SAP Emarsys messaging

SAP Emarsys Automation messaging


WhatsApp RCS

The SAP Emarsys Automation messaging integration lets you connect SAP Emarsys with Infobip using either WhatsApp and RCS as communication channels.

For this integration, there is no installation required and no marketplace.

What you will need

To use this integration, you need:

  • SAP Emarsys instance and account
  • Infobip account and API keys with senders for WhatsApp or RCS

See Create an Account for more information on Infobip accounts.

API key scopes

When creating your API key, ensure you have the following API key scopes enabled:

Platform API key scopes


Channel API scopes

Add the scopes for the channels you need.


SAP Emarsys integration using Automation Programs

The available integration points inside SAP Emarsys are limited and so this integration uses Automation Programs by setting up and using a Webhook Node Preset and Block.

Automation Programs can be either:

  • Audience-focused (executed on a contact segment)
  • Behavior-focused (triggered by events)

The simplest program includes a target segment and a webhook node. Both elements are selectors for a predefined segment and Preset.

The following section describes how to configure the Webhook Node Presets.

Webhook node presets

Configure Webhook Node Presets

To configure the Presets, go to Automations → Webhook Node Presets.

You need to define the authentication, endpoint, and preset data attributes.

Create webhook node presets

Click Create Preset to define the attributes.

The following sections show the required configuration sections.

Configure preset appearance

It is recommended that you give your preset a name and you can choose an icon to that it is more recognizable.

Add a name in the Preset name. For example, use a unique and recognizable name, such as ib_whatsapp_my_test_template.

Select an preferred icon from Node icon so it’s easily spotted in the Automation program.

Webhook node presets appearance

Configure preset authentication

Specify the authentication method and credentials used to authenticate with Infobip.

  1. Add the relevant URL in API endpoint URL. The endpoint is channel-specific and defined as:<channelType>.
    • For WhatsApp, use
    • For RCS, use
  2. Select your chosen authentication method. For example, use HTTP basic authentication.
  3. For the username and password, use ib as your password and your Infobip API key. The required scopes for API key are channel-specific. See API key scopes.
Webhook node presets connection

Configure preset data

It is possible to define two types of data:

  • Contact data is dynamic data taken from a contact
  • Additional data are key-value pairs that can contain static value in the form of predefined value(s) or, if left empty, the value has to be entered during automation program setup

Some generic key-value pairs have to be defined. Depending on the data source, it has to be defined in its respective section.

When building the Preset, always have in mind whether the required data is static or taken from a contact. It is extremely important to follow the naming schema for fields. All fields not recognized by the application will be dropped, which might lead to your messages being rejected due to missing parameters.

The naming schema consists of a prefix (ib_) followed by either an attribute name or, for template parameters, the section identifier (header, body, btn) and the word param with a number indicating the index of that param (starts at 1) or required attribute. An example for a text header placeholder would be ib_header_param1 or for a media header, it would be ib_header_mediaUrl.

Webhook node presets data

Preset data reference

Generic data

ib_toOne of: Mobile Phone Phone (office) Any contact field where the contact number is storedContact data as it’s always dynamic
ib_fromPredefined value (or you can leave empty to define during program building)Additional data as this value is most likely static.

WhatsApp-specific data

NameValueRecommended section
Ib_templateNamePredefined Value With Template Name.Additional Data
Ib_templateLanguagePredefined Value With Template Language. If Not Defined, It Will Fallback To English(en).Additional Data

The following data depends on the template being used in the Preset.

NameValueRecommended section
ib_header_param1Text placeholder (if exists) in text header templates. If there are no placeholders in the text, you can omit this pair.Depends on whether it’s static or contact data.
ib_header_mediaUrlImage header media URL, also used in video and document headersMost likely static data, so should go to Additional data
ib_header_fileNameDocument header file name.Most likely static data, so should go to Additional data
ib_header_longitudeib_header_latitudeLatitude and longitude for WhatsApp location templates.Most likely static data, so should go to Additional data
ib_body_paramN (e.g. ib_body_param1)Template body placeholders. The ending of key name defines the placeholder it replaces. Add as many as there are placeholders in template body.Depends on whether it’s static or contact data.
ib_btn_paramN (e.g. ib_btn_param1)Template button placeholders. Buttons that should have params defined include: Quick Reply buttons URL buttons with a placeholder if the URL button doesn’t include a placeholder, it has to be omittedDepends on whether it’s static or contact data.

RCS specific data

NameValueRecommended section
ib_typeOne of: text, file, card to be implemented, carousel to be implemented, india_template to be implementedAdditional data

Text messages

NameValueRecommended section
ib_typeText you want to send to customers. Example with placeholders : Hello {{1}}, welcome to our promotion for {{2}}. Today we're giving away {{3}}% of discount on selected items.Additional data
ib_placeholder_NWhere N is index of placeholder defined in ib_textDepends whether it is static or contact data.

File messages

NameValueRecommended section
ib_fileUrlURL of the given resource. The following content types are supported: application/pdf, image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/gif, image/png, video/h263, video/m4v, video/mp4, video/mpeg, video/mpeg4, video/webm.Depends whether it is static or contact data, but most likely will be static data so into Additional data.
ib_thumbnailUrlURL of the file thumbnail.Depends whether it is static or contact data, but most likely will be static data so into Additional data.


NameValueRecommended section
ib_suggestion_N_typeWhere N is the index number of suggestion, starting at 1. One of: reply, open_url, dial_phone, show_location, request_location, create_calendar_eventAdditional data
NameValueRecommended section
ib_suggestion_N_postbackDataValue which is going to be sent as a reply to a suggestionAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_textSuggestion textAdditional data
Open URL
NameValueRecommended section
ib_suggestion_N_postbackDataValue which is going to be sent as a reply to a suggestionAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_urlURL that will be opened on mobile phone when the suggestion is selectedAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_textSuggestion textAdditional data
Dial phone
NameValueRecommended section
ib_suggestion_N_postbackDataValue which is going to be sent as a reply to a suggestionAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_phoneNumberValid phone numberAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_textSuggestion textAdditional data
Show location
NameValueRecommended section
ib_suggestion_N_postbackDataValue which is going to be sent as a reply to a suggestionAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_latitudeLatitude of the location.Additional data
ib_suggestion_N_longitudeLongitude of the location.Additional data
ib_suggestion_N_textSuggestion textAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_labelLabel of the locationOptional. Additional data
Request location
NameValueRecommended section
ib_suggestion_N_postbackDataValue which is going to be sent as a reply to a suggestionAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_textSuggestion textAdditional data
Create calendar event
NameValueRecommended section
ib_suggestion_N_postbackDataValue which is going to be sent as a reply to a suggestionAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_textSuggestion textAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_startTimeEvent start timeAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_endTimeEvent end timeAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_titleEvent titleAdditional data
ib_suggestion_N_descriptionEvent descriptionOptional. Additional data

Campaign tracking

Currently, there is no way to track campaigns other than through the Infobip web interface. For RCS, an additional parameter is available for improved filtering options. To use it, include ib_campaignReferenceId in the data section inside the Webhook Node Preset.

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