Logs and Status Reports
Status Reports tell you what happened to the SMS you sent, whether it was successfully delivered or failed to be delivered. They also provide timestamps, network information if available, and on SMS delivery failure, a status code indicating the reason. Status Reports can be pushed in real-time to a Customer's webhook or can be retrieved by an API call. Logs provide similar information to Status Reports but are available to query for 48hrs.
If you are unable to receive real-time message delivery reports towards your endpoint for various reasons, we offer you an API method to fetch batches of message reports to confirm whether specific messages have been delivered. Each request towards this endpoint will return batches of the latest message reports. Please note they will be returned only once.
Use this method to obtain the logs associated with outbound messages. The available logs are limited to those generated in the last 48 hours, and you can retrieve a maximum of only 1000 logs per call. See message delivery reports if your use case is to verify message delivery.
If you are for any reason unable to receive real-time delivery reports on your endpoint, you can use this API method to learn if and when the message has been delivered to the recipient. Each request will return a batch of delivery reports - only once. The following API request will return only new reports that arrived since the last API request in the last 48 hours.
Use this method for displaying logs for example in the user interface. Available are the logs for the last 48 hours and you can only retrieve maximum of 1000 logs per call. See message delivery reports if your use case is to verify message delivery.
For every message you send, we offer the option to receive a delivery report. To use this feature, you should set up an endpoint to receive these reports. You can specify the endpoint URL using the webhooks > delivery > url parameter. Alternatively, you can set the endpoint URL through the Subscriptions management. If you need assistance with this process, please contact support@infobip.com. Please note that the default number of delivery reports in a single request is 100. You can customize this value by defining "maxBucketSize" using the Subscription Management API.
You'll receive this type of payload for messages sent using Send SMS message.
For every message you send, we offer the option to receive a delivery report. To use this feature, you should set up an endpoint to receive these reports. You can specify the endpoint when sending SMS. Alternatively, you can set the endpoint URL through the Subscriptions management. If you need assistance with this process, please contact support@infobip.com. Please note that the default number of delivery reports in a single request is 100. You can customize this value by defining "maxBucketSize" using the Subscription Management API.
You'll receive this type of payload for messages sent using Send SMS message and Send binary SMS message.
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