External connectivity status

External connectivity status

The External connectivity status (opens in a new tab) page includes details on both ongoing and past instances of degradation and outages that have occurred between Infobip, partner operators, and MNOs, impacting Infobip coverage. Additionally, this page displays information regarding announced, active, and past operator maintenance activities.

NoteThe status page is a solution created by a third party. If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding integration efforts, please be aware that Infobip Support cannot provide immediate assistance. We suggest referring to the Status (opens in a new tab) page, where you can find documentation and integration manuals.

Regions, countries, and service

The External connectivity status page is divided into three main sections: Active, Scheduled, and Recent:

  • Active will lead you to the top of the page where all currently active outages and degradations are listed
  • Scheduled displays all incoming planned operator maintenance cases and their details
  • Recent takes you to the bottom of the page where the History section is located with all recent incidents

When utilizing the search function, each specific country within any of the main regions (EMEA, AMERICAS, APAC) is further mapped to the channels that are accessible for use within that specific combination.

The performance information (degradations/outages, maintenance activities) will be shown for a given country/channel combination.

Essentials - External connectivity status page

Support and subscriptions

You have the option to subscribe to any combination based on the country/network and channels of interest. Upon subscription, you will receive notifications whenever there is a degradation affecting any of the selected country networks.

By clicking the Subscribe to updates button, you will find several subscription options:

  • Email notifications
  • Slack notifications
  • Webhook URL integration
  • Notifications via Atom or RSS feed

For example, if you subscribe to email notifications, once you enter your email address, you will be able to select the specific components (Infobip Coverage destinations) that you are using. After that, you will receive a confirmation email.

Essentials - External connectivity status page subscribe

If you want to report an issue with a certain channel for which operational coverage is indicated, or if you cannot find an active incident related to the problem you are experiencing on the Status page, you can use the Incident Support button which will open a ticket with Infobip Support.

Which components should I subscribe to?

We recommend that you subscribe to the country/channel combination that you are using or that is important to you.

Here are a few examples that can help you:

  • If you are using our SMS coverage for the 9mobile network in Nigeria, you should subscribe to the EMEA/Nigeria destination under the SMS channel.
  • If you are utilizing Voice and MMS channels towards the Clearsky network, you should subscribe to the SMS channel for the AMERICAS/United States location.
  • Any maintenance that may be announced from any MNO/operator that is based in the region/country for which you have a subscription, will also end up as a notification in your mailbox once we post the information on the External Connectivity Status Page.
  • For Email, Viber, and some other services that are not visible on the External Connectivity Status Page, you will find the needed information through (opens in a new tab).

We advise contacting your account manager if you are unsure about the exact region/country of the Infobip channel that you are utilizing.

How is an active outage represented?

An active degradation/outage or maintenance will always be displayed at the top of the page:

Essentials - External connectivity outage

The outage/degradation post usually contains a subject with the country/network combination and the corresponding status of case flow:

  • Investigating
  • Identified
  • Monitoring
  • Resolved

Also, the affected location will change its status and color under the corresponding service.

You can check out different types of incident statuses in the table below:

Incident statusDescription
InvestigatingInfobip staff/monitoring services have detected a coverage issue and are being investigated.
IdentifiedWe have identified the exact impact and notified the responsible 3rd parties (operators, MNOs, etc.).
MonitoringObserving improvements in coverage after adjustments have been made from the operator's end.
ResolvedThe issue has been resolved and traffic is now being delivered on time.

Additionally, each component will have an associated degradation/outage status, identifiable by color:

Component statusColor
Degraded performanceYellow
Partial outageDark yellow
Major outageRed
Under maintenanceBlue

Previous traffic degradations and maintenance

Previous degradations and maintenance activities are listed under the Recent events section in chronological order, from latest to oldest. By clicking on a specific event's title, you can access a page where all details such as progress updates and affected components of that event are listed.

The full outage history (opens in a new tab) can be accessed by clicking the History button located in the upper right section of the Status page.

Essentials - External connectivity page history

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