Get Started with SMS
Send a simple SMS text by defining destination and message text, or experiment with a rich set of features, including bulk sending.
To utilize SMS in combination with other channels, check out Messages API.
Send your first message!
- Infobip account is required to send SMS messages. Create one or log in if you haven't already. Follow the verification and customization steps to set up your Infobip account.
- During the free trial period, you'll be able to send 100 free SMS messages to up to 5 recipients with verified numbers, respecting country-specific SMS regulations.
- Throught the trial period, you can only send messages to the number you have verified during the sign-up process.
- Infobip's test sender (ServiceSMS) will be at your disposal along with demo sender ID.
- You'll be able to test SMS Broadcast, Infobip's one-way messaging tool accessible from your Infobip account. Use it to send SMS messages in bulk to up to 5 additional mobile numbers.
- Visit Analyze to check your message performance, quality of delivery, etc.
Other languages and advanced functionalities
For more information on usage and code examples explore Send SMS API reference.
Next steps
- Get API client library
- Upgrade account
- Buy number
- Explore SMS advanced options, delivery reports, how to receive a message and other SMS APIs.
Need help?
In case you get stuck at any point, visit API Get started page to find any information you need to successfully use Infobip API.
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