

Analytics provide supervisors with information and insight about their contact center by giving them an overview of their Queues, Channels, Conversations, and Tags agents using each conversation.

Also, these analytics show how agents are using their time (utilization) and the performance of each agent and contact center in general.


Dashboard offers a visual insight into your contact center performance. You can view the performance of all channels in one place and break it down by status, as well as choose the time you want to check.

Right Now

Right Now dashboard communicates the current state of the Conversations contact center. All important indicators are consolidated in one place giving you a clear picture of all current events in your contact center.

This dashboard gives you an overview of the currently ongoing conversations by showing important metrics and their distribution per status.

Also, here you will see displayed currently logged-in agents and their status distribution.

Some of these widgets offer drill-down options for supervisors to take immediate action if they notice that something is out of place, while the Performance per channel widget lists out the distribution of the current workload per active channel.


Data displayed on this page depends on the filters selected at the top. The key part here is the period filter.

If you select Right now, it shows ‘Live’ data representing the contact center's state at the selected moment. However, if you select any other period, the data will represent the throughput during that period.

You can filter the specific channels that you want to see analytics for. For example, you can select Social Media channels (opens in a new tab) and view analytics only for Facebook Posts (opens in a new tab), and Instagram Posts (opens in a new tab).

Breakdown by Conversations

This insight shows how many conversations are in each status with the ability to filter them by origin (inbound, outbound, or all).

Service-Level Agreement

If you have set up at least one SLA policy, the Analytics view will reflect this and show information regarding your SLAs.

This insight contains the following information:

  • First response time breach - The number of conversations that have breached the SLA of the First response time
  • Next reply time breach - The number of conversations that have breached the SLA of the Next response time
  • Total resolution time breach - The number of conversations that have breached the SLA of the Total resolution time

Calls summary

The Calls summary insight provides detailed information about call performance, including the total number of calls. It contains the following details:

  1. Missed calls - a group that summarizes calls that were not answered. It allows further drill down into the following details:
    • Expired - The number of calls that were disconnected due to timeout; the maximum wait time has passed and the call was terminated.
    • Abandoned - The number of calls that were abandoned by the customers; refers to calls where customers disconnected before being connected to an agent.
    • Dropped - The number of calls that were disconnected due to technical issues.
  2. Accepted - The total number of calls that all agents accepted in the selected period.
  3. Unanswered - The total number of calls assigned (offered) to the agents but agents did not answer.
  4. Rejected - The total number of calls that were rejected by all agents in the selected time. The call was assigned to the agent (and it was ringing) but they decided to reject it.

Waiting Time

Allows you to put yourself in your customer’s shoes and see how long they are waiting for your services.
Values that you can find here are as follows:

  • First response time - the time that takes an agent to respond to a conversation. Measured from the moment a conversation is created until the agent sends their first message.
  • Response time - median time that takes an agent to respond to all messages (the first message excluded).

Both of these values show minimum, maximum, and median values for each metric.

Previous Period - Historic Data

Whenever you select some specific period it shows information related to conversations entering that period, being processed within that period and exiting that period.

All Conversations Breakdown

The hero graph on top of the screen provides an overview of conversations that were handled by your agents in the selected period, with the ability to filter by inbound or outbound conversations.

  • Old - the number of conversations that were created before the start of the selected period but were active during that period
  • New - the number of conversations that were created within the selected period
  • Closed - the number of conversations that were closed within the selected period
  • Not Closed/Unsolved - the number of conversations that were active but not closed during the selected period

Total Resolution Time

Total Resolution Time for one conversation is defined as the time elapsed from the moment that conversation was created until its status has been changed to Solved for the last time. Basically, these metrics include chatbot, agent, and unassigned time.

Resolution Time

This metric ties into the Total Resolution Time, but it excludes the time that conversations spent on the chatbot. This metric is defined as the time between the chatbot transfer to the Conversations and the most recent change of conversation status to Solved or Closed. It includes agent time only.

The widget shows the median value for Total Resolution Time and Resolution Time of all closed conversations in the selected period and the number of conversations included in this scope.


If a chatbot did not participate in a conversation (only an agent did), that time will be counted in the Total Resolution Time.

Buckets are grouped into 3 parameters: minutes, hours, and days.

Each bucket (if you click on it) will directly transfer you to the All Work (opens in a new tab) panel that will display only those conversations that fit into the selected (clicked) bucket.


Check your agent utilization, their performance and breakdown by status so you have all info in one place and you can act accordingly where and when needed.

Agents Utilization

Track how much time your agents spend in the system and what they are doing exactly.

This page shows the utilization of your agents, it answers the question as to what status they spend their time in and how engaged and occupied they are.

At the top is the queue and time filter by which you can look at agents that are assigned to a certain queue and see the data for a specific period.

Learn more about agent statuses.

Average Breakdown by Statuses

Shows the median value of time spent in each status. Agents that are included are those that are assigned to the selected queue.
Statuses that are tracked:

  • Logged in time - median time that the agent spent logged in the system
  • Away - median time that the agent spent in any status of the away status group (yellow group)
  • Occupancy - median time that the agent spent in any busy or available status (red or green group)
  • Engaged time - median time that agents spent engaged with the customer.
    • The time that agent spent in the following statuses (Under capacity, Full capacity, Ringing, In a call or Wrapping)
  • Engaged rate - median percentage that agents spent engaged with the customer.
    • Calculated as a percentage of their engaged time in their logged in time for the selected period.

Status Distribution

Graphically shows the distribution of time spent in each status.

Statuses are grouped into 2 main groups:

  • Away - any status from Away group of statuses (yellow status)
  • Occupancy - any status from Available and Busy group of statuses (green and red) which shows that agents are either already working or ready to work on conversations

Utilization per Agent

List of agents that fulfill the selected filter, the metrics displayed in this list show the same data as the Average breakdown by the status widget with some additional data.

Agents Performance

Track the performance of your agents by overseeing the number of conversations that were assigned to them and how responsive they are while communicating with customers.

This page provides a performance overview for conversations that satisfy the filters that are configured.


This widget contains data about the general performances of your contact center. These numbers are calculated as median values of all agents (their personal metrics can be seen in the widget below).

The graph below offers a graphical representation of the selected metric where the distribution of the selected metric can be seen over the selected period.

Performance per Channel

The list of agents that contribute to the numbers in the Highlights widget. This widget displays the personal performance of each agent showing the number of closed conversations, median first response time and median handling time. Also, it shows the median sentiment of all conversations that they have been working on in the selected period.


Conversations Queues offers an insight into the performance of your queues, highlights of a particular queue you want to check, customer sentiment (if enabled on the account), customer satisfaction/feedback, etc.

Queues Overview

Check your queue performance using conversation metrics such as first response time or handling time.


Displays the median values for Closed conversations, First response time, Handling time (and sentiment if it is enabled for the account) for all queues visible in the widget below.

Queue Details

Shows all metrics related to conversations associated with a certain queue throughout a selected period. The performance metrics are calculated for closed conversations only.

Voice of the Customer

This dashboard offers an insight into customers’ feedback that they provide after conversation with an agent over surveys.

Overall feedback results are presented at the top and can be easily seen in two different widgets.

And the widget below offers the insight for each survey completed showing who completed the survey, which score they gave and the date when they were surveyed.

Additionally, there is an option to drill down to each user’s profile. User’s profile shows their overall satisfaction score, as well as the history of all surveys taken by the user.


Channels overview provides information about the performance of each channel enabled on the account.

If you select Right now as the period, it shows the distribution of currently ongoing conversations per their status for each channel.

If you select some other period, it shows how that channel was performing within that period; how many conversations were active during that period that were not created in it; the number of new conversations including that channel that were created in that period. And lastly, the number of conversations that were closed during that period.


The one place to check all tags that have been used in conversations and how each tag performs, as well as ranking of tags used.

Tags Overview

This page shows the usage of tags and performance of conversations containing some tags you have added to your conversations.

Tag Frequency

A sorted visualization list that displays which tag is used the most, and the number of conversations containing that tag.

Performance by Tag

Shows the performance for conversations that contain a specific tag.


These reports offer detailed information about various Conversations entities such as:

  • Conversations
  • Conversation transcript
    • Internal notes
  • Queues
  • Tags
  • Channels
  • Surveys
  • Agents:
    • Utilization
    • Performance
  • Agents status logs

You can get your report on the Reports page and send it automatically to your colleagues so that anyone with the link can download it. The link will be valid until the report expires.

One type of report offers information about conversations and their attributes in a given period.

The conversation report provides information about your conversations created in a given period and the state of their attributes in the present time.

To create a report, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to AnalyzeReportsCreate Report.

  2. Choose the Conversations report type. From there, you can choose different entities for your report, such as:

  3. Report content: Metrics, Channels and Services

  4. Recurrence and date range: One-time report, Recurring report, Started From, Started To

  5. Filters

  6. Options: File Format and Recipients

  7. Click Create Report.

Conversations - Create report


Conversations report provides detailed insight into each conversation that occurred in a defined period.

The report consists of the following fields:

Account IDUnique account ID.112233
Account NameThe name of the selected account.ACME Inc.
Conversation IDUnique conversation ID.658457CFBB27335CA16795F7E9BC57F1
Conversation TopicThe name of the conversation is automatically generated or changed by agents or supervisors.Talking with Jason White
Customer NameThe name of the customer in this conversation (applicable if the customer is added to People).Jason White
Customer ContactThe contact of the customer. Depends on the channel of the conversation.CHAT-de0eeaf6-411c-411f-9ea0-bdd5652e7f3f-1610461852
Agent NameThe agent's name is currently assigned to the conversation or was assigned to the conversation when the conversation was closed.Philip Lee
Agent UsernameThe username the agent used to log into the web interface.Plee04
Conversation StatusThe current status of the conversation.Open
Conversation PriorityThe current priority of the conversation.Normal
QueueThe current queue the conversation is in.Default Queue
Created AtThe date and the time when the conversation was created.6/4/2023 12:04
Year CreatedThe year when the conversation was created.2023
Month CreatedThe month when the conversation was created.03
Day of the Week CreatedThe day of the week when the conversation was created.Sunday
Hour CreatedThe hour when the conversation was created.09:33
Updated AtThe date and the time when the conversation was updated the last time.1/2/2023 06:22
Year UpdatedThe year when the conversation was updated.2023
Month UpdatedThe month when the conversation was updated.01
Day of the Week UpdatedThe day of the week when the conversation was updated.Sunday
Hour UpdatedThe hour when the conversation was updated.10:43
First Assigned to an Agent AtThe time when the conversation was assigned to the agent for the first time.1/2/2023 06:18
First Agent ResponseThe time when the agent sent the first message in the conversation.1/2/2023 06:19
Channel NameThe name of the channel used in this conversation.LIVE_CHAT
Total MessagesThe total number of messages sent within the conversation. Includes both private messages (notes) and public messages (sent to, and from the customer).20
Private Messages (notes)The number of private messages or notes sent within the conversation. They can be sent by agents, supervisors, or automations (notes are not visible to the customer).2
Public MessagesThe number of messages that were exchanged between the customer and the agent. Includes both inbound and outbound messages.18
Public Messages (Inbound)The number of messages that the customer sent.10
Public Messages (Outbound)The number of messages that agents, supervisors, or workflows sent.8
TagsThe list of tags applied to the conversation.VIP Customer, Forward
SummaryThe summary of the conversation written by the agents or the supervisor.'The client was asking about their delayed delivery. Scheduled a call later until we get some info from the delivery service.'
Wait TimeThe time elapsed from the moment the conversation was created until the agent sent the first message. Displays the time that the customer spent waiting for a response from the agent.1m 16s
Resolution TimeThe time elapsed from creating the conversation until the agent marks the conversation as solved for the last time. Available only for closed conversations.16m 22s
SentimentThe sentiment of the entire conversation. This evaluation only considers the messages that the customer sent (inbound messages).0.9
Survey ScoreThe score that the customer left as part of the survey.Happy
Survey CommentThe comment that the customer left along with the survey.'I really like how responsive this agent was while handling my issue.'
First response time SLA breach byRefers to the time for which a particular conversation has been breached. If the column is empty, it means the SLA has not been breached or it has not been counted for that conversation.2m 03s
Next reply time SLA breach byRefers to the time for which a particular conversation has been breached. If the column is empty, it means that the SLA has not been breached or it has not been counted for that conversation.43s
Total resolution time SLA breach byRefers to the time for which a particular conversation has been breached. If the column is empty, it means that the SLA has not been breached or it has not been counted for that conversation.23m 12s
DirectionDetermines the direction of the conversations. Can be inbound or outbound.Inbound
SendersThe list of senders that participated in the conversation grouped per channel.APPLE_MESSAGES_FOR_BUSINESS (477fc0c7-0d83-4c17-8a7b-77b35b134a58), SMS (46130861334)
Handed over atThe timestamp when the conversation assignment changed from bot to another value (e.g., "unassigned" or "Agent James"). If the event never occurred (conversation was never assigned to a bot), the timestamp will be empty (e.g. "-").2023/11/25 16:11:09or-

Conversation transcript

This is a special type of report in the form of a file that contains transcripts of all conversations that the selected agent handled.

To create a Conversation transcript report, click ConversationsConversation transcript in the Conversations Report Content section. In addition to the conversation transcript, you can also include the internal notes in the report by selecting the Include internal notes checkbox.

Conversations - Create conversation transcripts

If you opt for the One-time report option specifically for the Conversation transcript, you will see the following options:

  • Date as:
    • Active
    • Created at
  • Date range
    • Drop-down menu to choose custom time or a specified time range
  • Start time (date and time)
  • End time (date and time)
Conversations - Conversation transcript recurrence and date

If you choose the Active option to filter your report, it will reflect the timeframe during which the conversation was actively engaged, and it will include only messages from the selected period, not the entire conversation. The system considers that a conversation was active when the participants interacted with each other over a selected period, i.e., when the messages were sent by any entity (agent, user, bot, or system). The maximum period selected should be one month (31 days) and the minimum period should be one day.

In the Filters section, you can choose a specific agent for the report. This field is not mandatory.

After you make all the wanted selections for your report, click the Create Report button. The file name will include the Report ID (.no_data_.{reportId}.xlsx), helping you easily identify the required report.


The queues report provides the necessary information to determine the performance of each queue. Overall, this report helps supervisors or contact center managers to deduce how each queue is performing so they can make changes where required.

Also, they can track both the agents' and customers’ activity within every queue.

Account IDUnique ID of the account.112233
Account NameThe name of the selected account.ACME Inc.
Queue IDThe unique ID of the queue.6FD837D20260912DFC9C95EC87F7782
Queue NameA specific name of the queue.Spanish Queue
Number of Assigned AgentsThe number of agents currently assigned to the queue.13
Assigned AgentsThe list of agents currently assigned to the queue.Mark Brown, Silvio Maroni, Philip Lee, Jess Moon
Number of Assigned RoutesThe number of routes connected to that queue.2
Assigned RoutesThe list of routes currently assigned to that queue.Route #100, Route #3870
Created AtThe date and time when the queue was created.10/29/2023 11:58:42
Auto AssignmentField showing if the auto-assignment mechanism is enabled for this queue.Yes
Old ConversationsThe number of conversations that belong to this queue and were created before the selected report period but active during it.7
New ConversationsThe number of conversations that belong to this queue and were created within the selected report period.12
Closed ConversationsThe number of conversations that belong to this queue and were closed during the selected report period. Counts conversations closed by agents, workflows, or waiting strategy.66
Closed by AgentsThe number of conversations that agents closed.46
Closed by WorkflowsThe number of conversations that were closed by workflows.14
Closed by Waiting StrategyThe number of conversations that were closed by waiting strategy.6
Unsolved ConversationsThe number of conversations that belong to this queue and were active during the selected report period but were not closed during the selected period.27
Median Resolution TimeThe median resolution time of all conversations2m 32s
Median SentimentThe median sentiment of all conversations that were in that queue in the selected period.0.9
Median Wait TimeThe time from when the conversation was created until the agent sent the first message for all conversations that were in this queue in the selected period.54s
Median Private Messages (notes)The median value of notes posted to conversations that belong to this queue.3
Median Public MessagesThe median value of public messages sent to a conversation (from this queue) count messages sent either by the customer or by the agent.23
Median Public Messages (Inbound)The median number of messages sent to a conversation (from this queue) sent by customers.10
Median Public Messages (Outbound)The median number of messages sent to a conversation (from this queue) sent by agents.13
First response time SLA breachShows the number of conversations that have breached this metric.2
Next reply time SLA breachShows the number of conversations that have breached this metric.0
Total resolution time breachShows the number of conversations that have breached this metric.3


This report provides detailed insight into surveys that were submitted at the selected time.

Account IDUnique ID of the account.112233
Account NameThe name of the selected account.ACME Inc.
Conversation IDThe unique ID of the conversation.548457CFBB27335CA16795F7E9BC57F1
Customer NameThe name of the customer who submitted the survey. Applicable only if the customer is added to People.Jason Smith
Customer’s ContactThe contact the customer used to submit the survey.421948232829
ChannelThe channel over which the survey was submitted.WhatsApp
AgentThe agent who was handling the conversation at the time when the survey was submitted.Veronica Quinn
SurveyA specific name of the survey.CSAT Survey
ScoreThe score that the customer left when submitting the survey.Happy
CommentThe comment that the customer posted in addition to the score. (Optional)'I really loved the velocity at which Veronica handled my request.'
Surveyed DateThe date and time when the survey was submitted. The first answer is recorded.10/29/2023 11:58:42 


This report contains important information about the data that is relevant for each channel. The data provided in this report helps you delve into the performance of each channel utilized by the contact center.

All channels use the same metrics, except for the metrics specific to the Calls channel- highlighted in bold.

Account IDUnique ID of the account.112233
Account NameThe name of the selected account.ACME Inc.
Chanel NameThe name of the channel used to pull this report.Email
Sent MessagesThe number of messages sent within the selected period.51
Received MessagesThe number of messages received within the selected period, i.e., the number of messages sent by customers.44
Old ConversationsThe number of conversations from the selected channel that were created before the selected report period.17
New ConversationsThe number of conversations from the selected channel that were created during the selected report period.41
Closed ConversationsThe number of conversations from the selected channel that were closed during the selected report period.80
Closed by AgentsThe number of conversations from the selected channel that were closed by agents during the selected report period.55
Closed by WorkflowsThe number of conversations from the selected channel that were closed by workflows during the selected report period.5
Closed by Waiting StrategyThe number of conversations from the selected channel that were closed by a waiting strategy during the selected report period.20
Unsolved ConversationsThe number of active conversations in the selected channel that were not closed during the selected period.7
First Response TimeMedian first response time of all conversations from the selected channel in the chosen report period.2s
SentimentMedian sentiment of all closed conversations from the selected channel in the chosen report period.0.9
Assigned CallsThe total number of calls that were assigned to all agents in the selected period.Different from 'New Conversations' since a new conversation can be abandoned, whereas assigned calls include only those that were assigned to an agent.134
Accepted CallsThe total number of calls that all agents accepted agents in the selected period.77
Total Call DurationThe total duration of all calls in the selected period.2h 32m 07s
Unanswered CallsThe total number of calls assigned to the agents but agents didn't answer.4
Rejected callsThe total number of calls that were rejected by all agents in the selected time.The call was assigned to the agent (and it was ringing) but they decided to reject it.6
Wait TimeThe median time that the user is waiting for the agent's response.Counts as the time when the call starts until it is accepted by the agent.5s
Transferred CallsThe number of calls that were transferred in the selected period.11
Expired CallsThe number of calls that were disconnected because of a timeout.The maximum wait time has passed and the call was terminated.4
Abandoned CallsThe number of calls that were abandoned by the customers.*Refers to calls the customers hung up before they were connected to an agent.13
Dropped CallsThe number of calls that were disconnected because of some technical issues.2


This report provides important insights into conversations that have certain tags added. Since tags describe specific topics, this data helps supervisors determine how certain topics are handled within their contact center.

Account IDUnique ID of the account.112233
Account NameThe name of the selected account.ACME Inc.
Tag IDThe unique ID of the tag.6DB7FBE9BA6555D31F078281BE42827D
Tag NameThe specific name created for this tag.Important
Created AtThe date and time when the tag was created.03/04/2023 13:08:38
Last Updated AtThe date and time when the tag was last updated.03/04/2023 13:22:45
Closed ConversationsThe number of conversations containing this tag that were closed within the selected period.23
Waiting TimeThe time elapsed from when the customer sent the first message until the agent replied.1m 22s
Resolution TimeMedian resolution time for all conversations containing this tag within the selected period.3m 23s


Agents report consists of three parts:

  1. General information which contains data in the table below
  2. Agent utilization
  3. Agent performance

The report will only contain the data that you selected when creating the report.

Account ID Unique ID of the account.112233
Account NameThe name of the selected account.ACME Inc.
Agent IDUnique ID of the agent.4EE921EBE72C99F6262D59FE856696B7
Agent NameAgent's name.Veronica Quinn
Number of Assigned QueuesThe number of queues that this agent is assigned to.12
Assigned QueuesThe list of queues that this agent is assigned to.Queue #5062, Queue #5297, German Queue, VIP_Customers
CapacityThe capacity per channel category that this agent has configured.EMAIL = 5, LIVE_MESSAGING = 10, LIVE_CHAT = 9

Agent Utilization

This report shows how agents are using their time while being logged into the system.

Logged In TimeThe time that the agent spent logged in in the selected period.11h 39m
Available TimeThe time agent spent in the Available group of statuses.5h 11m
AvailableThe time spent in the Available status.3h 52m
IdleThe time spent in the Idle status.13m
Under capacityThe time spent in the Under Capacity status.30m
Away TimeThe time agent spent in the Away group of statuses.1h
AwayThe time agent spent in the Away status.30m
*Set of custom Away statusesThe time spent in each custom Away status.10m
Busy TimeThe time agent spent in the Busy group of statuses.1h 25m
BusyThe time agent sent in the Busy status.19m
Full CapacityThe time spent in the Full Capacity status.30m
In a CallThe time spent in the In a Call status.30m
RingingThe time spent in the Ringing status.3m
Wrap-UpThe time spent in the Wrap-Up status.3m
*Set of custom Busy statusesTime spent in each custom Busy status.30m
Engaged TimeThe time that the agent has spent in statuses that are considered as engaging with the customer (Under capacity, Full, Ringing, In a Call, Wrap-Up).5h 24m
Engaged RateThe percentage of the engaged time during logged-in time.11.09%

Bear in mind that this report is dynamic, meaning that its columns depend on the number of custom statuses configured for the account. Each custom status is tracked as well.

Agent Performance

This report provides more info regarding agents' performance while communicating with customers.

Closed ConversationsThe number of conversations the agent closed in the selected period.112
Conversations Assigned to Other AgentsThe number of conversations that this agent assigned to other agents.11
Conversations Assigned From Other AgentsThe number of conversations that other agents assigned to this agent.45
First Response TimeThe median value of the first response time (the first message sent) for all conversations that this agent sent in the selected period.1m 44s
Handling TimeThe median value of the time elapsed from the moment the conversation was assigned to the agent until they closed it for the last time.55m 12s
SentimentThe median sentiment value for all conversations handled by this agent in the selected period.0.74
Closed Conversations per Login HourThe number of conversations closed per login hour.15.6
Private Messages (Notes)The number of private messages (notes) that this agent posted.1
Public Messages (Outbound)The number of public messages (outbound) that this agent sent.10
Private Messages per ConversationThe number of private messages (notes) divided by the number of total conversations that this agent handled.1.4
Public Messages per ConversationThe number of public messages divided by the number of total conversations that this agent handled.6.89
Assigned CallsThe number of calls assigned to this agent.(The agent had a ringing screen presented to them).90
Accepted CallsThe number of calls that the agent accepted.80
Call DurationThe median duration of the calls that this agent answered.17m
Unanswered CallsThe number of calls unanswered by this agent.(The agent was presented with the ringing screen but didn’t answer or pick up the call).7
Rejected CallsThe total number of calls that were rejected by all agents in the selected time.The call was assigned to the agent (and it was ringing) but they decided to reject it.6
Transferred CallsThe number of calls that this agent transferred to another agent.18
Wait TimeThe time that the customer was waiting for an agent to pick up the call.1m 14s
Expired CallsThe calls that were dropped due to a waiting strategy time out.4
Abandoned CallsThe number of calls that were abandoned by the customers.*Refers to calls the customers hung up before they were connected to an agent.1
Dropped CallsThe number of calls that were disconnected because of some technical issues.0

Agent Status Logs

This report provides crucial information for managers such as when the agents come into work, the duration spent in a certain status, and when they change their status to Busy, Away, or Available.

Conversations Analytics Managers can understand how their agents are utilizing their time, and at which point in time, they have changed something in conversations. In conclusion, this report will help them perform a more precise evaluation of their agents.

Account IDUnique ID of the account.1122333
Account NameThe name of the selected account.ACME Inc.
Agent IDUnique ID of the agent handling the conversation.4EE921EBE733D9F6262D59FE856696B7
Agent NameAgent's full name.Fabricio Silco
Status IDUnique ID of the status.73bc600e-6e98-11ea-a2fb-02c9afa9ebec
StatusThe name of the agent status related to the Status ID. This is reflected throughout Conversations.Offline
Start TimeThe timestamp when the agent changed their status to the given status.2023/11/24 08:37:38
End TimeThe timestamp when the agent changed their status to a different one or if the status was changed automatically.2023/11/24 10:32:48
DurationThe duration the agent spent in the given status.

Short ID



This feature is only available in the Grow and Scale package.

Short Conversation IDs are concise and easy-to-use identifiers that streamline the process of referencing and organizing conversations.

If the Short ID feature is turned on, you will see the Short ID column in your Conversations reports. Additionally, the Short ID will appear in the Conversations transcripts and Survey reports.

Short ID - Reports

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