Service Management
As opposed to free-form messages, template messages can be sent and delivered at any time. Here, you can manage your templates, from template registration, retrieving template statuses, to deleting existing templates. With each WhatsApp message, you can send various types of media. Here, you can manage your media and configure additional feature enhancing their functionality. Moreover you can fetch quality and business info of your senders.
Template Management
Get all the templates and their statuses for a given sender.
Create a WhatsApp template. Created template will be submitted for WhatsApp's review and approval. Once approved, template can be sent to end-users. Refer to template guidelines for additional info.
Delete a WhatsApp template.
- If registered in multiple languages, deleting the message template will also delete all its languages.
- The template will be deleted for all senders registered under the same WhatsApp Business Account (WABA).
- The system will attempt to deliver sent messages for 30 days, regardless of the template deletion.
- Once deleted, the name of the approved template cannot be reused for 30 days.
Get a single template with its status for a given template ID.
Edit a WhatsApp template. Edited template will be submitted for WhatsApp's review and approval. Once approved, template can be sent to end-users. Refer to template guidelines for additional info.
- Only templates with an approved, rejected or paused status can be edited.
- Please use structure documented in Create WhatsApp Template endpoint.
- Category of an approved template cannot be edited.
- Approved template can be edited up to 10 times in a 30 day window, or 1 time in a 24 hour window. Rejected or paused templates can be edited an unlimited number of times.
Get all the templates and their statuses for a given sender. This version is deprecated as of June 29th 2022, meaning no fixes/updates will be provided and no new parameters will be added. This API will be deleted at the end of the year. Please use the latest version.
Create a WhatsApp template. Created template will be submitted for WhatsApp's review and approval. Once approved, template can be sent to end-users. Refer to template guidelines for additional info. This version is deprecated as of June 29th 2022, meaning no fixes/updates will be provided and no new parameters will be added. This API will be deleted at the end of the year. Please use the latest version.
Retrieve all templates associated with your account based on the provided filter criteria.
For each message template you create, we can send you updates. For this to work you need to configure subscriptions. Refer to Subscriptions Management for additional info.
Flow Management
Get all the flows for a given sender.
Create a WhatsApp flow. If successful, flow will be created in DRAFT status with default flow.json. Flow.json contains structure of the flow and other fields given in request can be updated until publication.
Delete a WhatsApp flow. Only flows in DRAFT status can be deleted.
Update a WhatsApp flow. Only flows in DRAFT status can be modified.
Publish a WhatsApp flow. If successful, the flow will change its status to PUBLISHED. From now on the flow cannot be modified.
Get the Flow JSON attached to a specified flow.
Add WhatsApp Flow JSON. File created from provided JSON content is sent and validated, errors found are provided in response. Regardless of whether any validation errors are returned, the Flow JSON is loaded on the Meta side and the request is considered successful. The maximum size of created file is 10MB. More information about JSON structure can be found under Meta documentation:
Deprecate a WhatsApp flow. If successful, flow will change its status to DEPRECATED. From now on flow cannot be sent anymore.
Get flow's preview URL. Link does not require login and will expire in 30 days.
Media Management
Delete WhatsApp media. May be outbound or inbound media.
Sender Management
Get WhatsApp sender information, such as quality rating, status, and current limit of given senders. Only senders associated with your account are included in the response.
Get WhatsApp sender business information, such as about, address, description, email, vertical, websites, and display name.
Update WhatsApp sender business information, such as about, address, description, email, vertical, websites, and logo.
Download WhatsApp sender business logo.
Bulk Sender Registration
Add a WhatsApp sender to your WhatsApp Business Account and initiate the verification process. If the sender is recognized as already verified, it will be automatically submitted for registration.
Retry the WhatsApp sender verification process in the event of a non-delivered verification code.
Verify your WhatsApp sender and submit it for registration.
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