Broadcast performance

Broadcast performance

The metrics available in Broadcast help you better understand how your communication efforts are performing. Use this data to refine your messaging strategy and optimize future communications with your customers.

Analyze view

To access analytics for a specific communication, select it from the All broadcasts page. The communication will open in the Preview window, where analytics data is displayed on the right side of the message preview.

Broadcast - Analyze view

Basic metrics

This section provides metrics for communications that are either in progress or completed. The available data includes:

  • Number of recipients
  • Number of sent messages or calls
  • Approximate cost

Performance metrics

For more detailed analytics, select View performance metrics. There, you can monitor the delivery rate to see the percentage of messages successfully delivered to recipients. While the communication is in progress, the graph shows the percentage of messages delivered through the primary channel, as well as the percentage sent through SMS failover if applicable.

Delivery Rate Report

The completion rate and click-through rate provide both numerical and percentage-based insights into successfully delivered messages and clicks. This includes metrics for both primary communication channels and failover messages (if URL tracking is enabled). Messages sent through failover are counted as completed if delivered successfully.

Delivery by status differs per channel:

SMSMobile PushEmailVoice
No errorNo errorNo errorAnswered
Handset errorRegistration errorDroppedMachine answered
User errorExpiration errorBouncedNo answer
Operator errorCloud errorSystem errorBusy

Detailed information per channel is available on the Response status and error codes page.

Channel specific metrics

The Analyze view also provides channel-specific metrics beyond delivery and completion rates, depending on the enabled features:

SMSMobile PushEmailVoice
Delivery rate and completion rateDelivery rate and completion rateDelivery rate and completion rateDelivery rate and completion rate
Seen rateUnique open rate and unique click rate trackingAnswered calls
Click to open rateCall time
Bounce rate
Clicks per device and OS
Spam complaints rate
Unsubscribed rate

Communication summary

You can also see key data once the communication is completed. This includes:

This summary information is consistent across all Broadcast channels.

Broadcast - Summary

Available actions

From the Analyze view, you can generate reports and perform other actions:

  1. Generate reports:

    • Select Get report > Send as email.
    • In the Get report, select Create to have the report file emailed to you.
    Broadcast - Send as email
    • To create custom reports, use the link in the Get report window.
    Broadcast - Get report
  2. Channel-specific actions:

    • Select Options for additional actions:
SMSMobile PushEmailVoice
See in logsSee in logsSee in logsSee in logs
Pause/Resume (for broadcast in progress)Pause/Resume (for broadcast in progress)Pause/Resume (for broadcast in progress)Pause/Resume (for broadcast in progress)
Stop (for broadcast in progress)Stop (for broadcast in progress)Stop (for broadcast in progress)Stop (for broadcast in progress)
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