Message types

Message types

Each LINE service offers different message types. Different rules may apply to each message type.

LINE Official Notifications (LON)

Message templates

Use message templates to ensure that communication follows LINE guidelines.

Message templates include following sections:

  • Header
  • Icon (optional)
  • Body
  • Buttons (optional)
  • Footer

Header and Footer

Header and footer are required, fixed, and predefined by LINE. No changes can be applied.


Icon is optional and must be always aligned center at the very top of the body. The message can contain only one icon exclusively from LINE icon collection. Whenever icon is used, the title in the body must also be placed at the central position. Use of images, audio, and video is not allowed.


The body section is mandatory and must follow these guidelines.

  • There are four different structures at the disposal for the business to use in body (Basic, Emphasis, List, or Mix)
  • The body can contain only predefined content categories.
  • The rule of thumb is that the "Title" category must always be on top, and the "button" must be on the bottom. Title is always required and fixed upon template approval and cannot be altered. The title should reflect the type of notice per use case (i.e. Notice of delivery schedule, Notification of order completion, Notice of product shipment, Registration complete)
  • Ordering of other content categories is flexible.
  • When emphasis is used, separator is required.
  • LINE may impose character limits for the following categories "Greeting message", "Explanation" and "Apology".
  • Any amount/price needs to be set either in local currency or in USD.


Buttons are optional. They should follow these guidelines.

  • They should be placed at the bottom of the notification.
  • Once they are registered as part of the template and approved, they are fixed and the registered URL cannot be changed. The overall rule is that the message must be informational and therefore the button should lead to a page that has additional information.
  • The only action behind a button can be to open a specified URL in LINE's in-app browser
    • One exception is if an OA (sender) has a chat bot solution connected to it, the button can be used to send a webhook to trigger the cat bot or CRM discussion with the OA operator.
  • Client can register only one button, with exception of two button for the following use cases: Delivery, Expiration notice, Order confirmation, Departure notice.
  • For use case Contact center, buttons are not allowed.

Design structures

There are four different structures to use in body:

  • Basic
  • Emphasis
  • List
  • Mix


  • Body with title and explanation
  • Body with title, explanation, and button
  • Body with title, explanation, and two buttons


  • Body with title, emphasis, and explanation
  • Body with title, emphasis, explanation, and button
  • Body with title, emphasis, explanation, and two buttons


  • Body with title, list, and explanation
  • Body with title, list, explanation, and button
  • Body with title, list, explanation, and two buttons


  • Body with title, emphasis, list, and explanation
  • Body with title, emphasis, list, explanation, and button
  • Body with title, emphasis, list, explanation, and two buttons

LINE Official Account (Two-way)

Outbound messages


Text messages are limited to 5,000 characters, including spaces.


To send an image, upload it to an internal server first.

Media typeFormatSize
Image.jpeg, .pngImage size: No limits
File size: 10 MB (maximum)
Preview Image.jpeg, .pngImage size: No limits
File size: 1 MB (maximum)
Image URL Character limit: 2,000 (maximum)


Location messages are interactive maps.

Location messages have the following information:

  • Longitude- Coordinates between -180 and 180
  • Latitude- Coordinates between -90 and 90
  • Location Title - Name of the location. Maximum character limit: 100
  • Address- Address of the location. Maximum character limit: 100

Rich card


Rich cards are available in Moments, Answers, and Conversations API.

Rich cards have the following components:

  • Image - To send an image, upload it to an internal server first.

  • Title - Text. Maximum character limit: 40

  • Text

    • Text without image or title. Maximum character limit: 160
    • Text with image and title. Maximum character limit: 60
  • Action button - Maximum of 4 action buttons. Supported actions are open URL and reply message.

Media typeFormatSize
Image.jpeg, .pngWidth: 1024 px (maximum)
File size: 10 MB (maximum)
Image URL Character limit: 2,000 (maximum)
LINE - Rich Cards in Moments


Carousel messages enable you to send multiple rich cards in one message.

If you want to send information about multiple related items, you can use Carousel messages instead of sending each item in a separate rich card. Customers can use horizontal scroll to view the rich cards within the carousel. Customers can compare the items in the cards and take actions for individual rich cards.

Carousel messages have the following components:

  • Image - To send an image, upload it to an internal server first.

  • Title - Text. Maximum character limit: 40

  • Text

    • Text without image or title. Maximum character limit: 120
    • Text with image and title. Maximum character limit: 60
  • Action button - Maximum of 3 action buttons. Supported actions are open URL, reply message, and postback.

Media typeFormatSize
Image.jpeg, .pngWidth: 1024 px (maximum)
File size: 10 MB (maximum)
Image URL Character limit: 2,000 (maximum)

Quick reply


Quick replies are available only in Moments.

You can include a maximum of 13 quick reply buttons to each of the following message types:

  • Text
  • Image
  • Rich card

Supported actions are open URL and reply message.

LINE - Quick replies in Moments

Inbound messages

Receive incoming messages in real-time when you use LINE for two-way communication.

An inbound message can consist of the following:

  • Text
  • Image
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Location

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