TypeScript isn’t just JavaScript with types – and it has a lot of potential

Are you using TypeScript in your projects but feel like you’re just scratching the surface of its potential? You’re not alone!

Milena Radivojevic is a Global Developer Content Specialist at Infobip. At work, she writes, and in her spare time, she reads.

Milena Radivojevic

Milena Radivojevic is a Global Developer Content Specialist at Infobip. At work, she writes, and in her spare time, she reads.

It’s true: many developers are puzzled by some of TypeScript’s more advanced features and nuances. But here’s the exciting part: many are fired up and ready to dive deep into the incredible potential TypeScript has to offer!

That was one of the highlights of Mrina Sugosh‘s talk at this year’s Shift Conference in Zadar, and we jumped at the chance to have her spill some of her best TypeScript secrets with us.

What common misconceptions do you see among developers regarding TypeScript’s potential?

Mrina: A common misconception is that TypeScript is just “JavaScript with types.” Developers often overlook its advanced features like generics, union types, and type inference, which help build scalable, maintainable code.

Another misconception is that TypeScript is too rigid for smaller projects, whereas its gradual adoption model makes it flexible for any codebase size.

How does the satisfies keyword in TypeScript optimize code and become a game-changer for developers?

Mrina: The `satisfies` keyword ensures that an object conforms to a specific type without triggering excess property checks.

It allows developers to type-check parts of an object while still allowing additional fields, which is useful when handling APIs with extra data. This can optimize code by providing flexibility and precision in type validation without sacrificing type safety.

In what ways can TypeScript’s advanced features, like conditional types or mapped types, be leveraged to create more maintainable and scalable codebases?

Mrina: Conditional and mapped types allow developers to dynamically manipulate types, improving code reuse and flexibility. Conditional types help enforce type-based logic, while mapped types transform object structures.

These features reduce duplication and enable building modular, scalable codebases that adapt to complex data structures.

What’s the difference between scripting and compiled languages, and how does TypeScript bridge the gap?

Mrina: Scripting languages like JavaScript are interpreted at runtime, while compiled languages are converted to machine code before execution. TypeScript bridges this gap by offering static typing and compile-time checks, improving code reliability while retaining JavaScript’s flexibility. It enhances JavaScript with type safety, making it easier to scale and maintain large applications.

What are some of the key challenges developers face when transitioning from basic to more advanced TypeScript features, and how can they overcome these hurdles?

Mrina: Developers often struggle with understanding TypeScript’s type system, generics, and strict mode.

Overcoming these challenges requires incremental learning, starting with type annotations, practicing generics in simple examples, and gradually enabling stricter compiler options. Using community typings and custom type definitions can help when integrating third-party libraries.

Sep 23rd, 2024
3 min read
Milena Radivojevic is a Global Developer Content Specialist at Infobip. At work, she writes, and in her spare time, she reads.

Milena Radivojevic

Milena Radivojevic is a Global Developer Content Specialist at Infobip. At work, she writes, and in her spare time, she reads.