Inbound messages
When the end user sends a WhatsApp from their device to a phone number, they have sent an inbound WhatsApp message. The inbound message is routed to the Infobip Platform and Infobip in turn routes the message to its customer who has registered the WhatsApp sender. Typical supporting features you’d use with inbound messages are:
- Marking messages as read to communicate to the end user that you have read their message.
- Downloading media and its metadata sent over by the end user.
Receive inbound message
Set up logic for processing incoming messages to customize two-way communication. Inbound messages are forwarded in real time to the endpoint. Set the inbound configuration for the number by specifying your endpoint and we will send inbound WhatsApp messages to you as soon as they are delivered to us.
Name of the default format or renderer for the inbound WhatsApp messages is MO_OTT_CONTACT
, and is documented in this section.
Get inbound media
Download WhatsApp media sent by end-users.
Get metadata of WhatsApp media sent by end-users to check media type and the size of a file without downloading the content.
Mark message as read
Mark WhatsApp messages sent by end-users as read.
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