Scalable solutions: Our cloud-based solutions are designed to scale with your business needs, offering easy integration and implementation through APIs
  • Hyper-personalized journeys: Our platform supports hyper-personalized customer journeys, helping businesses create connected and engaging experiences
  • Expert CX consultants: Our CX consultants are here to help you scale your engagement efforts on popular messaging channels and chat apps – all through a single conversational AI platform

We together see the opportunity, overcome the challenges, and improve the customer experience when utilizing the platform supported by the people inside it.

El Hussein Mohamed

Head of CRM, Alyasra Fashion

Create personalized and memorable experiences throughout the customer journey

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Sep 12th, 2024
5 min read

Ana Rukavina

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