Advanced analytics
Data types

Data types


This section describes the metrics that are available for custom insights and custom dashboards.

Metrics are numeric data that are calculated based on occurrences. Depending on the context in which we utilize the metric, its usage may alter. A certain metric can be used in combination with different attributes.

For example, the metric First Response Time can be observed at the level of the Conversation, and you can use it for the agent, as well as determine the performance of the Channel, Queue, Tag, or any other attribute it is in correlation with.

Metrics are organized into groups by related objects in the Insights editor. For example, the Agent Away (%) metric is located under the Agent folder.

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Metric information

To view a metric's information, in the Insights editor, hover over the question mark icon next to it.

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Alternatively, you may view information about a metric by hovering over the question mark icon next to it once you drag it to the Insights editor.

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Available metrics

The following table lists each metric's purpose as well as the formula used to calculate it.

TitleDescriptionFormulaRelated object
1 Message ConversationsThe number of conversations that have at least 1 agent reply.Select sum (select count(Conversation ID, Records of Conversation Fact) by Conversation ID where # Agent's Messages = 1)Conversation
2 Message ConversationsThe number of conversations that have 2 agent messages.Select sum (select count(Conversation ID, Records of Conversation Fact) by Conversation ID where # Agent's Messages = 2)Conversation
3 Message ConversationsThe number of conversations that have 3 agent messages.Select sum (select count(Conversation ID, Records of Conversation Fact) by Conversation ID where # Agent's Messages = 3)Conversation
4 Message ConversationsThe number of conversations that have 4 agent messages.Select sum (select count(Conversation ID, Records of Conversation Fact) by Conversation ID where # Agent's Messages = 4)Conversation
5 Message ConversationsThe number of conversations that have 5 agent messages.Select sum (select count(Conversation ID, Records of Conversation Fact) by Conversation ID where # Agent's Messages = 5)Conversation
6+ Message ConversationsThe number of conversations that have more than 6 agent messages.Select sum (select count(Conversation ID, Records of Conversation Fact) by Conversation ID where # Agent's Messages > 5)Conversation
Agent Away (%)The percentage of time the agent spent in the Away status.Select (Select SUM(Duration (Agent State)) where Status Group = Away) / (Select SUM(Duration (Agent State)))Agent
Agent Engaged RateThe ratio of time that an agent spent engaged versus the time they spent logged in.SELECT Total Engaged Time / Total Logged-In TimeAgent
Agent First Response Time (Last Status)The first response time of an agent. Adjusted metric to filter only the last conversation status.SELECT (SELECT Avg. Agent 1st Response Time by Conversation ID all other) * Last Status FlagAgent
Agent First Response TimeThe median first response time of an agent. Time measured from the first assignment till the first message from the same agent.SELECT LN(Avg. Agent 1st Response Time)Agent
Agent Handling TimeThe median agent handling time. Measured as the time of conversation closure minus the time when the conversation was assigned to its final agent (the agent who closed the conversation) for the first time.SELECT MEDIAN(Agent Handling Time) WHERE Agent Handling Time > 0Agent
Agent Occupancy (%)The percentage of time the agent spent in the Available and Busy status groups.SELECT (Select SUM(Duration (Agent State)) where Status Group IN (Available, Busy)) / (select sum(Duration (Agent State)))Agent
Agent Total Engaged TimeThe median time that the agent spent while engaged in a conversation.
(Engaged time is the time agents spend dealing with the customer.)
Select SUM(Duration (Agent State)) where Status Name in (Full capacity, Full capacity (mobile), In a call, Ringing, Under capacity, Under capacity (mobile), Wrapping)Agent
Agent Total Logged-In TimeMedian time that the agent spent logged in to the system.Select SUM(Duration (Agent State))Agent
Answer RatePercentage of calls that were answered.SELECT Calls Answered (Outbound) / Calls CreatedCalls
Assigned ConversationsThe number of conversations offered to an agent. Adjusted metric to also include agents with no conversations in the agent overview dashboard.SELECT ifnull(# Offered Conversations,0) + 0*# Agents in Conversations/ifnull(# Offered Conversations,0)Agent
Average Conversation Resolution TimeThe average resolution time per conversation.SELECT AVG(SELECT SUM (Resolution Time) BY Conversation ID)Conversation
Median Conversation SentimentThe median sentiment per conversation.SELECT MEDIAN(Last Sentiment) BY Records of Conversation FactConversation
Average Number of Agent's MessagesThe average number of an agent’s messages within a conversation.SELECT SUM(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Agent Messages by Conversation ID) by Records of Conversation Fact) by Conversation ID) / # ConversationsMessage
Average Number of Customer's MessagesThe average number of customer messages within a conversation.SELECT SUM(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Customer Messages by Conversation ID) by Records of Conversation Fact) by Conversation ID) / # ConversationsMessage
Average Number of MessagesThe average number of messages per conversation.SELECT ifnull(Avg. # Agent's Messages,0) + ifnull(Avg. # Customer's Messages,0)Message
Average Waiting Time per Hour BucketThe average waiting time per conversation grouped in one hour bucket. Only conversations created in the last 30 days are taken into account.SELECT AVG(SELECT SUM(Duration) BY Conversation ID,Start Time Hour WHERE Status in (WAITING) and Date (Created Date) >= THIS - 30)Conversation
Avg. Call Center Resolution TimeAverage time elapsed from conversation open to solved.SELECT AVG(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT SUM(Resolution Time) BY Conversation ID) BY Call ID) BY Conversation ID)Calls
Avg. Calls by AgentThe number of calls per agent. SELECT AVG(SELECT COUNT(Call ID,Records of Call Action) BY Agent Info)Calls
Avg. Dial TimeAverage time between call created and call answered.SELECT AVG(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Dial Time by Call ID) by Records of Call Action) by Main Call ID)Calls
Avg. Handle TimeAverage time of agent handling calls (including talk time, hold time and wrap-up time).SELECT Total Handle Time/(SELECT SUM(SELECT Number of Calls (conference) by Call ID WHERE Total Handle Time > 0))Calls
Avg. Hold TimeAverage duration of the call hold action.SELECT AVG(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Hold Time by Call ID) by Records of Call Action) by Call ID)Calls
Avg. Queue Abandon TimeAverage duration between call offered and call abandoned.SELECT AVG(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Queue Abandon Time by Call ID) by Records of Call Action) by Call ID)Calls
Avg. Talk TimeAverage time call connected to an agent up to disconnect (excludes all hold time).SELECT AVG(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Talk Time by Call ID) by Records of Call Action) by Call ID)Calls
Avg. Wait TimeAverage time between call offered and call answered.SELECT AVG(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Wait Time by Call ID) by Records of Call Action) by Call ID)Calls
Avg. Wrap Up TimeAverage time agent is in wrap-up status.SELECT AVG(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Wrap Up Time by Call ID) by Records of Call Action) by Call ID)Calls
Call Conversations with SLA PolicyConversations that have SLA policy applied to it, using calls as a channel.SELECT SUM(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT COUNT(Conversation ID) BY Call ID WHERE SLA Policy NOT IN ((empty value))) BY Records of Call Action) BY Conversation ID)Calls
Call Rang to AgentNumber of calls reached matched agent, where call ring on agent side.SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_RINGINGCalls
Callback Success RatePercentage of callback requests which are handled successfully (call esablished between agent and end-user).SELECT Number of Connected Callbacks / Number of Requested CallbacksCalls
Calls AbandonedNumber of calls disconnected at any point before being connected to an agent.SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Abandon Flag = tCalls
Calls Answered (Inbound)Number of inbound calls that were picked up (answered) by an agent.SELECT COUNT(Main Call ID) WHERE Call Action = CALL_ESTABLISHED AND Participant Type = AGENT AND Call Direction = INBOUNDCalls
Calls Answered (Outbound)Number of outbound calls that were picked up (answered) by the customer.SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_ESTABLISHED AND Participant Type = CUSTOMER AND Call Direction = OUTBOUND AND Conference Type = INITIALCalls
Calls Conversations Over SLA BreachNumber of conversations that breached service-level agreement (using calls as a channel).SELECT Call Conversations with SLA Policy WHERE Conversation SLA Metric Breached IN (TOTAL_RESOLUTION)Calls
Calls Conversations Under SLA BreachNumber of conversations that fulfilled service-level agreement (using calls as a channel).SELECT Call Conversations with SLA Policy - Calls Conversations Over SLA BreachCalls
Calls Created

Number of calls that reached the platform.
Created Calls = Anwered Calls + Missed Calls + Dropped Calls (before answer)

SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_CREATEDCalls
Calls Dropped (before answer)Number of calls with abnormal disconnect (operator error, application error or insufficient funds). Error occured before agent answered the call (call is terminated).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_DROPPEDCalls
Calls Dropped (after answer)Number of calls with abnormal disconnect (operator error, application error or insufficient funds). Error occured after agent answered the call (call is terminated).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_DROPPEDCalls
Calls Expired

Number of calls that were disconnected because of a timeout.
The maximum wait time has passed and the call was terminated.

SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_EXPIREDCalls
Calls Ignored

Number of calls where agent declined a call or ring time period expired on agent side (call is not terminated, but forwarded to next available agent).
Calls Ignored = Calls Rejected + Calls Unanswered

SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_REJECTEDCalls
Calls MissedNumber of calls that haven’t had any answer - e.g. waiting strategy time limit reached, no agent answered, callback requested, outside of working hours, auto assignment disabled, etc. (call is terminated).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action IN (CALL_EXPIRED, CALL_ABANDONEDCalls
Calls OfferedNumber of calls that entered the call center routing strategy. We are counting all calls that are inside working hours with auto assignment enabled.SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_OFFEREDCalls
Calls RejectedNumber of calls that agents rejected by clicking on the Reject button (call is not terminated, but forwarded to next available agent).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_REJECTED and Hangup Reason = REJECTEDCalls
Calls SLA Achievement RatePercentage of calls resolved under service-level agreement.SELECT (Call Conversations with SLA Policy - Calls Conversations Over SLA Breach) / Call Conversations with SLA PolicyCalls
Calls UnansweredNumber of calls where ring time period expired on agent side (call is not terminated, but forwarded to next available agent).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_REJECTED and Hangup Reason IN (REQUEST_TIMEOUT, BUSY)Calls
Conversation CSAT Score (%)The CSAT score of conversations.SELECT (SELECT COUNT(Conversation ID,Records of Conversation Fact) WHERE CSAT Score = (deleted value))/(SELECT COUNT(Conversation ID,Records of Conversation Fact) WHERE CSAT Score IN ((deleted value),(deleted value)))Conversation CSAT
Conversation Resolution Time (Last Status)The total resolution time per conversation. Metric is adjusted to filter only the last conversation status.SELECT (SELECT SUM(Resolution Time) by Conversation ID all other) * Last Status FlagConversation
Conversation Survey SentThe number of sent surveys.SELECT COUNT(Conversation ID,Records of Conversation Fact) WHERE Survey Sent Flag = (deleted value)Conversation
Conversations with Agent MessageThe total number of conversations that have at least one agent sum (select count(Conversation ID, Records of Conversation Fact) by Conversation ID where # Agent's Messages > 0)Conversation
Conversations with SLA BreachThe number of conversations with at least one SLA Breach event.SELECT Number of Conversations WHERE (SLA - First Response Time Breached > 0 or SLA - Next Response Time Breached > 0 or SLA - Resolution Time Breached > 0) AND SLA Policy <> (empty value)Conversation SLA
Conversations with SLA Next Reply Time BreachThe number of conversations with at least one SLA Next Reply Time Breach event.SELECT COUNT(Conversation ID,Records of Conversation Fact) where SLA - Next Response Time Breached > 0Conversation SLA
First Response Time (Last Status)The first response time per conversation. Metric is adjusted to filter only the last conversation status.SELECT (SELECT 1st Response Time by Conversation ID all other) * Last Status FlagConversation
First Response TimeThe median time from the conversation being created until the first message sent by any agent.SELECT MEDIAN(SELECT Total First Response Time BY Conversation ID WHERE First Response Time > 0)Conversation
Hold per CallNumber of call hold action used over all calls.SELECT Number of Holds / Number of Calls (main call)Calls
Hold RatePercentage of call hold action used over number of all calls.SELECT Number of Calls on Hold / Number of Calls (conference)Calls
Median Conversation First Resolution TimeThe median first resolution time per conversation.SELECT MEDIAN(SELECT SUM(First Resolution Time) BY Conversation ID)Conversation
Median Conversation Resolution TimeThe median resolution time per conversation. Measured as the time elapsed from the conversation being created until its status changed to SOLVED or CLOSED for the last time.SELECT MEDIAN(SELECT SUM(Resolution Time) BY Conversation ID)Conversation
Median Time to AssignmentThe median time to assignment per conversation. Measured as the time elapsed from the conversation being routed to any queue for the first time until it is assigned to an agent for the first time.
Note: If the conversation is handled by a bot, and taken over by an agent - it will have 0 as time to assignment.
SELECT MEDIAN(SELECT SUM(Time to Assignment) BY Conversation ID) WHERE Time to Assignment > 0Conversation
Median Total Handling TimeThe median total handling time per conversation. Measured as the time of conversation closure minus the time when the conversation was assigned to an agent for the first time.SELECT MEDIAN(SELECT SUM(Total Handling Time) BY Conversation ID)Conversation
Median Time from Last Message to ClosedThe median time elapsed from the last message to the conversation closure. Measured as the time of conversation closure minus the time when the last message was sent within the conversation (including both agent and customer messages).SELECT MEDIAN(SELECT SUM(Last Message to Close Time) BY Conversation IDConversation
Number of Agent Messages per Conversation (Last Status)The number of messages sent by the agent. Adjusted metric to filter only the last conversation status.SELECT # Agent's Messages * Last Status FlagMessage
Number of Agent Messages per ConversationThe number of messages sent by an agent per conversation.SELECT SUM(Agent Messages) BY Conversation ID ALL OTHERMessage
Number of Agents Assigned to ConversationThe number of agents assigned to a conversation.SELECT COUNT(Agent,Records of Conversation Fact)Conversation
Number of Agents per Agent QueueThe number of agents that were assigned to a certain queue, could be used to analyze the presence of the agents in a certain queue per hour (1 Hour Time Window).SELECT COUNT(Agent Info,Records of Agent Status Fact)Agent
Number of Answered ConversationsThe total number of conversations that have at least 1 agent message.SELECT # Conversations WHERE # Agent's Messages > 0Conversation
Number of Assigned ConversationsThe number of conversations that were offered to an agent.SELECT ifnull(# Solved Conversations,0) + ifnull(# Unhandled Conversations,0)Conversation
Number of CallbacksNumber of calls initiated by callback request.SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Callback Flag = tCalls
Number of Calls (conference)Number of unique conference_id.SELECT COUNT(Call ID,Records of Call Action)Calls
Number of Calls (main call)Total number of calls.SELECT COUNT(Main Call ID)Calls
Number of Calls on HoldNumber of calls with hold action used.SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_HOLDCalls
Number of Closed ConversationsThe number of conversations that were closed in the selected period.SELECT # Conversations WHERE (SELECT MAX(Conversation State) BY Conversation ID, Status ALL OTHER) = (SELECT MAX(Conversation State) BY Conversation ID, Status ALL OTHER WHERE Status IN (CLOSED, SOLVED))Conversation
Number of Connected CallbacksNumber of callbacks that were successfully established.SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Callback Flag = t AND Call Action = CALL_ESTABLISHEDCalls
Number of Conversation Transfers (Last Status)The number of assignee changes per conversation. Adjusted metric to filter only the last conversation status.SELECT # Conversation Transfers * Last Status FlagConversation
Number of Conversation TransfersThe number of assignee changes per conversation.SELECT SUM(Assigne Change) BY Conversation ID ALL OTHERConversation
Number of Conversations - End of DayAt the end of each day, the conversations are counted and grouped by statuses.
Use this metric to display them per day and group by status.
select count(Conversation ID, Records of Conversation Fact) by Date (Start Date) where Start Time HH:MM = 23:45 and Status <> CLOSEDConversation
Number of Conversations Transferred from QueueThe number of conversations that were transferred from a certain queue.SELECT SUM(Queue Flow Out Flag) BY Queue ALL OTHERQueue
Number of Conversations Transferred to QueueThe number of conversations that were transferred into a certain queue.SELECT SUM(Queue Flow In Flag) BY Queue ALL OTHERQueue
Number of ConversationsThe total number of conversations.SELECT COUNT(Conversation ID,Records of Conversation Fact)Conversation
Number of Created ConversationsThe number of conversations created in the selected period.SELECT # Conversations WHERE Conversation State = 1Conversation
Number of Failed CallbacksNumber of callbacks that were not successfully established.SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_CALLBACK_FAILEDCalls
Number of HoldsNumber of hold actions.SELECT CEILING((SELECT SUM(SELECT COUNT(Action Order) BY Call ID WHERE Call Action = CALL_HOLD) BY Records of Call Action)/2)Calls
Number of NotesThe number notes (private messages) within the conversation.SELECT SUM(Private Messages)Message
Number of Requested CallbacksNumber of callbacks that were requested.SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Hangup Reason = CALLBACK_REQUESTEDCalls
Number of Served CustomersThe number of customers served by an agent.SELECT COUNT(Customer)Customer
Number of Solved ConversationsThe number of conversations that were marked as solved or closed in the selected period of time.SELECT # Conversations WHERE (SELECT MAX(Conversation State) BY Conversation ID, Status ALL OTHER) = (SELECT MAX(Conversation State) BY Conversation ID, Status ALL OTHER WHERE Status IN (CLOSED, SOLVED))Conversation
Number of Transferred CallsNumber of calls that were transferred to any destination (agent, external number, queue).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_ATTEMPTED_TRANSFERCalls
Number of Unhandled ConversationsThe number of conversations that were assigned to an agent and were not solved or closed in selected period.SELECT # Conversations where Agent <> Unknown Agent and (SELECT MAX(Conversation State) BY Conversation ID ALL OTHER) = (SELECT MAX(Conversation State) BY Conversation ID, Status ALL OTHER WHERE Status IN (OPEN, (deleted value), WAITING))Conversation
Outbound Abandon RatePercentage of abandoned calls (used for outbound calls only).SELECT Calls Abandoned / Number of Calls (conference)Calls
Percentage of 1 Message ConversationsThe number of conversations that have 1 agent message.SELECT 1 Touch Tickets / All Touched TicketsConversation
Queue Abandon RatePercentage of calls abandoned in queue, excl. calls from queue short abandon (used for inbound calls only).SELECT Queue Abandon / (Calls Offered - Queue Short Abandon)Calls
Queue AbandonNumber of calls disconnected at any point before being connected to an agent, excl. calls from queue short abandon (used for inbound calls only).SELECT Calls Abandoned - Queue Short AbandonCalls
Queue Short AbandonNumber of calls disconnected in less than 7 seconds (used for inbound calls only).SELECT SUM(SELECT Number of Calls (conference) by Call ID WHERE Total Queue Abandon Time < 7)Calls
SLA - Count of First Response Time BreachThe number of conversations that have breached their First Response Time SLA.SELECT COUNT(Conversation ID,Records of Conversation Fact) where SLA - First Response Time Breached > 0Conversation SLA
SLA - Count of Next Reply Time BreachThe number of SLA Next Reply Time Breaches events.SELECT SUM(SLA - Next Response Time Breached) where SLA - Next Response Time Breached > 0Conversation SLA
SLA - Count of Resolution Time BreachThe number of conversations that have breached their Total Resolution Time SLA.SELECT COUNT(Conversation ID,Records of Conversation Fact) where SLA - Resolution Time Breached > 0Conversation SLA
SLA Achievement Rate - First Response TimeThe percentage of the conversations that have met their Service Level Agreement for First Response Time.SELECT ((SELECT Number of Conversations WHERE SLA Policy <> (empty value)) - IFNULL(SLA - Count of First Response Time Breach,0)) / (SELECT Number of Conversations WHERE SLA Policy <> (empty value))Conversation SLA
SLA Achievement Rate - Next Reply TimeThe percentage of the conversations that have met their Service Level Agreement for Next Reply Time.SELECT ((SELECT Number of Conversations WHERE SLA Policy <> (empty value)) - IFNULL(Conversations with SLA Next Reply Time Breach,0)) / (SELECT Number of Conversations WHERE SLA Policy <> (empty value))Conversation SLA
SLA Achievement Rate - Resolution TimeThe percentage of the conversations that have met their Service Level Agreement for Resolution Time.SELECT ((SELECT Number of Conversations WHERE SLA Policy <> (empty value)) - IFNULL(SLA - Count of Resolution Time Breach,0)) / (SELECT Number of Conversations WHERE SLA Policy <> (empty value))Conversation SLA
SLA Achievement RateThe percentage of the conversations that have met their Service Level Agreement.SELECT ((SELECT # Conversations WHERE Policy <> (empty value)) - # Conversations with SLA Breach) / (SELECT # Conversations WHERE Policy <> (empty value))Conversation SLA
SLA BreachesThe total number of SLA breaches.SELECT IFNULL(# SLA - First Response Time Breach,0) +IFNULL(# SLA - Next Response Time Breach,0)+ IFNULL(# SLA - Resolution Time Breach,0)Conversation SLA
Time Spent in StatusThe total duration of the time an agent spent in a status.
Use in combination with Status Name and Agent attributes to see the distribution.
SELECT SUM(Duration (Agent State))Agent
Total Agent's MessagesThe total number of an agent’s messages per conversation.SELECT SUM(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Agent Messages by Conversation ID) by Records of Conversation Fact) by Conversation ID)Message
Total Call Center Resolution TimeTotal time elapsed from conversation open to solved.SELECT SUM(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT SUM(Resolution Time) BY Conversation ID) BY Call ID) BY Conversation ID)Calls
Total Customer's MessagesThe total number of customer messages per conversation.SELECT SUM(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Customer Messages by Conversation ID) by Records of Conversation Fact) by Conversation ID)Message
Total Dial TimeTotal time between call created and call answered.SELECT SUM(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Dial Time by Call ID) by Records of Call Action) by Main Call ID)Calls
Total First Response TimeThe total first response time per conversation,SELECT SUM(First Response Time) by Conversation IDConversation
Total Handle TimeTotal time of agent handling calls (including talk time, hold time and wrap-up time).SELECT IFNULL(Total Talk Time,0) + IFNULL(Total Wrap Up Time,0) + IFNULL(Total Hold Time,0)Calls
Total Hold TimeTotal time customer was on holds.SELECT SUM(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Hold Time by Call ID) by Records of Call Action) by Call ID)Calls
Total Messages InboundThe total number of inbound (customer) messages.SELECT Total Messages where Direction=INBOUNDMessage
Total Messages OutboundThe total number of outbound messages.SELECT Total Messages where Direction=OUTBOUNDMessage
Total MessagesThe total number of messages.SELECT SUM(Message Count)Message
Total Queue Abandon TimeTotal time of waiting for calls disconnected at any point before being connected to an agent.SELECT SUM(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Queue Abandon Time by Call ID) by Records of Call Action) by Call ID)Calls
Total Talk TimeTotal time call connected to an agent up to disconnect (excludes all hold time).SELECT SUM(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Talk Time by Call ID) by Records of Call Action) by Call ID)Calls
Total Wait TimeTotal time between call offered and call answered.SELECT SUM(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Wait Time by Call ID) by Records of Call Action) by Call ID)Calls
Total Wrap Up TimeTotal time agent is in wrap-up status.SELECT SUM(SELECT MIN(SELECT MIN(SELECT Wrap Up Time by Call ID) by Records of Call Action) by Call ID)Calls
Transfer RatePercentage of calls that were transferred.SELECT Number of Transferred Calls / Number of Calls (conference)Calls
Transferred Calls AnsweredNumber of inbound calls that were picked up (answered) by an agent.SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_ESTABLISHED AND Participant Type = AGENT AND Conference Type = TRANSFERREDCalls
Transferred Calls Rang to AgentNumber of calls reached matched agent, where call ring on agent side.SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_RINGING AND Conference Type = TRANSFERREDCalls
Transferred Calls Dropped (after answer)Number of calls with abnormal disconnect (operator error, application error or insufficient funds). Error occured after agent answered the call (call is terminated).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Conference Drop Type = DROPPED AFTER ANSWER AND Conference Type = TRANSFERREDCalls
Transferred Calls Dropped (before answer)Number of calls with abnormal disconnect (operator error, application error or insufficient funds). Error occured before agent answered the call (call is terminated).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Conference Drop Type = DROPPED BEFORE ANSWER AND Conference Type = TRANSFERREDCalls
Transferred Calls ExpiredNumber of calls that were disconnected because of a timeout.
The maximum wait time has passed and the call was terminated.
SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_EXPIRED AND Conference Type = TRANSFERREDCalls
Transferred Calls Ignored (Inbound)Number of calls where agent declined a call or ring time period expired on agent side (call is not terminated, but forwarded to next available agent).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_REJECTED AND Conference Type = TRANSFERRED AND Call Direction = INBOUNDCalls
Transferred Calls Ignored (Outbound)Number of transferred calls where agent declined a call or ring time period expired on agent side (call is not terminated, but forwarded to next available agent).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_DROPPED AND Hangup Reason IN (BUSY, REJECTED, REQUEST_TIMEOUT) AND Conference Type = TRANSFERRED AND Call Direction = OUTBOUNDCalls
Transferred Calls Missed (Inbound)Number of transferred calls that haven’t had any answer - e.g. waiting strategy time limit reached, no agent answered, callback requested, outside of working hours, auto assignment disabled, etc. (call is terminated).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE (Call Action IN (CALL_EXPIRED,CALL_ABANDONED) OR (Call Action = CALL_DROPPED AND Hangup Reason = AUTO_ASSIGNMENT_DISABLED)) AND Conference Type = TRANSFERRED AND Call Direction = INBOUNDCalls
Transferred Calls Missed (Outbound)Number of transferred calls that haven’t had any answer - e.g. waiting strategy time limit reached, no agent answered, callback requested, outside of working hours, auto assignment disabled, etc. (call is terminated).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_DROPPED AND Hangup Reason IN (NORMAL, NO_ANSWER, CANCELLED, (deleted value), CALLBACK_REQUESTED, WAITING_STRATEGY_EXCEEDED, AUTO_ASSIGNMENT_DISABLED) AND Conference Type = TRANSFERRED AND Call Direction = OUTBOUNDCalls
Transferred Calls RejectedNumber of calls that agents rejected by clicking on the Reject button (call is not terminated, but forwarded to next available agent).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_REJECTED AND Hangup Reason IN (REJECTED) AND Conference Type = TRANSFERRED  Calls
Transferred Calls UnansweredNumber of calls where ring time period expired on agent side (call is not terminated, but forwarded to next available agent).SELECT Number of Calls (conference) WHERE Call Action = CALL_REJECTED AND Hangup Reason IN (REQUEST_TIMEOUT, BUSY) AND Conference Type = TRANSFERREDCalls


The key characteristics of the platform's main items are described by their attributes. They have an essential function in data analytics and are used to improve decision-making, optimize processes and identify trends.

Attributes are organized into groups by related objects in the Insights editor. For example, the Agent Info attribute is located under the Agent folder.

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Attribute information

To see an attribute's information, in the Insights editor, hover over the question mark icon next to it.

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Alternatively, you may view information about an attribute by hovering over the question mark icon next to it once you drag it to the Insights editor.

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Available attributes

The following table provides each attribute's purpose for custom insights and custom dashboards.

TitleDescriptionRelated object
1 Hour Time WindowA 1-hour time window that can be used for analysis of certain objects. Example: Track agent status changes in a 1-hour time window during the day.Time Dimension
15 Minute Time WindowA 15-minute time window that can be used for analysis of certain objects. Example: Track agent status changes in a 15-minute time window during the day.Time Dimension
Abandon FlagFlag showing whether a call was abandoned or not.Calls
Action OrderThe order of call actions per conference_id.Calls
Agent InfoAgent name or unique ID.Agent
Agent QueueThe queues each agent was receiving conversations in. Show either queue name or queue ID.Agent
Agent RoleThe role of an agent.Agent
Agent Status GroupGrouping of agent statuses (Available, Busy, Away, Unavailable).Agent
Agent Status IDID of a specific agent status.Agent
Agent Status NameAgent status with both predefined and custom statuses.Agent
Call ActionThis attribute represents all actions that can happen during a call. For example: CALL_CREATED, CALL_RINGING, CALL_ATTEMPTED_TRANSFER, etc.).Calls
Call DirectionDirection of a call between agent and customer. Can be INBOUND or OUTBOUND.Calls
Call IDUnique identifier of each call.Calls
Call QueueUnique identifier of a queue that a call was routed to.Calls
Call TypeType of a call protocol. Can be PSTN or WEBRTC.Calls
Callback FlagIndicator whether the call is a part of a callback.Calls
Channel NameThe name of the communication channel.Channel
Channel CategoryThe category of channel. Each channel fits into one channel category based on the synchronicity of the channel.Channel
Conference IDUnique identifier of each conference.Calls
Conversation Closed Time (HH)The exact hour when the conversation was closed. If the conversation was closed on February 14 at 17:10, the value of this would be 17.Conversation
Conversation Closed Time (HH:MM)Timestamp of the closure of the conversation. If the conversation was closed on February 14 at 17:10, the value of this would be 17:15.Conversation
Conversation Created Time (HH)Timestamp of the start of the conversation. If the conversation started on February 14 at 17:10, the value of this would be 17.Conversation
Conversation Created Time (HH:MM)Timestamp of the start of the conversation. If the conversation started on February 14 at 17:10, the value of this would be 17:10.Conversation
Conversation CSAT CommentThe comment customer provided in the conversation survey.Conversation
Conversation CSAT ScoreThe score customer provided to the conversation survey.Conversation
Conversation FormThe form that was assigned to the conversation when it was closed.Conversation
Conversation IDThe unique conversation ID. Use this attribute in ROWS to see all the conversations listed by their ID. Use this attribute in METRICS to see the count of all conversations.Conversation
Conversation Initial PriorityThe initial priority assigned to the conversation when it was created.Conversation
Conversation Initial SentimentThe initial sentiment assigned to the conversation when it was created.Conversation
Conversation Last PriorityThe priority the conversation had when it was closed.Conversation
Conversation Last SentimentThe sentiment of the conversation when it was closed.Conversation
Conversation Last StatusThe most recent status of a conversation.Conversation
Conversation Last AgentThe most recent agent assigned to a conversation.Conversation
Conversation Last QueueThe most recent queue a conversation was routed to.Conversation
Conversation QueueAll the queues that a conversation was a part of in its life cycle.Conversation
Conversation SLA Metric breachedThe list of breached SLA timers. Each timer that gets breached will be listed here for a given conversation.Conversation SLA Metric Breached
Conversation SLA StrategyThe last SLA strategy that was applied to the conversation.Conversation
Conversation StatusThe status of the conversation.Conversation
Conversation Survey SentThe value that provides info about the survey being sent.Conversation
Conversation TagThe tags applied to the conversation.Conversation
Conversation TitleThe title of the conversation.Conversation
Conversation TopicThe topic of the conversation.Conversation
Customer InfoInformation about the customer. Includes ID, name, or stored value from People, the customer data platform.Customer
Customer's Company CountryThe country of origin for company.Customer
Customer's Company IndustryThe industry a company belongs to, based on their primary business activity.Customer
Customer's Company NameFull company name.Customer
Customer's Company RegionCompany region.Customer
Customer's Company SegmentCustomer's Company Segment.Customer
Dial TimeTime between call created and call answered.Calls
DurationDuration of a call action.Calls
External NumberExternal Number is a value that indicates to which external number call was transferred to. It is set only for purposes of transfer to external number.Calls
Hangup ReasonIndicates the reason that call was finished. Example values: NORMAL, NO_ANSWER, CANCELLED, etc.Calls
Hold TimeTime duration of the call hold action.Calls
IVR CampaignIVR Campaign ID is a value that indicates to which campaign call was transferred to. It is set only for the purposes of transfer to IVR.Calls
Main Call IDCustomer Call ID.Calls
Media TypeMedia type of a call. Can be AUDIO or VIDEO.Calls
Message DirectionThe direction of the message (inbound or outbound).Message
Participant TypeParticipant Type attempts to indicate which participant caused the action.Calls
Queue Abandon TimeTime of waiting for calls disconnected at any point before being connected to an agent.Calls
Records of Call Action Calls
SLA PolicyThe Service Level Agreement (SLA) policy applied to the conversation.Conversation SLA
Talk TimeTime call connected to an agent up to disconnect (excludes all hold time).Calls
Transfer TypeTransfer Type indicates which type of a transfer happened. Possible values are TRANSFER_TO_AGENT, TRANSFER_TO_QUEUE, TRANSFER_TO_EXTERNAL_NUMBER, TRANSFER_TO_IVR.Calls
Wait TimeTime between call offered and call answered.Calls
Wrap Up TimeTime agent is in wrap-up state.Calls

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