USA & Canada Registration
Migrating short codes for USA

Migrating short codes for USA

Last updated: 5/31/2024

These migration steps are intended for companies that wish to migrate a US short code (opens in a new tab) to Infobip. We have migrated hundreds of short codes and Infobip will work with you to ensure that your migration is a success.

Migrating a US short code is similar to provisioning a new one. The process takes about 2-4 weeks from the time Infobip files the campaign with the mobile operators. The time varies depending on the operator as each mobile operator will migrate the short code on their individual network separately.

Migration steps

1 - Submit number import request

If you are already sending traffic with Infobip, your first step is to submit a number import request using Numbers for the short code(s) you wish to migrate. Be sure to provide us with these documents as ownership evidence which will be used to validate the import request and submit the migration request to the mobile operators.

  • CSCA receipt – A current copy of your Common Short Code Administration receipt, which includes the Short Code and Order ID
  • Migration letter – A letter confirming authorization of the short code migration, which is on company letterhead, dated, indicates where the sender is migrating from and that it is migrating to Infobip

If you’re not already sending traffic with Infobip and your first short code will be a migration, work directly with your account representative or solutions engineer so you can be assigned an onboarding team member to walk you through this registration process.

2 - Create brand

Create a brand in the US Sender Registration app. As part of the registration process, a brand needs to be created for the business that is associated with the messaging campaign. The brand’s information (name and website) is submitted to the mobile operators together with the campaign information.

3 - Submit migration campaign draft

Submit the assigned migration campaign draft using the US Sender Registration app. Once the number import request is validated, a migration campaign draft is generated and assigned for completion. This is where you will provide details on the mobile messaging campaign, including the user experience and information on how the service is being promoted, updated with:

  • Changes that have occurred since the original filing of your campaign
  • Changes required to comply with current CTIA and mobile operator policies

4 - Compliance review

The submitted migration campaign draft will undergo a similar review process as a new campaign. The Infobip compliance team will provide feedback as needed so that you can make the campaign compliant. See US SMS compliance guide for messaging and website requirements.

Once the campaign is compliant, it is filed with the mobile operators along with the CSCA receipt and Migration Letter. Each mobile operator will take the opportunity to review your campaign. Once they review and approve the campaign, they proceed with the migration process.

5 - Complete migration with mobile operators

The process US mobile operators take to migrate short codes varies. To ensure a smooth transition, you will receive an automated notification from a noreply email address indicating when your migration campaign has been submitted to the mobile network operators. You can then follow the individual network statuses in your portal and should be attentive to traffic.


AT&T completes all migrations during their Sunday provisioning cycles. You will be able to confirm that the transfer has been completed once you stop receiving MOs from your former aggregator and begin receiving them through Infobip. At this time, you can begin routing your MT messages through Infobip.

Verizon Wireless

Verizon completes migrations during its normal provisioning cycle, typically on Friday mornings. You will be able to confirm that the transfer is complete once you begin to receive MOs through Infobip. At this time, you can begin routing your MT messages through Infobip.


Infobip will facilitate a call with you to perform the transfer in real time. During the call, Infobip will perform testing, complete the transfer, and all parties on the call will verify that the transfer has been completed successfully. Once this happens, your MTs will be rejected by your former aggregator and can only be routed through Infobip. Note that on the call, we will expect to test HELP commands.

Tier 2 and 3 operators

These operators automatically migrate campaigns within approximately a week of receiving the request. Once you observe MOs coming through your Infobip connection, you are safe to begin sending your MTs through Infobip.

6 - Remove service with previous provider

Once the short code is live across all mobile networks with Infobip, you should proceed with canceling the short code with the previous provider.

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