Release Notes


Last update July 10, 2024

What's newLearn more
BroadcastViber Business Messages: Introducing placeholder support in button URL field

MMS campaigns in Broadcast now feature SMS failover support
Metrics APISimplified sender type values and improved metric names
Conversations APIAPI endpoints update
ConversationsAI summary and Suggested replies (Closed Early Access)

Deep link in Conversations mobile app

Queues setting UX update
WhatsAppCloud Data Localization now available in UAE

Important notice: Hosted senders discontinuation

Flow templates are now available through API

Multi-product and catalog templates now available through API
Messages APICallback data is now available in the Seen report

New metric available - Campaign Reference ID

Message API is now deployed in the UK

URL shortening and tracking
MomentsWhatsApp and Voice channels are now available in Do not contact list elements in flows

New asynchronous waiting feature when adding contacts to the Do not contact list
PeopleUse the new standard attribute, Preferred language, to save the preferred language of the end user
MessagesYou can now manage all your Viber messages in the Messages section
EmailClient prioritization
Apps and IntegrationsCovision WeChat Connector

Salesforce Marketing Cloud messaging update
Number Activation StateNew Number Activation State Lookup API
EssentialsChannel selection for 2FA


Viber Business Messages: Introducing placeholder support in button URL field

The Viber content editor has been improved and now supports adding placeholders in the button URL field. This enhancement allows dynamic and personalized content creation, making Viber Business Messages more engaging and tailored to individual recipients.

MMS campaigns in Broadcast now feature SMS failover support

The reliability of MMS campaigns has been significantly enhanced with the introduction of SMS failover support. This feature ensures that message delivery is maintained even if the MMS fails by automatically switching to SMS. This redundancy guarantees that your communications reach their intended recipients, providing a secure and consistent messaging experience.

Metrics API

Simplified sender type values and improved metric names

We have updated and simplified the sender type values presented through the Metrics API to enhance clarity and provide more user-friendly information. This change improves the user experience by ensuring better understanding and usability.


  • More precise sender type values for easier comprehension
  • Improved customer trust and satisfaction with straightforward and relevant information

Previously, Metrics API included sender type values that were less straightforward and potentially confusing.

Now, the updated Metrics API presents simplified, user-friendly sender type values for better clarity.

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the clarity and usability of our Metrics API, we are making changes to the names of certain metrics. These updates aim to provide more precise descriptions of what each metric represents. Below are the details of the changes:

Renamed Metrics

Old metric nameNew metric name

For a transitional period of two months, both the old and new metric names will be supported to maintain backward compatibility. After the transitional period, only the new metric names will be available.

For further details, please refer to the product documentation.

Conversations API

New attribute in Conversations API endpoints

A new attribute has been added to the Get queues (opens in a new tab) and Get routing (opens in a new tab) API endpoints:

  • isPrivate

This attribute indicates if a certain queue is private or not.

Get messages API endpoint update

The Get messages (opens in a new tab) API endpoint has two new fields:

  • authorID - agentID/customerID
  • authorType - Agent/Bot/System/Customer

The authorID is the internal unique ID of the customer or agent based on the author type. The authorType indicates if the message has been written by the agent, bot, or the system (e.g., workflow automated messages, working hours, etc.)


AI summary and Suggested replies

Closed Early Access

This feature is released as Closed Early Access. Contact your account manager for more information.

The new Agent companion (Powered by GenAI) setting now offers two options to empower your agents:

  • AI summary
  • Suggested replies

By using AI in Conversations, you will provide your agents with more accurate information, decrease time spent on manual and repetitive tasks, streamline communication, and provide real-time guidance.

See Agent companion (Powered by GenAI) (opens in a new tab) to learn how to configure it and review the agent experience (opens in a new tab).

Start conversations using a deep link in the mobile app

You can now start conversations directly in the Conversations mobile app using a deep link (opens in a new tab).

Queues setting UX update

UX update for Queues - when you navigate to Conversations → Settings → General setup → Queues, you will see two new tabs:

  • Queues
  • Additional settings

In the Queues tab, you will find the existing queues with the option to edit them and create new ones. The Additional Settings tab allows you to configure senders, assignments, working hours, and more.


Cloud Data Localization now available in UAE

Cloud Data Localization is now supported in the UAE. This enhancement allows businesses operating in highly regulated industries, such as finance, healthcare, and government, to store and process their data within the UAE, ensuring compliance with local data protection regulations. This feature provides an extra layer of security by adding additional data management controls, such as data retention and placement policies, which ensure that message content is automatically deleted from "data in use" storage after 60 minutes and stored in-country for both incoming and outgoing messages.

Cloud Data Localization is currently available for the following regions/countries:

  • APAC: Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan, Australia
  • INDIA: India
  • LATAM: Brazil
  • EMEA: European Union, United Kingdom, Switzerland, South Africa, Bahrain, UAE
  • NAM: Canada

To find out more about Cloud Data Localization, contact our Support.

Important notice: Hosted senders discontinuation

There is an important change regarding our messaging services. Effective July 1, 2024, Meta has discontinued registration (opens in a new tab) of new senders as hosted senders. Going forward, all new senders must be registered exclusively as Cloud senders.

Key dates to remember:

  • July 1, 2024: Registration of new hosted senders will not be possible. All new senders must be registered as Cloud senders.
  • October 23, 2025: Complete discontinuation of hosted senders. Messages sent to or from business numbers still registered as hosted senders after this date will not be delivered.

We strongly recommend transitioning to Cloud senders well before the discontinuation date to ensure uninterrupted service if you currently use hosted senders. For assistance with migration, please contact our Support.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we transition to an improved messaging infrastructure. For further details or support, feel free to reach out to us.

Flow templates are now available through API

Flow templates are now available through the API. This new feature allows API customers to send Flow messages as templates, enabling more efficient customer engagement without needing an open session.

Key benefits:

  • Instant engagement: Send Flow messages immediately as a template without waiting for an open session with the customer.
  • Enhanced use cases: Streamline use cases such as product surveys. For example, suppose a customer purchases a product via WhatsApp and receives it two weeks later. In that case, businesses can send a Flow template message to gather feedback once the product has been used for a while.

This update aims to provide a more seamless and effective way for businesses to communicate with their customers, ultimately enhancing and valuing the overall customer experience.

Multi-product and catalog templates now available through API

Multi-product and catalog templates are now available through the WhatsApp API.

Key Features:

  • Direct product offers: Share product offers directly in the user's chat, eliminating the need for users to exit the WhatsApp conversation to make a purchase.
  • In-message browsing: Users can browse products and sections within the message, view product details, and manage their cart directly within the chat.
  • Seamless purchasing: Customers can add and remove products from their cart and submit their cart to place an order, all without leaving the chat.

This enhancement provides a more integrated and convenient shopping experience for users, allowing businesses to offer their products in a more interactive and user-friendly manner.

Messages API

Callback data is now available in the Seen report

The Message API has a significant update - the introduction of the callBackData parameter in the Seen report. This enhancement enables greater versatility and customization in tracking and analyzing messages.


  • Attach and track custom data: You can now include custom data within your messages, which will be reflected in Seen reports.
  • Enhanced versatility and customer satisfaction: This addition significantly increases the API's flexibility regarding specific tracking needs.
  • Comprehensive tracking: This update sets our API apart from competing solutions by offering monitoring and customization options not commonly available elsewhere. That unique value proposition can help you attract more satisfied customers.

For detailed implementation guidelines, see the API documentation (opens in a new tab).

New metric available - Campaign Reference ID

Campaign Reference ID is a new feature designed to streamline campaign management for our customers and offer deeper insights into their campaigns and communication strategies.

The Campaign Reference ID is a unique, user-defined identifier that customers can assign to each communication campaign within each API call at the message level. When provided, it can serve as a reference point for tracking, managing, and analyzing the performance of individual campaigns.

Key features:

  • User-defined identifier: Customers can assign a unique ID to each communication campaign.
  • API integration: The identifier must be included within individual API calls at the message level.
  • Comprehensive tracking: Server as a reference point for tracking and managing campaign performance.

For detailed implementation guidelines, see the API documentation (opens in a new tab).

Messages API is now deployed in the UK

The Messages API now supports localized deployment in the UK. Customers who prefer this option can request it for enhanced data localization and compliance.

URL shortening and tracking

Messages API now supports URL shortening and tracking. This option simplifies URL management and enhances tracking capabilities for our customers, providing a more streamlined and efficient experience.

Key features:

  • Shorten URLs: Clean up your messages with shorter URLs using the shortenUrl option.
  • Track clicks: Monitor click activity on sent URLs with the trackClicks option.
  • Custom tracking URL: Specify a custom trackingUrl for enhanced tracking.
  • Protocol removal: Remove the protocol from URLs using the removeProtocol option.
  • Custom domain: Use the customDomain option for branded shortened URLs.

The URL shortening and tracking feature integrates seamlessly with Messages API, offering a unified experience without needing third-party tools. Customizable URL shortening and tracking options provide customers with enhanced control and branding capabilities.

For detailed implementation guidelines, see the API documentation (opens in a new tab).


WhatsApp and Voice channels are now available in Do not contact list elements

You can now add or remove contacts from the Do not contact list for WhatsApp and Voice channels.

For more information about the Do not contact list feature in flows, refer to the Add or remove from Do not contact list documentation.

New asynchronous waiting feature when adding contacts to the Do not contact list

When you add a contact to the Do not contact list through a flow, the update attempt might fail. The asynchronous waiting feature makes it possible to retry the update for 24 hours after the first attempt. If the update is unsuccessful within these 24 hours, only then the person goes to the failed branch of the Add to Do not contact list element in the flow.

For more information about the Add to Do not contact list element, refer to the Add or remove from Do not contact list documentation.


New standard attribute, Preferred language, is now available

A new standard attribute, Preferred language, is now available in profiles. Use this attribute to save the preferred language of the end user. You can then use this attribute in other Infobip solutions.


  • In a flow, segment audience based on this attribute.
  • Show the correct language in a live chat.
  • Identify the language for a chatbot.
  • Use the preferred language when you analyze your audience.


You can now manage all your Viber messages in the Messages section

The Messages section in the Infobip web interface enables you to view, create, edit and delete all your messages in one place, even if the messages are not used in an active communication. You can now use the Messages section to manage your Viber messages.

For more information about using Messages, refer to the Messages documentation.


Client Prioritization

This release introduces a new Email API (opens in a new tab) field called clientPriority which adds a priority rating to an email message. Prioritization gives you the choice to set different priorities for the emails you submit to our platform. This prioritization system allows you to classify emails into three levels: HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW.

By being able to set a message prioritization, higher priority messages on your account are ranked as more important than messages with a lower priority value.

Without this prioritization, all messages are treated equally. This means that your urgent or critical messages may not receive immediate attention, leading to delayed responses. Such delays can negatively impact customer satisfaction, especially when timely resolution is crucial. Client prioritization gives you control over what constitutes a high-priority message and makes sure that it is flagged appropriately for prompt attention. It ensures that the prioritization aligns with your specific needs and expectations, leading to faster response times and more efficient communication workflows.

For more information, see Send fully-featured email (opens in a new tab) in the API reference.

Apps and Integrations

Covision WeChat Connector

The Covision WeChat Connector is a new integration that unlocks the vast potential of the WeChat ecosystem for your business. This new integration bridges the gap between one of the world's most popular social platforms and Infobip, a leading communication platform, ensuring your brand stays connected, engaged, and relevant.

The Covision WeChat Connector offers:

  • Bi-directional sync: Real-time synchronization between Infobip and WeChat, ensuring data consistency and accuracy
  • Flexible communication strategy: Interact with customers in WeChat through the Infobip chatbot platform or hand over to a live agent in Conversations

For more information, go to the Covision WeChat Connector (opens in a new tab) listing.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud messaging update

The Salesforce Marketing Cloud messaging app has been updated to include the following new features:

  • Support of two-way messaging
  • Custom placeholders for callback data

For more information, go to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud messaging (opens in a new tab) listing.

To view the documentation, see Salesforce Marketing Cloud messaging.

Number Activation State

The Number Activation State Lookup API is a new API that simplifies the process for retrieving number state information from our suppliers. It replaces the previous SFTP method.

Contact your Account Manager to request access.

For more information, see Number Activation State (opens in a new tab) in the API reference.


Channel selection for 2FA

You can now select your preferred two-factor authentication (2FA) channel. For more information, see Channel selection for 2FA to find out more.

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