Voice and Video
Voice error codes update

Voice error codes update


The changes described on this page are becoming effective on October 9th, 2024.

We are making a few changes and tweaks to our Voice error codes that you might encounter in your voice traffic sent through Infobip.

The main reason for updating is to align all voice & webRTC products across the same set of rich error codes.


These error code changes are only applicable to you if you are still receiving error codes in 5xxx format.

There are no changes for you if the error codes you receive are already in 10xxx format.

This page includes information about the following error code changes:

  • Migrated : error code ID changed from 5xxx to 10xxx. The error code name and description can also be changed for better readability and cause description
  • Retired : 5xxx codes that do not serve any purpose anymore or have no equivalent in 10xxx codes
  • New : new 10xxx codes being introduced with no correspondence with 5xxx error codes

Similarly, we are bringing changes to status reasons by introducing more supported cases. These additions enhance transparency and understanding by informing why calls may not have been successful, whether due to the recipient not answering, being busy, intentional rejection, or platform or operator-related issues. This increased clarity enables more effective troubleshooting for any recurring call issues encountered.

Reasons are found typically :

  • in reports, under the "reason" column
  • in voice DLRs (voice messaging, outbound IVR, ...)

The new status reasons apply to all voice customers on the same date of October 9th, 2024.

Error code changes

Migrated error codes

Old Error Code IDOld Error Summary Old Group IdOld Error Code descriptionNew Error Code ID New Group IdNew Error SummaryNew Error Description
5000VOICE_ANSWERED0The voice call was successfully answered by the recipient. No further action is required.100000NORMAL_HANGUPThe call ended due to a hangup initiated by the caller, callee, or API.
5001VOICE_ANSWERED_MACHINE0The voice call was answered by a machine or voicemail system. You may consider adjusting your communication strategy for machine-answered calls.100020MACHINE_DETECTEDThe voice call was answered by a machine or voicemail system. You may consider adjusting your communication strategy for machine-answered calls.
5480EC_VOICE_ERROR_TEMPORARILY_NOT_AVAILABLE3Temporary unavailability of the voice service or recipient currently unavailable. Retry the operation later or contact Support for assistance.102042TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLEThe end user was unavailable to receive the call at the moment. The operator attempted to connect the call but encountered an issue with the end user's connection or availability, resulting in the call not being successfully connected. It is advisable to verify if the phone number provided is valid and reachable to ensure effective communication in the future.
5603EC_DECLINE3The call was declined by the recipient or the end user rejected the call or is currently unavailable for the call. Consider alternative methods of communication or try reaching out again later.102032REJECTEDThe call was rejected/declined by the end user at the receiving end.
5002EC_VOICE_USER_BUSY3The recipient's phone line is busy. You can try calling again at a later time or explore other communication channels.102012BUSYThe call has been successfully delivered to the end user's device, but the end user's device indicates that they are currently busy and unable to answer the incoming call.
5003EC_VOICE_NO_ANSWER3The recipient did not answer the call. You may try calling again later or choose an alternative communication method.102002NO_ANSWERThe call was successfully delivered to the end user device, however, it was not answered by the end user.
5004EC_VOICE_ERROR_DOWNLOADING_FILE2An error occurred while downloading the audio file for playback. Verify the file's accessibility and format. If the issue persists, contact Support for further assistance.104003URL_NOT_FOUNDThe requested URL for the call was not found. Verify the URL and make necessary corrections.
104013URL_UNREACHABLEThe requested URL for the call is unreachable. Check the network connectivity and URL accessibility.
104023INVALID_RESPONSEThe response received during the call is invalid or unexpected. Contact Support for assistance.
5005EC_VOICE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_AUDIO_FORMAT3The audio format is not supported. Check the audio format requirements, use supported types, and ensure compatibility with the voice service.103063INVALID_REQUESTThe call request is invalid or malformed. Review the request parameters and structure, and make necessary adjustments.
5400EC_VOICE_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST3The voice call request was malformed or contained invalid parameters. Review the request or ensure it is properly formatted and check the API documentation for the correct request structure.103063INVALID_REQUESTThe call request is invalid or malformed. Review the request parameters and structure, and make necessary adjustments.
5403EC_VOICE_ERROR_FORBIDDEN3The voice call request was rejected by the operator. Contact Support for further assistance.103003FORBIDDENThe received request was rejected. Contact Support for further assistance.
5404EC_VOICE_ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_FOUND3The destination for the voice call was not found or is invalid. Double-check the recipient's phone number or destination details.103033DESTINATION_NOT_FOUNDThe server was unable to locate the destination number you dialed. This could be due to an incorrect country prefix or an invalid number format. To resolve this issue, double-check the country prefix and ensure that the number you dialed is accurate and in the correct format.
5407EC_VOICE_ERROR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED3Proxy authentication is required to establish the voice call. Contact Support for further assistance.103023UNAUTHENTICATEDThe caller's credentials or access rights are invalid or insufficient to initiate the call. To resolve this, ensure that the caller provides valid authentication credentials or obtains proper authorization for making the call.
5408EC_VOICE_ERROR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT3The voice call request timed out before a response was received or the end user could not be found in time during the call. Contact Support for further assistance.103073REQUEST_TIMEOUTThe call request timed out without a response. For more specific details and assistance, contact the Support team, who can provide further information and guidance.
5410EC_VOICE_ERROR_GONE3The requested voice call resource is no longer available. Ensure the recipient's phone number is valid and accessible or contact Support for further assistance.103043DESTINATION_UNAVAILABLEThe destination number you attempted to call is currently unavailable to receive incoming calls. To address this situation, it is recommended to verify if the number you dialed is valid and reachable.
5413EC_VOICE_ERROR_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE3The voice call request entity (for example, audio file) is too large. Reduce the size of the request entity and try again.103063INVALID_REQUESTThe call request is invalid or malformed. Review the request parameters and structure, and make necessary adjustments.
5414EC_VOICE_ERROR_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG3The server is refusing to process the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret (destination too long).
5415EC_VOICE_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE3The media type used in the voice call is not supported. Ensure you are using a compatible media type for the voice call.
5484EC_VOICE_ERROR_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE3The address (for example, destination number) provided for the voice call is incomplete or invalid. Make sure the address is correctly formatted.
5487EC_VOICE_ERROR_REQUEST_TERMINATED3The voice call request was terminated with a cancel button or the end user refused to receive a voice call.102022CANCELEDThe call was canceled at the origination end before it could be successfully routed to the end user.
102032REJECTEDThe call was rejected/declined by the end user at the receiving end.
5503EC_VOICE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE3The voice call service is temporarily unavailable. Retry the request later or contact Support for further information.103093SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEThe call service is temporarily unavailable. Contact Support for assistance.

Retired error codes

Old Error Code IDOld Error Summary Old Error Code description
5488EC_VOICE_ERROR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_HEREThe voice call request is not acceptable on the operator’s end. Contact Support for further assistance.
5491EC_VOICE_ERROR_REQUEST_PENDINGThe voice call request is pending and waiting for further processing. Wait for the request to be processed or check the status later.
5501EC_VOICE_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDThe requested voice call feature is not implemented or supported. Contact Support for further assistance.
5481EC_VOICE_ERROR_CALL_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe voice call record/transaction does not exist. Contact Support for further assistance.

New error codes

New Error Code IDGroup IdNew Error Summary New Error Code description
100040MAX_DURATION_REACHEDThe call reached the maximum allowed duration. If needed, initiate a new call or adjust the call duration settings and contact Support for further assistance.
103013INSUFFICIENT_FUNDSThe account you are using does not have sufficient credits or funds available to initiate the phone call you are attempting to make. In order to proceed with the call, you will need to ensure that there are enough credits or funds in your account.
103103UNKNOWNAn unknown error occurred during the call. Contact Support for further investigation and assistance.
103113FEATURE_UNAVAILABLEThe requested call feature is not available or supported. Consider alternative features or methods for communication or contact Support for assistance.
103123CONGESTIONThe call could not be completed due to network congestion or overload. Contact Support for further investigation and assistance.

Status reason changes

StatusIdGroupIdStatus ReasonMatching error code IDMatching error code
97 (NEW)2BUSY10201BUSY

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