Send SMS message over query parameters
All message parameters of the message can be defined in the query string. Use this method only if Send SMS message is not an option for your use case!
Note: Make sure that special characters and user credentials are properly encoded. Use a URL encoding reference as a guide.
query Parameters
username required | string Username for authentication. |
password required | string Password for authentication. |
bulkId | string Unique ID assigned to the request if messaging multiple recipients or sending multiple messages via a single API request. Anything above 100 characters passed in the request will be clipped during processing and returned in response, reports and logs. |
from | string Example: from=InfoSMS The sender ID which can be alphanumeric or numeric (e.g., |
to required | Array of strings Example: to=41793026727,41793026834 List of message recipients. |
text | string Example: text=Message text Content of the message being sent. |
flash | |
transliteration | string Example: transliteration=TURKISH Conversion of a message text from one script to another. |
languageCode | string Example: languageCode=TR Code for language character set of a message content. |
intermediateReport | boolean Example: intermediateReport=true Use a real-time intermediate delivery report that will be sent on your callback server. |
notifyUrl | string Example: notifyUrl= The URL on your call back server on to which a delivery report will be sent. |
notifyContentType | string Example: notifyContentType=application/json Preferred delivery report content type, |
callbackData | string [ 0 .. 4000 ] characters Example: callbackData=callbackData Additional data that can be used for identifying, managing, or monitoring a message. Data included here will also be automatically included in the message Delivery Report. The maximum value is 4000 characters. |
validityPeriod | integer <int64> Example: validityPeriod=720 The message validity period in minutes. When the period expires, it will not be allowed for the message to be sent. Validity period longer than 48h is not supported. Any bigger value will automatically default back to |
sendAt | string <date-time> Date and time when the message is to be sent. Used for scheduled SMS. Has the following format: |
track | string Example: track=URL Sets the conversion element to be tracked. Possible values: |
processKey | string The process key which uniquely identifies conversion tracking. |
trackingType | string Example: trackingType=Custom tracking type Sets a custom conversion type naming convention, e.g. ONE_TIME_PIN, SOCIAL_INVITES, etc. |
indiaDltContentTemplateId | string Example: indiaDltContentTemplateId=1111111111111111111 The ID of your registered DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) content template. |
indiaDltPrincipalEntityId | string Example: indiaDltPrincipalEntityId=1111111111111111112 Your DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) entity id. |
indiaDltTelemarketerId | string Example: indiaDltTelemarketerId=111111111111 Your assigned Telemarketer ID. (required for Aggregators) |
turkeyIysBrandCode | integer <int32> Brand code is an ID of the company based on a company VAT number. If not provided in request, default value is used from your Infobip account. |
turkeyIysRecipientType | string Recipient Type must be TACIR or BIREYSEL |
southKoreaResellerCode | integer <int32> Reseller identification code: 9-digit registration number in the business registration certificate for South Korea. Resellers should submit this when sending. |
Successful response
Error responses
Internal Server Error
Request samples
- cURL
- Java
- C#
- Go
- Python
- JavaScript
- NodeJs
- Ruby
curl -L -g 'https://{baseUrl}/sms/1/text/query?username=%7Busername%7D&password=%7Bpassword%7D&from=InfoSMS&to=41793026727%2C41793026834&text=Message%20text&flash=true&transliteration=TURKISH&languageCode=TR&intermediateReport=true¬¬ifyContentType=application%2Fjson&callbackData=callbackData&validityPeriod=720&track=URL&trackingType=Custom%20tracking%20type&indiaDltContentTemplateId=1111111111111111111&indiaDltPrincipalEntityId=1111111111111111112&indiaDltTelemarketerId=111111111111' \ -H 'Accept: application/json'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
{- "bulkId": "2034072219640523072",
- "messages": [
- {
- "messageId": "2250be2d4219-3af1-78856-aabe-1362af1edfd2",
- "status": {
- "description": "Message sent to next instance",
- "groupId": 1,
- "groupName": "PENDING",
- "id": 26,
}, - "to": "41793026727",
- "smsCount": 1
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