API Essentials
Response status and error codes

Response status and error codes

When using our API, you may encounter certain status and error codes that you need to understand or troubleshoot. This page contains a list of all codes with thorough descriptions and action steps you need to take if you are looking to resolve a problem.


To quickly locate a specific response status or error code on this page, use your browser's native search functionality by pressing Ctrl+F (Windows) or Command+F (Mac) and typing the code name or keyword you want to find.

By referencing this guide, you can quickly identify and address problems to ensure smooth integration and seamless communication with our platform.

Need more help?

If you cannot find a solution for your issue on this page and need further assistance, please contact our Support.

HTTP status codes

Every HTTP transaction has a status code sent back by the server to define how the server has handled the transaction. The most common statuses you may encounter are:

  • 200 OK
  • 404 Not Found
  • 401 Unauthorized

Check out the list of the HTTP status codes (opens in a new tab) to learn more.

API status codes

Besides the standard HTTP status code, the status object may be returned as part of the API response message, delivery report, or message log.

Status object example:

       "description":"Message delivered to handset"

General status codes

Status codes are grouped into status code groups with their own unique ID.


Group ID: 1

The message has been processed and sent to the next instance, for example, a mobile operator. Note that this does not mean the message has been delivered to the handset. For the full delivery status, use delivery reports instead.

3PENDING_WAITING_DELIVERYMessage has been successfully sent from our platform to the operator's end, but we are awaiting a delivery report from their end.

In case the delivery itself is impacted, the causes can be the availability of the destination, network issues, congestion, or additional setup requirements.
7PENDING_ENROUTEMessage has been successfully accepted and processed by our platform and forwarded to the next instance, which specifically involves the mobile operator.
26PENDING_ACCEPTEDMessage is pending after being accepted by the system and waiting for further processing or delivery confirmation from the operator.


Group ID: 2

The message has not been delivered.

4UNDELIVERABLE_REJECTED_OPERATORMessage was rejected by the operator and deemed undeliverable, possibly due to a network glitch or restrictions imposed by the operator.

Resolution steps include contacting Support for further clarification or resolution.
9UNDELIVERABLE_NOT_DELIVEREDMessage was not delivered to the intended recipient and considered undeliverable, typically due to factors such as an invalid or unreachable destination number.

Resolution steps involve verifying the accuracy of the recipient's number. If the issue persists, contact Support for assistance.
31UNDELIVERABLE_NOT_SENTThe message has not been sent.
96NO_ANSWERThe call was successfully delivered to the end user device; however, it was not answered by the end user.
97BUSYThe call has been successfully delivered to the end user's device, but the end user's device indicates that they are currently busy and unable to answer the incoming call.
98CANCELLEDThe call was canceled at the origination end before it could be successfully routed to the end user.


Group ID: 3

The message has been delivered.

2DELIVERED_TO_OPERATORMessage has been successfully delivered to the operator's system and awaits further processing or delivery to the recipient's handset.
5DELIVERED_TO_HANDSETMessage has been successfully delivered to the recipient's handset.


Group ID: 4

The message has been sent and has either expired due to pending past its validity period (our platform defaults to 48 hours), or the delivery report from the operator has returned EXPIRED as a final status.

15EXPIRED_EXPIREDMessage was received and sent to the operator. However, it has been pending until the validity period has expired or the operator returns the EXPIRED status.

Resolution steps include contacting Support for further clarification or resolution.
29EXPIRED_DLR_UNKNOWNMessage has expired, and the delivery status is unknown, indicating that the delivery report or confirmation was not received or could not be determined.

Resolution steps involve contacting Support to resolve the unknown delivery status.
87SIGNALS_BLOCKEDMessage has been rejected due to an anti-fraud mechanism. The message is charged to the customer.


Group ID: 5

The message has been received but has either been rejected by Infobip or the operator has returned REJECTED as final status.

6REJECTED_NETWORKMessage has been received, but the network is either out of our coverage or is not set up on your account.

Your account manager can inform you about the coverage status or set up the network in question. Otherwise, reach out to Support.
8REJECTED_PREFIX_MISSINGMessage has been received but rejected as the number is not recognized due to an incorrect number prefix or length. This information is different for each network and is regularly updated.
10REJECTED_DNDMessage has been received and rejected because the user is subscribed to DND (Do Not Disturb) services, disabling any service traffic to their number.
11REJECTED_SOURCEYour account is set to accept only registered sender IDs, and the sender ID defined in the request has not been registered on your account.
12REJECTED_NOT_ENOUGH_CREDITSYour account is out of credits for further submission.

Top up your account. For assistance in topping up or applying for an online account top-up service, contact your account manager or Support.
13REJECTED_SENDERThe sender ID has been blocklisted on your account via the web interface.

Remove the blocklist on your account or contact Support for further assistance.
14REJECTED_DESTINATION_BLOCKLISTEDThe destination address has been blocklisted either at the operator's request or on your account via the web interface.

Remove the blocklist on your account via the web interface or contact Support for more information.
17REJECTED_PREPAID_PACKAGE_EXPIREDAccount credits are past their validity period.

Top up your subaccount with credits to extend the validity period.
18REJECTED_DESTINATION_NOT_REGISTEREDYour account has been set up for submission only to a single number for testing purposes.

Contact your account manager or reach out to Support to remove the limitation.
19REJECTED_ROUTE_NOT_AVAILABLEMessage has been received on the system. However, your account has not been set up to send messages, that is, no routes on your account are available for further submission.

Your account manager can set up your account based on your preference. Otherwise, reach out to Support for more information.
20REJECTED_FLOODING_FILTERMessage has been rejected due to an anti-flooding mechanism. By default, a single number can only receive 20 varied and 6 identical messages per hour.

If a requirement exists, the limitation can be extended per account on request to your account manager or Support.
21REJECTED_SYSTEM_ERRORThe request has been rejected due to an expected system error.

Retry the submission or contact Support for more details.
23REJECTED_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_IDThe request has been rejected due to a duplicate message ID specified in the submit request; the message IDs should be a unique value.

For more information, see the SMS (opens in a new tab) section on the Infobip API Developer Hub.
24REJECTED_INVALID_UDHMessage has been received and our system detected the message was formatted incorrectly because of either an invalid ESM class parameter or an inaccurate amount of characters when using esmclass:64 (UDH).

For more information, see User Data Header (opens in a new tab) and Concatenated SMS (opens in a new tab) or contact Support for clarification.
25REJECTED_MESSAGE_TOO_LONGMessage has been received, but the total message length is more than 25 parts, or the message text exceeds 4000 bytes as per our system limitation.
51MISSING_TOThe request has been received, but the to parameter has not been set, or it is empty, that is, there must be a valid recipient to send the message to.
52REJECTED_DESTINATIONThe request has been received, but the destination is invalid—the number prefix is incorrect as it does not match a valid number prefix by any mobile operator. Number length is also taken into consideration when verifying number validity.
87SIGNALS_BLOCKEDMessage has been rejected due to an anti-fraud mechanism. If the message is deemed fraudulent, it will not be charged.
99REJECTEDThe call was rejected/declined by the end user at the receiving end.
100UNDELIVERABLE_REJECTED_PLATFORMThe request was rejected due to being invalid, malformed, or because the service is temporarily unavailable. Review the request parameters and structure, and try again when the service is accessible.

Voice status codes


Group ID: 5 - Voice status codes

The message has been received but has either been rejected by Infobip or the operator has reverted to REJECTED as the final status.

53REJECTED_INVALID_AUDIO_FILE_URLThe URL of the audio file is invalid and could not be read properly.
54REJECTED_UNSUPPORTED_LANGUAGEThe language submitted within the request is not supported and the request could not be processed correctly.
55REJECTED_MESSAGE_IS_EMPTYNative to Voice services, this status is returned when no text is sent in your Voice message request.
56REJECTED_INVALID_NOTIFY_URLNative to Voice services, this status is returned when the notifyUrl parameter is not formatted properly.

For more information, see Voice messages over API.
57REJECTED_INVALID_NOTIFY_CONTENT_TYPENative to Voice services, this status is returned when the notifyContentType parameter is not formatted properly.

For more information, see Voice messages over API.
58REJECTED_INVALID_DTMF_SIGNDefined value for repeating the message is invalid and must be a positive number.
59REJECTED_INVALID_DTMF_TIMEOUTDefined value for the waiting period is invalid and must be a positive number.
60REJECTED_INVALID_RING_TIMEOUTDefined value for the duration of the call is invalid and must be a positive number.
61REJECTED_INVALID_CALL_TIMEOUTDefined value for the total period of the call is invalid and must be a positive number.
62REJECTED_INVALID_MACHINE_DETECTIONThe action which attempts to detect answering machines at the beginning of the call is invalid.
63REJECTED_INVALID_ACTIONSActions submitted in HTTP API request are invalid.
64REJECTED_INVALID_ACTION_GROUPSAction groups submitted in HTTP API request are invalid.
83REJECTED_MACHINE_DETECTION_DISABLEDMachine detection is not enabled.

Contact your dedicated account manager or reach out to Support.
87REJECTED_INVALID_DELIVERY_TIME_WINDOWInvalid deliveryTimeWindow. The time gap between from and to cannot be less than 1 hour.
91REJECTED_INVALID_SSMLSubmitted message text contains invalid SSML.

MMS status codes


Group ID: 5 - MMS status codes

The message has been received but has either been rejected by Infobip or the operator has reverted to rejected as the final status.

56REJECTED_INVALID_NOTIFY_URLStatus is returned when the notifyUrl parameter is not formatted properly.
77REJECTED_MESSAGE_TEXT_TOO_LONGMessage has been received, but the textual part of the message length exceeds 1600 characters, which is the system limitation.

Email status codes


Group ID: 5 - Email status codes

The email has been received but has either been rejected by Infobip or the operator has reverted to rejected as the final status.

75REJECTED_FREE_TRIAL_EXCEEDEDThis status code is returned by the API when a user's free trial has been exceeded.

It means the user has exceeded the allowed number of messages or usage limits and must upgrade to continue using the service.
88REJECTED_DATA_TRANSFORMATION_FAILEDThis status code is returned by the API when there is an error in the data transformation process while creating the data needed to proceed with sending a mail.

Errors can include placeholder size exceeding limits or data failing to parse (for example, custom headers).
89REJECTED_INTERNAL_ERRORThis status code is returned by the API when there is an internal error with the system processing a message.

This occurs when a message exceeds retry limits or when internal data fails to parse.
90REJECTED_VALIDATION_FAILEDThis status code is returned by the API when a validation check fails during message processing.

Errors can be caused by issues such as an invalid sender, an invalid landing page, invalid preserved recipients, a missing template, and so on.

Push notifications status codes


Group ID: 2 - Push notifications status codes

The message has not been delivered.

66UNDELIVERABLE_NO_DESTINATIONThe status occurs when a TO object in a Push API call defines a filter that does not resolve any pushRegistrationIds as destinations for Push delivery. The to field is used to query the message recipient segment.

For example, you can target a tag that does not exist in any instance of the requested ApplicationCode. In this case, no destinations are found.

Alternatively, you can target all application instances (devices) that use Android OS. Here CloudType: GCM resolves all destinations and sends the message to all linked devices.

To verify your valid registrations, use the filtering options in the Infobip web interface (opens in a new tab).

For more information about user data, refer to the following links: iOS (opens in a new tab) and Android (opens in a new tab).


Group ID: 5 - Push notifications status codes

The message has been received but has either been rejected by Infobip, or the operator has reverted to rejected as final status.

65REJECTED_NO_APPLICATIONThe status occurs when an invalid or non-existent ApplicationCode is used in the from field of a Push API call.

Each application profile has a unique ApplicationCode, which is used in the SDK as a key identifier for the application installed on an end user's device and enables communication with our platform.

For each paired device and installed application, a pushRegistrationId is issued and uniquely linked to the ApplicationCode. You can get all available applications (opens in a new tab) or check the configuration (opens in a new tab).

Moments status codes


Below are the possible status codes for batch flow processing.

200PENDING_ACCEPTEDA person has been accepted and is going to be processed by Flow.

Error codes

Error object can be returned as part of the send message response or delivery report response.

Error object example:

       "description":"No Error",

General error codes

Error codes are grouped into error code groups with their own unique ID.


Group ID: 0

The request has been completed successfully.

0falseNO_ERRORThere is no error description provided. Mostly, it is returned for successful delivery or when the operator did not return any error code.

Handset errors

Group ID: 1

The request has not been completed due to handset-related issues.

1trueEC_UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIBERTypically, this indicates that the subscriber or recipient of the message is unknown or not recognized by the network.

Verify the subscriber details by dialing the number. If correct, contact Support.
2falseEC_UNKNOWN_BASE_STATIONSuggests an error involving an unidentified or unrecognized base station, often in the context of network or communication systems.

This could be due to a missing or inaccessible base station.
5falseEC_UNIDENTIFIED_SUBSCRIBERThis can occur for reasons such as an invalid or unregistered number, incomplete or incorrect subscriber information, or technical issues.

Verify and correct subscriber information. If correct, contact Support.
6falseEC_ABSENT_SUBSCRIBER_SMIndicates the destination numbers were unreachable, powered off, or in an area with limited coverage.

Ensure the subscriber's device is turned on and has a stable network connection.
7falseEC_UNKNOWN_EQUIPMENTThe mobile device has not been recognized by EIR (Equipment Identity Register) during device verification on the MAP protocol level at the operator’s infrastructure.
8falseEC_ROAMING_NOT_ALLOWEDThe subscriber is roaming in another country or operator’s infrastructure. Delivery is not guaranteed due to a lack of roaming agreements between operators.
9trueEC_ILLEGAL_SUBSCRIBERIndicates the mobile station failed authentication, often due to the subscriber's number being blocklisted.

Investigate and address the issue with the network operator, or contact Support.
11trueEC_TELESERVICE_NOT_PROVISIONEDThe mobile subscription does not support the requested service (for example, SMS).

Contact the service provider or network operator to activate the required teleservice.
12trueEC_ILLEGAL_EQUIPMENTIndicates the IMEI check on the handset failed due to the IMEI being blocklisted or unauthorized.

Use authorized equipment to resolve this issue.
13falseEC_CALL_BARREDThe operator suspended the subscriber’s service, usually for unpaid invoices.

Check the subscriber's account status and ensure sufficient balance or contact the network operator to resolve.
21falseEC_FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe requested service is not supported by the handset or network.

Verify the supported facilities and ensure compatibility. Restart the device and apply the latest software/firmware updates.
27falseEC_ABSENT_SUBSCRIBERIndicates the destination numbers were unreachable, powered off, or in an area with limited coverage.

Ensure the subscriber's device is turned on and has a stable network connection.
31falseEC_SUBSCRIBER_BUSY_FOR_MT_SMSIndicates that the subscriber is busy for MT SMS.
32falseEC_SM_DELIVERY_FAILUREIndicates a failure in delivering an SMS to the recipient, possibly due to unavailability, memory capacity issues, or temporary communication issues.

Verify details or contact Support.
33falseEC_MESSAGE_WAITING_LIST_FULLThe message waiting list is full.
34falseEC_SYSTEM_FAILUREIndicates a system failure.
35falseEC_DATA_MISSINGIndicates that some data is missing.
36falseEC_UNEXPECTED_DATA_VALUEIndicates that an unexpected data value has been entered.
255falseEC_UNKNOWN_ERRORIndicates an unknown error.
256falseEC_SM_DF_MEMORYCAPACITYEXCEEDEDIndicates that the message inbox on the recipient's mobile phone is full, preventing new messages.

Delete messages to clear space.
257falseEC_SM_DF_EQUIPMENTPROTOCOLERRORThere has been a mobile subscriber equipment error.
258falseEC_SM_DF_EQUIPMENTNOTSM_EQUIPPEDThere has been a mobile subscriber equipment error.
259falseEC_SM_DF_UNKNOWNSERVICECENTREThere has been a mobile subscriber equipment error.
260falseEC_SM_DF_SC_CONGESTIONThere has been a mobile subscriber equipment error.
261falseEC_SM_DF_INVALIDSME_ADDRESSThere has been a mobile subscriber equipment error.
262falseEC_SM_DF_SUBSCRIBERNOTSC_SUBSCRIBERThere has been a mobile subscriber equipment error.
500falseEC_PROVIDER_GENERAL_ERRORGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
502falseEC_NO_RESPONSEThe message was processed and forwarded to the operator, but no response was returned.

The error may also apply to SS7 network level issues.
503falseEC_SERVICE_COMPLETION_FAILUREGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
504falseEC_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE_FROM_PEERGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
507falseEC_MISTYPED_PARAMETERGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
508falseEC_NOT_SUPPORTED_SERVICEGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
509falseEC_DUPLICATED_INVOKE_IDGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
565trueEC_CANNOT_RECEIVE_SCEnd users connected to this MVNO cannot receive short code messages. The mobile operator rejected the message as the end user is connected to their network via an MVNO.

This restriction applies to short code messages.
573trueEC_SC_BLOCKED_BY_END_USERThe end user has asked their mobile operator to block messages sent from your short code. Additional messages must not be sent unless the end user opts in again.
581falseEC_USER_OUT_OF_CREDITThe end user is out of prepaid credit and cannot receive the message.

Retry sending every 24 hours for up to seven days.
628trueEC_TEMPORARY_HANDSET_FAILUREThere is a temporary handset failure.
629trueEC_DEST_ADDRESS_UNABLE_TO_RECEIVE_SMSThe destination address is unable to receive SMS.
1024falseEC_OR_APPCONTEXTNOTSUPPORTEDGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
1025falseEC_OR_INVALIDDESTINATIONREFERENCEGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
1026falseEC_OR_INVALIDORIGINATINGREFERENCEGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
1027falseEC_OR_ENCAPSULATEDAC_NOTSUPPORTEDGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
1028falseEC_OR_TRANSPORTPROTECTIONNOTADEQUATEGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
1029falseEC_OR_NOREASONGIVENGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
1030falseEC_OR_POTENTIALVERSIONINCOMPATIBILITYGeneral network protocol error caused by incompatible operator network protocol versions or parameters between network components.
1031falseEC_OR_REMOTENODENOTREACHABLEThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1152falseEC_NNR_NOTRANSLATIONFORANADDRESSOFSUCHNATUREThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1153falseEC_NNR_NOTRANSLATIONFORTHISSPECIFICADDRESSNo translation for this specific address.
1154falseEC_NNR_SUBSYSTEMCONGESTIONThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1155falseEC_NNR_SUBSYSTEMFAILUREThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1156falseEC_NNR_UNEQUIPPEDUSERThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1157falseEC_NNR_MTPFAILUREThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1158falseEC_NNR_NETWORKCONGESTIONThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1159falseEC_NNR_UNQUALIFIEDThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1160falseEC_NNR_ERRORINMESSAGETRANSPORTXUDTThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1161falseEC_NNR_ERRORINLOCALPROCESSINGXUDTThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1162falseEC_NNR_DESTINATIONCANNOTPERFORMREASSEMBLYXUDTThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1163falseEC_NNR_SCCPFAILUREThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1164falseEC_NNR_HOPCOUNTERVIOLATIONThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1165falseEC_NNR_SEGMENTATIONNOTSUPPORTEDThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1166falseEC_NNR_SEGMENTATIONFAILUREThe mobile subscriber was not reachable due to a network operator protocol error.
1281falseEC_UA_USERSPECIFICREASONMessage was aborted by a network peer due to a network protocol error.
1282falseEC_UA_USERRESOURCELIMITATIONMessage was aborted by a network peer due to a network protocol error.
1283falseEC_UA_RESOURCEUNAVAILABLEMessage was aborted by a network peer due to a network protocol error.
1284falseEC_UA_APPLICATIONPROCEDURECANCELLATIONMessage was aborted by a network peer due to a network protocol error.
1536falseEC_PA_PROVIDERMALFUNCTIONMessage was aborted due to other network protocol errors.
1537falseEC_PA_SUPPORTINGDIALOGORTRANSACTIONREALEASEDMessage was aborted due to other network protocol errors.
1538falseEC_PA_RESSOURCELIMITATIONMessage was aborted due to other network protocol errors.
1539falseEC_PA_MAINTENANCEACTIVITYMessage was aborted due to other network protocol errors.
1540falseEC_PA_VERSIONINCOMPATIBILITYMessage was aborted due to other network protocol errors.
1541falseEC_PA_ABNORMALMAPDIALOGMessage was aborted due to other network protocol errors.
1792falseEC_NC_ABNORMALEVENTDETECTEDBYPEERMessage was aborted due to other network protocol errors.
1793falseEC_NC_RESPONSEREJECTEDBYPEERMessage was aborted due to other network protocol errors.
1794falseEC_NC_ABNORMALEVENTRECEIVEDFROMPEERMessage was aborted due to other network protocol errors.
1795falseEC_NC_MESSAGECANNOTBEDELIVEREDTOPEERMessage was aborted due to other network protocol errors.
1796falseEC_NC_PROVIDEROUTOFINVOKEMessage was aborted due to other network protocol errors.

User errors

Group ID: 2

User error occurred.

323trueEC_INVALID_REQUEST_TYPEThe request type was invalid.
351falseEC_INVALID_DESTINATION_ADDRESSInvalid destination address.

Possible reasons for receiving this error for the following mobile operators might be:

Any operator:
• The mobile number is not on the mobile operator's network.
• The mobile number has been deactivated.

T-Mobile and MetroPCS:
• The phone number belongs to a prepaid user who does not have enough credit to receive a message.

• The end user is not provisioned to receive a message from all short codes (or from specific short codes)
• The end user is on an MVNO connected via T-Mobile.
• T-Mobile does not deliver messages from short codes to end users on MVNOs.

AT&T (US):
• The phone number belongs to a prepaid user who does not have enough credit to receive a message.
• The phone number is not provisioned for any messages.
• The phone number could be blocked due to a spam complaint.
352trueEC_INVALID_REQUEST_DESTINATIONInvalid request - destination address country code is not recognized.
355trueEC_MSG_TEXT_TOO_LONGMessage text is too long.
368trueEC_INVALID_SOURCE_ADDRESSInvalid source address value.

The mobile operator rejected the message with an invalid MT source address error. Contact your account manager or reach out to Support to determine if the MT source address should be supported by the end user's mobile operator.
433trueEC_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_DENIEDAccount access has been denied.
541falseEC_LIMIT_REACHEDCarrier sending limit has been reached.

The message was blocked by AT&T because the TPS (transactions per second) limit on your messaging campaign has been exceeded.
542falseEC_QUOTA_REACHEDCarrier daily quota reached.

The message was blocked by T-Mobile because the daily volume limit for your brand has been exceeded. You cannot resend the message until the next day.
572trueEC_CAMPAIGNID_NOT_PROVISIONEDProgram ID or campaign ID is not provisioned for this mobile operator or is not active.
577trueEC_ACC_NOT_PROVISIONED_TO_SMS_DEMO_SCThe account is not provisioned to use the SMS demo short code.
578trueEC_EXCEEDED_THE_TIME_LIMIT_OF_SMS_DEMOExceeded the time limit for using SMS demo.
579trueEC_DEST_ADDRESS_NOT_IN_SMS_DEMOThe destination address is not in the safelist for SMS demo.
580trueEC_EXCEEDED_THE_MAX_NUMBERExceeded the maximum number of demo requests.
594trueEC_INVALID_GLOBAL_CAMPAIGN_IDInvalid global campaign ID.
597trueEC_ACC_HAS_NO_ADRESS_FOR_DESRAccount is not provisioned with an address that can reach the destination.
598trueEC_INTERACTION_NOT_SUPPORTEDInteraction is not supported for the message destination.
601trueEC_ACC_NOT_2_WAYAccount is not provisioned for global two-way SMS.
603trueEC_CONTENT_BLOCKEDContent blocked by user opt-out (MO: STOP).

This code can be returned in a delivery receipt for an MT originating from a North American, SMS-enabled toll-free number or an SMS-enabled landline number. Messaging can resume to the end user if the end user opts back into your program.
604trueEC_BLOCKED_BY_CAMPAIGN_BLACKLISTContent blocked by campaign blocklist.
607trueEC_REJECTED_SPAM_BY_OPERATORThis message was identified as spam and cannot be delivered.
608falseEC_SIGNALS_BLOCKEDThe message has been rejected due to an anti-fraud mechanism.

It means that the risk score of the destination hit the defined threshold and the system blocked the message. In case of a false positive, you can use Signals API (opens in a new tab) to add it to the trusted list.
2049trueEC_IMSI_BLACKLISTEDIMSI is blocklisted.
2052trueEC_BLACKLISTED_DESTINATIONADDRESSThe destination number has been blocklisted either at the operator`s request or on your account via the web interface.

Go to the web interface (opens in a new tab) to remove the blocklist on your account or contact Support for more information.
2053trueEC_BLACKLISTED_SENDERADDRESSThe sender number has been blocklisted either at the operator's request or on your account via the web interface.

Go to the web interface (opens in a new tab) to remove the blocklist on your account or contact Support for more information.
3041trueEC_DEACTIVATED_LISTThe phone number you provided is listed as deactivated, which means it is no longer active and cannot receive messages.

If you included the mobileOperatorId in your request, you can perform an operator lookup to check if the number was ported to a new operator. If you did not include the mobileOperatorId, we have already performed the lookup and confirmed that the number is permanently deactivated. It is crucial to refrain from sending any further messages to this number.

For more details, see the guidelines on handling deactivated phone numbers.
4096trueEC_INVALID_PDU_FORMATInvalid PDU format.
4099trueEC_MONTHLY_LIMIT_REACHEDYour account monthly credit limit has been reached.

For further financial assistance, contact your account manager or contact Support.
4100trueEC_MESSAGE_CANCELEDThe request was received, but has not been sent to the next instance within its validity period and has expired with the appropriate error code, or the same error code was reverted from the operator.
4101trueEC_VALIDITY_EXPIREDThe message was sent to the next instance and has not been delivered within the message validity period, thus it has expired with the appropriate error code, or the error code was reverted from the operator.
4102trueEC_NOTSUBMITTEDTOSMPPCHANNELInbound SM cannot be transferred via SMPP due to the lack of SMPP connectivity.
4103trueEC_DESTINATION_FLOODINGAs per the flooding filter rule, you can send 6 messages with the same content to the same destination in one hour while or you can send up to 20 messages with different content to the same destination in a period of one hour.

If there is a valid reason for the traffic to bypass the filter, your account manager can assist you with adjusting these limitations, or reach out to Support.

The message is rejected due to the number of identical messages sent to a single number.
4202trueEC_10DLC_LIMIT_REACHEDMessage was not delivered due to 10DLC operator limit.

Operator errors

Group ID: 3

The request has not been completed due to operator issues.

10trueEC_BEARER_SERVICE_NOT_PROVISIONEDSuggests that the requested bearer service is not available or activated for the user or device attempting to access it.

This can be due to service unavailability in the subscription, lack of network support, or configuration/provisioning issues. Resolving this error typically involves contacting the service provider or network operator to ensure the necessary bearer service is provisioned and activated for the subscriber's account.
20falseEC_SS_INCOMPATIBILITYIndicates that the SS is not compatible.
51trueEC_RESOURCE_LIMITATIONIndicates that invoked MAP operation could not be finished due to the network congestion - this is an SS7 network congestion error on the MAP protocol level.
71falseEC_UNKNOWN_ALPHABETIndicates an unknown alphabet.
345trueEC_OPERATOR_NOT_FOUNDMobile operator not found for the destination address.

The service performed a dynamic carrier lookup for the destination address, but it could not be identified; or, the MT source address is not a North American toll-free phone number or landline.
375trueEC_SOURCE_ADDRESS_IS_BLOCKEDSource address (recipient) is blocked or is not provisioned.
488trueEC_TF_NUMBER_NOT_VERIFIEDIndicates that the number has either gone over the limit or they are trying to send to Canada and the number is not verified.

Contact your account manager or reach out to Support to get the TFN verified.
501falseEC_INVALID_RESPONSE_RECEIVEDAn invalid response has been received.
560trueEC_SC_BLOCKED_FOR_END_USERThe mobile operator blocked the end user from this short code.
561trueEC_CONTENT_BLOCKED_BY_OPERATORContent blocked by the mobile operator for this end user.
562trueEC_SC_NOT_PROVISIONEDShort code not provisioned with mobile operator.

Contact your dedicated account manager or contact Support if you believe that you are provisioned for the operator or if you want to begin provisioning.
563trueEC_SC_EXPIREDShort code expired with mobile operator.

Contact your dedicated account manager or contact Support if you believe that you are provisioned for the operator or if you want to begin provisioning.
564trueEC_SC_BLOCKEDShort code blocked by mobile operator.

The mobile operator rejected the message as the short code is currently blocked from sending messages across their network. Contact your dedicated account manager or reach out to Support if you are unsure why you received this error.
566trueEC_DESTINATION_BLOCKED_BY_OPERATORThe mobile operator is blocking the phone number from receiving messages from short codes.

This is likely due to the end user's account being suspended or barred in some way.
568trueEC_DESTINATION_NOT_SMS_PROVISIONEDDestination address not provisioned for SMS.
569trueEC_DEST_ADDRESS_SUSPENDEDDestination address suspended by the mobile operator.
571falseEC_CAMPAIGN_ID_REJECTEDProgram ID or Campaign ID rejected by the mobile operator.

This error applies to messages sent to US mobile operators. The error indicates that the program ID or campaign ID in the message request is not provisioned with the mobile operator. Contact your dedicated account manager or Support if you are unsure why you received this error.
574trueEC_BLOCKED_NEW_SUBSCRIPTIONS_FOR_SCNew subscriptions for this short code are blocked by the mobile operator.

Indicates that for a given short code, new subscribers are not allowed to receive or send messages. However, existing subscribers are still allowed to receive and send messages.
592trueEC_ACCOUNT_NOT_PROVISIONED_FOR_SMSThe end user's number belongs to a network for which the account is not provisioned, or we do not provide coverage for the specific network.
630trueEC_DEST_OVERLOADEDDestination overloaded.
631trueEC_MOBILE_OPERATOR_NETWORK_ERRORMobile operator network error.
632trueEC_SMS_REJECTED_BY_MOBILE_OPERATORSMS rejected by the mobile operator for attempted destination address.
633trueEC_UNKNOWN_MOBILE_OPERATORMessage failed due to an unknown mobile operator error.
810trueEC_FAILED_MESSAGE_DELIVERYFailed message delivery.
811trueEC_MESSAGE_EXPIREDMessage expired before it reached handset.
815trueEC_MESSAGE_SUBMITTED_NOT_ACKEDMessage submitted to but not acknowledged by the mobile operator.
2048falseEC_TIME_OUTTime out.
2050trueEC_DEST_ADDRESS_BLACKLISTEDThe numbers were identified as blocklisted in the operator's DND (Do Not Disturb) database, provided by the operator, or the operator reverted the same error code.

Resolving this error typically involves reviewing the blocklist status of the destination address, checking for any legitimate reasons for blocklisting, and taking appropriate actions to remove it.
2051falseEC_INVALIDMSCADDRESSText is blocklisted.
4097falseEC_NOTSUBMITTEDTOGMSCMessages not passed to any operator and failed at the platform.
4102trueEC_NOTSUBMITTEDTOSMPPCHANNELNot submitted to SMPP channel.
5492trueEC_DUPLICATE_MESSAGEThe same message has already been sent to this destination address.

Voice error codes (DEPRECATED)

Old voice error codes are deprecated from October 9th, 2024.

For more information, read the voice error code migration guidance. See the Voice and WebRTC error codes table for the most up-to-date error code descriptions.


Group ID: 0 - Voice error codes

The request has been completed successfully.

5000trueVOICE_ANSWEREDThe voice call was successfully answered by the recipient.

No further action is required.
5001trueVOICE_ANSWERED_MACHINEThe voice call was answered by a machine or voicemail system.

You may consider adjusting your communication strategy for machine-answered calls.

Handset errors

Group ID: 1 - Voice error codes

The request has not been completed due to handset-related issues.

5480falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_TEMPORARILY_NOT_AVAILABLETemporary unavailability of the voice service or recipient currently unavailable.

Retry the operation later or contact Support for assistance.
5603falseEC_DECLINEThe call was declined by the recipient or the end user rejected the call or is currently unavailable for the call.

Consider alternative methods of communication or try reaching out again later.

Operator errors

Group ID: 3 - Voice error codes

The request has not been completed due to operator issues.

5002trueEC_VOICE_USER_BUSYThe recipient's phone line is busy.

You can try calling again at a later time or explore other communication channels.
5003trueEC_VOICE_NO_ANSWERThe recipient did not answer the call.

You may try calling again later or choose an alternative communication method.
5004trueEC_VOICE_ERROR_DOWNLOADING_FILEAn error occurred while downloading the audio file for playback.

Verify the file's accessibility and format. If the issue persists, contact Support for further assistance.
5005trueEC_VOICE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_AUDIO_FORMATThe audio format is not supported.

Check the audio format requirements, use supported types, and ensure compatibility with the voice service.
5400falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_BAD_REQUESTThe voice call request was malformed or contained invalid parameters.

Review the request or ensure it is properly formatted and check the API documentation for the correct request structure.
5403falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_FORBIDDENThe voice call request was rejected by the operator.

Contact Support for further assistance.
5404falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_FOUNDThe destination for the voice call was not found or is invalid.

Double-check the recipient's phone number or destination details.
5407falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREDProxy authentication is required to establish the voice call.

Contact Support for further assistance.
5408falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_REQUEST_TIMEOUTThe voice call request timed out before a response was received or the end user could not be found in time during the call.

Contact Support for further assistance.
5410falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_GONEThe requested voice call resource is no longer available.

Ensure the recipient's phone number is valid and accessible or contact Support for further assistance.
5413falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGEThe voice call request entity (for example, audio file) is too large.

Reduce the size of the request entity and try again.
5414falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONGThe server is refusing to process the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret (destination too long).
5415falseEC_VOICE_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPEThe media type used in the voice call is not supported.

Ensure you are using a compatible media type for the voice call.
5481falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_CALL_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe voice call record/transaction does not exist.

Contact Support for further assistance.
5484falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETEThe address (for example, destination number) provided for the voice call is incomplete or invalid.

Make sure the address is correctly formatted.
5487falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_REQUEST_TERMINATEDThe voice call request was terminated with a cancel button or the end user refused to receive a voice call.
5488falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_HEREThe voice call request is not acceptable on the operator’s end.

Contact Support for further assistance.
5491falseEC_VOICE_ERROR_REQUEST_PENDINGThe voice call request is pending and waiting for further processing.

Wait for the request to be processed or check the status later.
5501trueEC_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDThe requested voice call feature is not implemented or supported.

Contact Support for further assistance.
5503trueEC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEThe voice call service is temporarily unavailable.

Retry the request later or contact Support for further information.

Voice and WebRTC error codes


Group ID: 0

The request has been completed successfully.

10000trueNORMAL_HANGUPThe call ended due to a hangup initiated by the caller, callee, or API.
10001trueANSWERED_ELSEWHEREThe call was answered on another device or platform.

Verify the call status on the intended device or investigate further if needed.
10002trueMACHINE_DETECTEDThe voice call was answered by a machine or voicemail system.

You may consider adjusting your communication strategy for machine-answered calls.
10003trueHUMAN_DETECTEDA human answered the call.

You can take appropriate action based on the call's purpose.
10004trueMAX_DURATION_REACHEDThe call reached the maximum allowed duration.

If needed, initiate a new call or adjust the call duration settings and contact Support for further assistance.

Handset errors

Group ID: 1

The request has not been completed due to handset-related issues.

10100trueDEVICE_FORBIDDENThe device (camera and/or microphone) used for the call is not allowed or blocked.

Check device permissions or restrictions and take appropriate action.
10101trueDEVICE_NOT_FOUNDThe device (camera and/or microphone) for the call could not be found or is unavailable.

Ensure the device is accessible and try again.
10102trueDEVICE_UNAVAILABLEThe device (camera and/or microphone) for the call is currently unavailable.
10103trueMEDIA_ERRORAn error occurred with the media during the call (for example, an audio issue).

Check the media settings and equipment, and troubleshoot as necessary.

User errors

Group ID: 2

User error occurred.

10200trueNO_ANSWERThe call was successfully delivered to the end user device; however, it was not answered by the end user.
10201trueBUSYThe call has been successfully delivered to the end user's device, but the end user's device indicates that they are currently busy and unable to answer the incoming call.
10202trueCANCELLEDThe call was canceled at the origination end before it could be successfully routed to the end user.
10203trueREJECTEDThe call was rejected/declined by the end user at the receiving end.
10204trueTEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLEThe end user was unavailable to receive the call at the moment.

The operator attempted to connect the call but encountered an issue with the end user's connection or availability, resulting in the call not being successfully connected. It is advisable to verify if the phone number provided is valid and reachable to ensure effective communication in the future.

Operator errors

Group ID: 3

The request has not been completed due to operator issues.

10300trueFORBIDDENThe received request was rejected.

Contact Support for further assistance.
10301trueINSUFFICIENT_FUNDSThe account you are using does not have sufficient credits or funds available to initiate the phone call you are attempting to make.

In order to proceed with the call, you will need to ensure that there are enough credits or funds in your account.
10302trueUNAUTHENTICATEDThe caller's credentials or access rights are invalid or insufficient to initiate the call.

To resolve this, ensure that the caller provides valid authentication credentials or obtains proper authorization for making the call.
10303trueDESTINATION_NOT_FOUNDThe server was unable to locate the destination number you dialed.

This could be due to an incorrect country prefix or an invalid number format. To resolve this issue, double-check the country prefix and ensure that the number you dialed is accurate and in the correct format.
10304trueDESTINATION_UNAVAILABLEThe destination number you attempted to call is currently unavailable to receive incoming calls.

To address this situation, it is recommended to verify if the number you dialed is valid and reachable.
10305trueINVALID_DESTINATIONThe server was unable to locate the destination number you dialed.

This could be due to an incorrect country prefix or an invalid number format. To resolve this issue, double-check the country prefix and ensure that the number you dialed is accurate and in the correct format.
10306trueINVALID_REQUESTThe call request is invalid or malformed.

Review the request parameters and structure, and make necessary adjustments.
10307trueREQUEST_TIMEOUTThe call request timed out without a response.

For more specific details and assistance, contact Support.
10308trueNETWORK_ERRORAn error occurred in the network during the call.

Check the network connection and contact Support for further investigation.
10309trueSERVICE_UNAVAILABLEThe call service is temporarily unavailable.

Contact Support for assistance.
10310trueUNKNOWNAn unknown error occurred during the call.

Contact Support for further investigation and assistance.
10311trueFEATURE_UNAVAILABLEThe requested call feature is not available or supported.

Consider alternative features or methods for communication or contact Support for assistance.
10312trueCONGESTIONThe call could not be completed due to network congestion or overload.

Contact Support for further investigation and assistance.
10400trueURL_NOT_FOUNDThe requested URL for the call was not found.

Verify the URL and make necessary corrections.
10401trueURL_UNREACHABLEThe requested URL for the call is unreachable.

Check the network connectivity and URL accessibility.
10402trueINVALID_RESPONSEThe response received during the call is invalid or unexpected.

Contact Support for assistance.

Push notification error codes

Registration errors

Group ID: 1 - Push notification error codes

Messages not sent due to device registration problems (for example, in cases of uninstalled applications).

8001trueEC_DEVICE_APP_UNINSTALLUser has uninstalled the application on device or device cloud token expired.
8002trueEC_FCM_MISMATCH_SENDER_IDFCM responded with MismatchSenderId in response error field.

Sender ID is a unique numerical value created when you create your Firebase project, available in the Cloud Messaging tab of the Firebase console's Settings panel. The sender ID is used to identify each app server that can send messages to the client app.

Check your application build configuration.
8003trueEC_NO_APPLICATION_FOUNDApplication with provided ApplicationCode for sending push messages is not found.

Check your message target parameters.
8004trueEC_NO_REGISTRATION_ID_FOUNDRegistration with provided PushRegistrationId does not exist or has expired.

Cloud errors

Group ID: 3 - Push notification error codes

Messages not sent due to Clouds communication issues.

8005trueEC_SYS_ERROR_FROM_CLOUDFailed to send push notification.

Cloud (FCM or APNS) responded with error while processing the request.
8006trueEC_INVALID_FCM_AUTH_DATAInvalid cloud authentication data (Server Key). FCM responded with status 401 (Unauthorized).

Check your Application configuration for Android on the web interface.
8007trueEC_INVALID_APNS_CERTInvalid certificate for APNS.

Check your Application configuration for iOS on the web interface.
8008trueEC_APPLICATION_CLOUD_TYPE_DISABLEDCloud type was disabled by client for the application.

Request is targeted to registration with cloud type that was disabled by the client. Check your Application configuration on the web interface.

Try again later and, if the problem persists, contact Support for further assistance.
8010trueEC_INVALID_PUSH_PAYLOADInvalid push payload data.

Contact Support for further assistance.
8011trueEC_PUSH_INTERNAL_GW_ERRORInternal error.

Try again later and if the problem persists, contact Support for further assistance.
8012trueEC_PUSH_CLOUD_TEMP_UNAVAILABLEPush Cloud (FCM or APNS) is temporarily unavailable. Message is pending in retry.

MMS error codes

15000EC_MMS_GENERAL_ERRORIndicates an MMS provider general error.
15002EC_SYSTEM_ERRORIndicates a system error.
15003EC_MSISDN_NOT_REGISTEREDMSISDN is not registered by the operator.
15004EC_DEFERREDMessage is deferred. The end user's handset has retrieved the MMS header, but not downloaded the full message.
15005EC_MMS_FORWARDEDThe end user has forwarded the MMS to another address without retrieving it.
15006EC_VALIDITY_EXPIREDMobile operator could not contact the handset before reaching the expiry time.
15007EC_CONTENT_CANNOT_BE_DOWNLOADED_ON_HANDSETContent cannot be downloaded on handset.
15008EC_PROVIDER_DELIVERY_ERRORIndicates an MMS provider delivery error.
15009EC_RECIPIENT_NOT_FOUNDThe mobile operator could not find the recipient.
15010EC_SOURCE_ADDRESS_NOT_PROVISIONEDThe source address is not provisioned with the operator.
15011EC_RECIPIENT_BLOCKED_BY_OPERATORThe recipient is blocked from receiving the MMS by the operator.
15012EC_DRM_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates that DRM is not supported.
15013EC_MMS_CONTENT_BLOCKED_BY_OPERATORMMS content is blocked or unsupported by the operator.
15014EC_MMS_INVALID_SUBJECTIndicates an invalid MMS subject in request.
15015EC_MMS_SC_BLOCKED_BY_END_USERThe end user has blocked traffic from this specific SC.
15016EC_UNKNOWN_CARRIERUnable to determine the mobile operator.
15017EC_RECIPIENT_DEACTIVATEDThe recipient is deactivated.
15018EC_RECIPIENT_SUSPENDEDThe recipient is suspended from the service.
15019EC_HANDSET_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_MMSMMS is not supported on handset.
15020EC_CAMPAIGN_BLOCKED_BY_OPERATORCampaign blocked by mobile operator.
15021EC_CAMPAIGN_INFO_NOT_PROVISIONEDCampaign information is not provisioned for this mobile operator.
15022EC_URL_ATTACHMENT_TO_LARGECannot retrieve MMS as the URL attachment is too large.
15023EC_FAILED_TO_ROUTE_MESSAGEFailed to route the MMS message.
15024EC_REMOTE_CONTENT_FAILURECould not retrieve the remote content.
15025EC_REMOTE_CONTENT_INTERNAL_FAILUREInternal error trying to fetch the remote content.
15026EC_TOO_BIG_CONTENTMessage has been rejected because the submitted content exceeds operator limits.
15200EC_INVALID_MSG_TYPEInvalid MMS message type.
15201EC_MMS_INVALID_DESTINATION_ADDRESSInvalid MMS destination address.
15202EC_MMS_INVALID_SOURCE_ADDRESSInvalid MMS source address.
15203EC_INVALID_SUBJECTInvalid MMS subject parameter.

Email error codes


Group ID: 1

The request has not been completed successfully as there was an issue noticed before the sending attempt causing an error.

6002trueEC_SPAM_DETECTEDThe content you are trying to send was detected as possible spam by the platform.

Review the Deliverability recommendations and adjust your content accordingly before retry.
6003trueEC_UNSUBSCRIBED_EMAIL_ADDRESSThe recipient opted out of receiving updates from this specific address.

If removal is desired, complete the request by going to the Do not contact option in the web interface.
6016trueEC_SENDER_DOMAIN_BOUNCE_BLOCKEDYour domain has been blocked due to a high bounce rate to protect IPs and its reputation.

The domain unblocking procedure is automated and will happen after a 24-hour cooling-off period.

To prevent this from occurring in the future, check the reports and clean up your recipient database from inactive addresses. Use the Email validation service to help you with the procedure.
6018trueEC_REQUEST_INVALIDThe submitted request is not valid.

Ensure that the data and request parameters are accurate and in the right format.
6020trueEC_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUNDThe email template from the request could not be found.

Make sure that the template ID is correct before retry.
6021trueEC_EMAIL_PLACEHOLDERS_ERRORError with placeholders in the content.

Check the placeholdersto confirm there are no issues or typos in them and retry.
6023trueEC_BLOCKED_SUSPICIOUS_ACTIVITYYour domain has been blocked due to suspicious activity.

Should you require any additional information regarding this matter, contact Support or your account manager.
6024trueEC_EMAIL_TOO_MANY_URLSMaximum amount of URLs with Tracking enabled is 150.

Lower the amount of URLs or turn off the Tracking features before retry.
6025trueEC_EMAIL_INVALID_TRACKING_PARAMSTracking parameters in the email are not valid. Review them and then retry.
6026trueEC_EMAIL_LANDING_PAGE_PLACEHOLDERS_SIZE_EXCEEDEDSize of the placeholders on the landing page limit is 256 characters.

Adjust (decrease) the landing page placeholder size accordingly and retry.
6027trueEC_EMAIL_INVALID_HEADERSThe headers of the email are invalid or improperly formatted.

Check the headers and ensure they meet the required format.
6029trueEC_SENDER_ADDRESS_INVALIDThe email sender is invalid or unauthorized to send emails.

To resolve the issue, check the sender domain for spelling mistakes and ensure that the domain is verified and properly configured.
6030trueEC_EMAIL_INVALID_LANDING_PAGEThe specified landing page is invalid or inaccessible.

Confirm the landing page's URL and availability and retry.
6031trueEC_INVALID_PRESERVED_CC_OR_BCC_RECIPIENTInvalid preserved recipient in CC or BCC.

Check the recipient list and ensure that all preserved recipients are valid and the limit is not reached.
6033trueEC_INVALID_CC_BCC_EMAIL_ADDRESSThe request contains invalid addresses in the CC and/or BCC.

Ensure that the addresses are correctly formatted by checking them.
6034trueEC_SUPPRESSED_BOUNCEA bounce SMTP response from the recipient's mailbox provider earlier has resulted in the recipient address being suppressed.
6035trueEC_SUPPRESSED_SPAM_COMPLAINTDue to the recipient reporting previous content sent from the same domain as spam, the recipient's address has been suppressed.

Note that this error code will be deployed at a later stage. For the time being, spam complaints will be marked with EC 6034.
6036trueEC_SENDER_DOMAIN_UNVERIFIEDDomain does not currently have all required DNS records set up correctly.

Check your DNS configuration. See Verify your sender domain.
6038trueEC_EMAIL_CONTENT_EXPIREDThe content in a template expired due to the lack of regular usage.

To resolve the issue, check the content and re-upload it. If the issue persists, contact Support.
6039trueEC_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_LANGUAGE_ERRORError in template language in your content. See Template language personalization for more details. If the problem persists, contact Support.
6040trueEC_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_EXPIREDThe template validity period expired.

Either update a template to prolong the validity, or copy it and update the template ID before retry.
6041trueEC_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_NOT_SAVEDThe template was not saved.

Make sure the requested template is correctly stored on the web interface before retry.
6050falseEC_SENDER_WARMUPThe sender domain has reached its reputation warmup limit for today.
6051falseEC_WARMUPThe sender has reached its reputation warmup limit for today.
6052trueEC_RECIPIENT_DOMAIN_TYPORecipient domain is blocked as it is listed on the Infobip internal blocklist.
6053falseEC_ACCESS_DENIED_BY_MAILBOX_PROVIDERThe mailbox provider has denied access for the sender.


Group ID: 2

The response from the mailbox provider indicates that there was an error and the delivery attempt was unsuccessful.

6006trueEC_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESSThe recipient's email address provided is either invalid, inactive, or disabled.

Check for possible typos and validate the address before the retry. Use the Email validation service to help you with the procedure.
6007falseEC_MAILBOX_TEMPORARY_UNAVAILABLEThe recipient's mailbox is temporarily unavailable.

Retry the email in a few hours and contact Support if you continue to encounter the same response for the additional checks.
6009trueEC_MAILBOX_PERMANENTLY_UNAVAILABLEThe recipient's mailbox provider (domain) might be permanently unavailable.

Contact the recipient and attend to the situation before retry.
6010falseEC_RECIPIENT_INBOX_FULLThe recipient's mailbox storage limit has been reached and they cannot receive additional emails.

Contact the recipient and resolve this situation by clearing some data.
6011falseEC_SOFT_BOUNCEResponse indicates a temporary delivery error.

Retry sending and if the same response is returned, contact the recipient to attend to the situation.
6012trueEC_HARD_BOUNCEResponse is indicating a permanent error related to the delivery.

Contact the recipient to confirm and solve the situation.
6017falseEC_SENDER_IP_BLACKLISTEDThe IP address assigned to your domain has been blocklisted.

Review using the Deliverability recommendations and request the delisting on the relevant blocklist.
6037trueEC_RECIPIENT_DOMAIN_MX_NOT_FOUNDThe domain to which this address belongs is possibly unavailable or does not exist due to the MX not being found or being unavailable.

Check the address for any typos and validate the address.
6042trueEC_SPAM_REVERTEDThe content in the email was flagged as spam by the mailbox provider.

Review the Deliverability recommendations and adjust your content accordingly before retry.
6043trueEC_SUSPICIOUS_CONTENTMailbox provider decided to deny your traffic due to the suspicious content.

Ensure that you are following content best practices before retrying the traffic. If the error persists, contact the mailbox provider.
6044trueEC_SUSPICIOUS_SENDERRecipient mailbox provider denied your messages due to very low reputation of your domain or IPs.

This usually happens due to different sending best practices not being followed. Ensure that you respect general and mailbox provider's best practices when sending traffic. If the error repeats, contact the mailbox provider to resolve the situation.
6045trueEC_RECIPIENT_DOMAIN_POLICY_ERRORMailbox provider blocked your message as it does not meet their email policy requirements for your organization or for the recipient's organization.

Follow the best practices and if the error repeats, contact the recipient for additional details and possible solution.
6046falseEC_UNSOLICITED_RECIPIENTThe recipient mailbox provider (domain) has detected that this message is likely to be an unsolicited email; therefore, it was blocked.

Ensure that your recipients are subscribed and interested in the traffic before retry.
6047trueEC_DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_ERRORYour domain might be missing valid DKIM or SPF, so your traffic has been denied by the recipient mailbox provider.

Ensure that your DNS records are valid before retry.
6048trueEC_DMARC_POLICY_ISSUERecipient mailbox provider denied your domain's DMARC policy.

Ensure that the policy is valid before retry and if the error repeats, contact the recipient mailbox provider for further instructions.
6049trueEC_SENDER_DOMAIN_BLACKLISTEDYour domain has been blocklisted by the recipient mailbox.

Review the Deliverability recommendations and request the delisting on the relevant blocklist.

System errors

Group ID: 3

The request has not been successful due to the issue on the Infobip end.

6013falseEC_INTERNAL_SYSTEM_ERRORSomething went wrong on the Infobip end.

Retry the traffic and contact Support if the same error is returned.

Chat error codes

(RCS, WhatsApp, Messenger, LINE, Viber, Zalo, KakaoTalk)

Client errors

Group ID: 1 - Chat error codes

The request has not been completed successfully due to application misconfiguration or a bad/invalid request issued by the client.

7001trueEC_UNKNOWN_APPLICATIONIndicates that the requested application is unknown or not recognized.

Resolution steps involve verifying the application details, ensuring proper configuration, and contacting the appropriate support channels for assistance.
7002trueEC_UNKNOWN_USERSignifies that the user is unknown or not registered.

To resolve this error, verify the user's details or ensure that the MSISDN is correct and belongs to an active user.
7003trueEC_BLOCKED_USERIndicates that the user has been blocked or restricted from accessing the messages.

Resolution steps involve investigating the reason for the user block, reviewing any violation or restriction policies, and taking appropriate actions such as unblocking or contacting Support for further assistance.
7004trueEC_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESSDenotes unauthorized access or unrecognized service access credentials.

To resolve this error, investigate the unauthorized access attempt, ensure proper authentication/credentials, and contact Support for further assistance.
7005trueEC_FORBIDDEN_ACCESSIndicates that access to the requested resource or service is forbidden.

Resolution steps involve verifying the user's access rights and permissions, ensuring the application is allowed to send messages, and verifying that it is published or approved by the provider.
7006trueEC_BAD_REQUESTThe server cannot process the request due to invalid syntax or parameters.

Verify the request data and ensure that it follows the required format or check the API documentation for the correct request structure or contact Support for additional guidance.
7007trueEC_ILLEGAL_TRAFFIC_TYPEIndicates that the content of the submitted message does not align with the registered traffic type of the sender.

This could be due to the use of incompatible media elements or not understanding any restrictions or guidelines related to traffic types. For more specific details and assistance, contact Support.
7008trueEC_INVALID_TEMPLATE_ARGSDenotes invalid or missing parameters in a message template.

To resolve this error, review the template structure, ensure that all required parameters are provided, and correct any invalid or missing parameters.
7009trueEC_INVALID_TEMPLATESignifies an invalid or incorrect message template.

Resolution steps involve reviewing the template and making the necessary modifications or corrections.
7010trueEC_NO_SESSIONIndicates that the session has not been initiated or has expired.

To resolve this error, establish a valid session by authenticating the user or application, ensuring a new session, or extending the existing session.
7011trueEC_ACCOUNT_ISSUESignifies an issue or problem related to the user's account.

Resolution steps involve investigating the account-related problem and contacting Support for further assistance.
7012falseEC_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIGURATION_ERRORDenotes an error or issue with the deployment or configuration of the system or service.

To resolve this error, contact Support for further assistance.
7013falseEC_MEDIA_HOSTING_ERRORIndicates an error or problem related to media hosting or storage.

Resolution steps involve verifying the media hosting setup, ensuring proper connectivity, and resolving any hosting-related issues.
7014falseEC_MEDIA_UPLOAD_ERRORSignifies an error or problem encountered during media upload.

To resolve this error, check for any network or connectivity issues, and ensure that the media file meets the specified requirements.
7015trueEC_MEDIA_METADATA_ERRORDenotes an error or issue with the metadata associated with media files.

Resolution steps involve reviewing the metadata information, ensuring content type and size, and resolving any metadata-related problems.
7016trueEC_SPAM_RATEMessage failed because there are restrictions related to the sender quality rating on how many messages can be sent from this sender to unique end users during the period defined by the provider.
7017falseEC_TOO_MANY_REQUESTSSignifies that the number of requests from the application has exceeded the allowed limit.

To resolve this error, reduce the frequency or number of requests, adhere to rate limits, and consider optimizing the request flow if necessary.
7018trueEC_INTERNAL_BAD_MAPPINGDenotes an internal error related to mapping or data structures within the system.

Resolution steps involve investigating the mapping issue, reviewing and resolving any inconsistencies or errors in the mapping process, and contacting Support for further assistance.
7019trueEC_PROVIDER_BILLING_ERRORIndicates an error or problem with the billing process or integration with the provider.

To resolve this error, review the billing setup, ensure proper integration and configuration with the provider, and address any billing-related issues or errors.
7020trueEC_DEVICE_REPRODUCTION_ERRORSignifies an error or problem related to displaying content on the end user device.

To resolve it, check network connectivity and refresh the content, clear the cache, update the app or software, ensure device compatibility, and verify if the latest Terms of Service has been accepted. If the issue persists, contact Support for further assistance.
7021trueEC_LIMITED_FUNCTIONALITYDenotes limited functionality or restricted access to certain features or services on the Meta side.

To resolve this error, review the functionality restriction on the Meta side.
7022trueEC_MEDIA_UNSUPPORTEDIndicates that the media file or format is not supported by Meta.

Resolution steps involve verifying the supported media formats, converting the media file to a supported format if necessary, and ensuring compatibility with Meta's media requirements.
7023trueEC_DATA_MISMATCHSignifies a mismatch or inconsistency in the data, either locally or remotely.

To resolve this error, validate its accuracy and consistency, and address any mismatches or inconsistencies. If you need additional assistance, contact Support.
7024falseEC_NOT_ALLOWED_SENDING_TIMEDenotes an error where the sending time for the message is not allowed or falls outside the permitted time window.

Resolution steps involve reviewing the sending time restrictions or policies, adjusting the sending time if necessary, and ensuring compliance with the permitted time frames.
7025trueEC_UNSUPPORTED_MOBILE_APP_VERSIONIndicates that the mobile app version being used is not supported by Meta.

To resolve this error, update the mobile app to a supported version, ensure compatibility with Meta requirements, and address any version-related issues. Contact Support for further assistance.
7026trueEC_MESSAGE_TYPE_EXHAUSTEDDenotes that the message type or category has been exhausted or reached the supplier's API limit.

Resolution steps involve reviewing the message type limitations and managing message usage within the allocated limits.
7027trueEC_BLOCKED_CONTENTSignifies that the content of the message is blocked or restricted due to policy violations or content filtering.

To resolve this error, review the message content, ensure compliance with content guidelines, modify the content if necessary, and address any policy violations.
7029trueEC_USER_IDENTITY_CHANGEDIndicates that the user's identity or authentication details have changed or become invalid. Resolution steps involve verifying the user's identity, updating authentication information if necessary, and ensuring proper user identification and authentication.
7030trueEC_TEMPLATE_BLOCKED_BY_USERThe receiving user has blocked a specific template.
7031trueEC_INVALID_WA_FLOWIndicates an invalid state of the flow or an incorrect mode in the Flow message.

Resolution steps involve verifying the message request and flow. Applies to cases where the flow is in a deprecated, blocked, or throttled state, as well as cases of an invalid flow mode in message requests (for example, using a draft when the flow is published).
7032trueEC_FREQUENCY_CAPPINGIndicates that the message was rejected because Meta is limiting the number of WhatsApp marketing template messages a person can receive from any business within a specific time period (frequency capping).

This limitation starts with a small number of conversations that are less likely to be read. For more information, refer to Meta's documentation (opens in a new tab).
7102trueEC_PHONE_MATCHING_DISABLEDIndicates a data mismatch or inconsistency, either locally or remotely.

To resolve the issue, verify the accuracy and consistency of the data, and address any discrepancies or inconsistenciess. Contact Support for additional assistance.
7201trueEC_UNSUPPORTED_DEVICEDenotes an unsupported or incompatible device attempting to access the service.

To resolve this error, verify the device compatibility requirements, and address any device-related issues or limitations.

Provider errors

Group ID: 2 - Chat error codes

The request has not been completed successfully due to a service provider error.

7050falseEC_PROVIDER_INTERNAL_ERRORIndicates an internal error or issue within the provider's system or infrastructure that is affecting the processing of messages.

If you encounter this error, it is recommended to wait for some time. If the issue persists, reach out to Support for assistance and investigation.
7051falseEC_PROVIDER_TIMEOUTSignifies a timeout or connection issue with the provider and the platform.

To resolve this error, contact Support for assistance in resolving the issue and investigating the underlying cause.
7052trueEC_PROVIDER_DR_ERRORDenotes an error or problem related to the provider's delivery report mechanisms or processes.

Resolution steps involve contacting Support for further assistance.

System errors

Group ID: 3 - Chat error codes

The request has not been completed successfully due to a system-related error.

7080trueEC_INTERNAL_ERRORIndicates an internal error or issue within the system or service.

To resolve this error, contact Support for further assistance.
7081trueEC_CONFIGURATION_ERRORSignifies an error or problem related to the configuration settings of the sender or the sender is not registered for the targeted country on the provider's side.

Resolution steps involve reviewing the configuration settings related to the sender or contacting Support for further assistance.
7082trueEC_TEMPORARY_GATEWAY_ERRORDenotes a temporary error or issue in processing messages or the communication channel.

To resolve this error, contact Support for further assistance.
7083trueEC_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVATEDIndicates that the requested service or feature is not activated or enabled for the user or account.

Resolution steps involve checking the service activation status and contacting Support for further assistance.
7084trueEC_MISSING_SENDER_METADATADenotes missing or incomplete sender metadata in the request.

To resolve this error, review and make sure that all required sender metadata is provided with accurate and complete sender information and contact Support for further assistance.
7280trueEC_DUPLICATE_REQUESTSignifies a duplicate or redundant request sent to the user.

Resolution steps involve identifying the duplicate request, removing or deduplicating the redundant requests, and ensuring a single valid request is processed.
7281trueEC_BAD_ORIGINIndicates an invalid or unauthorized origin or source of the request.

To resolve this error, validate the request origin and contact Support for further assistance.

Mobile Identity error codes

IDValueResponse typeDescription
100EC_NO_COVERAGESYNCNo coverage for requested phone number.
200EC_INVALID_REQUESTSYNCValidation failed for requested arguments.
201EC_INVALID_TOKENSYNCThe token is invalid or does not exist.
202EC_CONSENT_NOT_GRANTEDSYNCUser consent not granted.
300EC_MI_ACCOUNT_DISABLEDSYNCUser account is disabled for Mobile Identity service. Contact Support to enable it.
301EC_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWEDSYNCService is not allowed for this account. Contact Support to enable it.
302EC_COUNTRY_NOT_ALLOWEDSYNCDestination country is not allowed for this account. Contact Support to enable it.
303EC_GATEWAY_NOT_ALLOWEDSYNCProvider is not allowed for this account. Contact Support to enable it.
304EC_REJECTED_NOT_ENOUGH_CREDITSSYNCNot enough credits for this service.
305EC_MOBILE_DEVICE_TIMEOUTCALLBACKTimeout occurred during a mobile device redirect.
307EC_OTP_SMS_SEND_FAILEDCALLBACKFailed to send an SMS message.
308EC_NI_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_ALLOWEDCALLBACKRequested Number Intelligence attribute is not allowed for this account. Contact Support to enable it.
309EC_SIM_SWAP_CHECK_FAILEDCALLBACKFailed to execute SIM Swap check request due to an error on the MNO side. Contact Support for more details.
310EC_SIM_SWAP_DETECTEDCALLBACKNo coverage for the requested phone number.
1000EC_USER_INTERNAL_ERRORSYNC & CALLBACKInternal error on the platform. Contact Support to resolve the issue.

DLT error codes


Applicable only to the India region.

4106EC_BLOCKED_BY_DLTThis error indicates that a message has been blocked by the DLT Provider due to regulatory compliance issues, sender registration, template registration, and so on.
4107EC_DLT_SCRUBBING_TIMEOUTTimeout while performing DLT Scrubbing.
4108EC_SENDER_BLOCKED_BY_DLTThe error typically indicates that the sender of a message has been blocked by the DLT Provider.

This means that the sender has been restricted from sending messages due to non-compliance with regulations, insufficient registration, or other factors determined by the DLT Provider.
4109EC_TELEMARKETER_BLOCKED_BY_DLTTelemarketer blocked by DLT Scrubbing.
4110EC_ENTITY_BLOCKED_BY_DLTThe error typically indicates that the principal entity ID of a message has been blocked by the DLT Provider.

This means that the entity has been restricted from sending messages due to non-compliance with regulations, insufficient registration, or other factors determined by the DLT Provider.
4111EC_TEMPLATE_BLOCKED_BY_DLTThe error typically indicates that the template or content of a message has been blocked by the DLT Provider.

This means that the message template or content has been restricted from sending messages due to non-compliance with regulations, insufficient registration, or other factors determined by the DLT Provider.
4112EC_ENTITY_NOT_FOUNDIndicates that the requested principal entity ID could not be found or located.

This means that the DLT Provider was unable to locate the specific PE ID being referenced. It could be due to various reasons, such as an incorrect identifier, a non-existent entity, or a misconfiguration.
4113EC_ENTITY_NOT_REGISTEREDNo entry of entity on the platform.
4114EC_ENTITY_INACTIVEThis error code indicates that the principal entity in question is inactive or disabled.

This could be due to various reasons, such as principal entity ID suspension, temporary deactivation, or restrictions. Resolving this error typically includes checking with the DLT Provider.
4115EC_ENTITY_BLACKLISTEDThis error code indicates that the requested principal entity has been blocklisted.

It means that the entity is restricted or prohibited on DLT Provider, due to issues such as violation of policies, non-compliance, or suspicious activity.
4116EC_INVALID_ENTITY_IDThis error code suggests that the provided Principal entity ID is in an invalid or wrong format or does not exist in the DLT Provider.

It means that the principal entity ID is incorrect or unrecognized. Verifying the accuracy of the entity ID or resolving any issues related to the entity's DLT provider can help resolve this error.
4117EC_ENTITY_ID_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_TMPrincipal entity is not allowed for the TM.
4118EC_TELEMARKETER_NOT_REGISTEREDNo entry of TMID on the platform.
4119EC_TELEMARKETER_INACTIVETelemarketer is inactive on the platform.
4120EC_TELEMARKETER_BLACKLISTEDTelemarketer is blocklisted on all platforms.
4121EC_HEADER_NOT_FOUNDThis error code signifies that the requested header/sender ID information was not found.

It means that the DLT Provider could not locate the required header in the given context or request. Review the request structure, and ensure the presence of the necessary headers.
4122EC_HEADER_INACTIVEThis error code indicates that the requested header is inactive or disabled.

It means that the header, typically used to send messages, is currently inactive. Activating the required header or checking for any configuration or permission-related issues on DLT Provider can help resolve this error.
4123EC_HEADER_BLACKLISTEDThis error code suggests that the requested header has been blocklisted, meaning it is restricted or prohibited from being used.

It could be due to policy violations, non-compliance, or suspicious activity.
4124EC_PEID_NOT_MATCHED_WITH_HEADERThis error code indicates that the provided PEID (Principal Entity ID) does not match the header/sender ID information.

It means that there is a mismatch between the specified PEID and the associated header in the request. Verifying the accuracy and alignment of the PEID and header on the DLT Provider can help resolve this error.
4125EC_HEADER_IN_FREEPOOLHeader in free pool.
4126EC_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUNDThis error code signifies that the requested template could not be found.

It means that the DLT Provider was unable to locate the specified template, which is typically used for standardized message formats or content. Verifying the template's existence, correcting the identifier, or troubleshooting any issues related to template retrieval can help address this error.
4127EC_TEMPLATE_INACTIVEThis error code suggests that the requested template is inactive or disabled.

It means that the template, which is typically used for predefined message structures, is currently not active on DLT Provider. Activating the required template or addressing any configuration or permission-related issues with DLT Provider can help resolve this error.
4128EC_TEMPLATE_BLACKLISTEDThis error code indicates that the requested template has been blocklisted, meaning it is restricted or prohibited from being used.

It could be due to policy violations, non-compliance, or suspicious activity.
4129EC_TEMPLATE_NOT_MATCHEDThis error code suggests that the requested template does not match the provided content or message.

It means that there is a mismatch between the specified template and the actual content being sent. Ensuring the alignment between the registered template and the actual content being sent can help resolve this error.
4130EC_HEADER_NOT_REGISTERED_FOR_TEMPLATEThis error code signifies that the specified header is not registered or associated with the requested template.

It means that the header being used does not align with the template requirements or associations. Verifying the registration and link between the header and template can help address this error.
4131EC_TEMPLATE_VARIABLE_EXCEEDED_MAX_LENGTHThis error code indicates that a variable within the template exceeds the maximum allowed length.

It means that variables used within the template exceed the defined character limit. Adjusting the character length can help resolve this error.
4132EC_ERROR_IDENTIFYING_TEMPLATEError in identifying the template.
4133EC_INVALID_TEMPLATE_IDThis error code suggests that the provided template ID is invalid or does not exist in the system.

It means that the template ID/content ID used to reference a specific template is incorrect or unrecognized. Verifying the accuracy of the template ID or troubleshooting any issues related to the template's existence can help address this error.
4134EC_TEMPLATE_NOT_REGISTERED_TO_ENTITYThis error code signifies that the requested template is not registered or associated with the specified principal entity ID.

It means the template being used does not link to the intended principal entity. Verifying the registration and association between the template and principal entity ID can help resolve this error.
4135EC_PROMOTIONAL_TEMPLATE_USED_ON_OTHERS_HEADERPromotional template used on other/transaction header.
4136EC_INVALID_TEMPLATE_TYPEInvalid template type.
4137EC_PREFERENCE_NOT_MATCHEDThis error code indicates that the requested preference does not match the specified criteria on the end user number.

It means that the preference being used does not align with the end user number.
4138EC_INVALID_PROMO_TIMEThis error code suggests that the provided promotional time is invalid or outside the allowed range (9 PM to 10 AM).

It means that the specified promotional time period does not adhere to the defined constraints or rules.
4139EC_SE_CATEGORY_BLOCKThis error code indicates that the requested category of service entity (SE) has been blocked.

It means that the particular category or type of service entity is restricted or prohibited from being used. Resolving this error typically includes checking the category of service entity or using a DND consent on a specific number.
4140EC_CONSENT_FAILEDGeneral error code for consent.
4141EC_SCRUBBING_FAILEDGeneral error code in case of any exceptions.
4142EC_TLV_PEID_NOT_FOUNDThis error code suggests that the requested Principal Entity ID (PEID) within the TLV structure was not found.

It means that the system or service could not locate the specified PEID within the TLV data. Verifying the correct use and presence of the PEID within the TLV structure in the SMPP request can help resolve this error.
4143EC_TLV_TMPID_NOT_FOUNDThis error code signifies that the requested Template ID within the TLV structure was not found.

It means that the system or service was unable to locate the specified template ID within the TLV data. Verifying the correct usage and presence of the template ID within the TLV structure in the SMPP request can help address this error.

If the DLT has not received long SMS parts or if any part is missing, the DLT shows this code.
4146EC_HEADER_SUSPENDED_DUE_TO_VALIDITYThis error signifies that the header has been suspended due to validity issues concerning DLT compliance.

To resolve this, review and ensure that the header information complies with DLT regulations.
4147EC_HEADER_SUSPENDED_DUE_TO_USAGEThis error occurs when the header is suspended due to excessive usage that violates DLT regulations.

Evaluate your SMS sending practices, consider reducing the volume of messages sent, and adhere to DLT guidelines.
4148EC_HEADER_SUSPENDED_DUE_TO_CUSTOMERThis error suggests that the header has been suspended due to issues related to the customer's DLT account.

Contact your DLT service provider or Support to address and resolve customer-specific DLT compliance concerns.
4149EC_TEMPLATE_SUSPENDED_DUE_TO_VALIDITYThis error indicates that the template has been suspended due to validity problems concerning DLT compliance.

To rectify this, review and correct the template content to ensure it aligns with DLT regulations and standards.
4150EC_TEMPLATE_SUSPENDED_DUE_TO_USAGEThis error arises when the template is suspended due to excessive usage that violates DLT regulations.

Optimize your SMS templates or reduce the frequency of template usage to comply with DLT guidelines.
4151EC_TEMPLATE_SUSPENDED_DUE_TO_CUSTOMERThis error implies that the template has been suspended due to issues related to the customer's DLT compliance status.

Contact your DLT service provider or Support to address and resolve customer-specific DLT compliance matters.
4153EC_CTA_NOT_WHITELISTEDThis error indicates that the URL in your SMS template has not been safelisted on the DLT platform, a requirement for SMS delivery in accordance with TRAI regulations.
4154EC_PE_TM_HASH_NOT_RECEIVEDThis error indicates that the PE-TM hash was not received or an empty value was provided in the request.
4155EC_PE_TM_HASH_NOT_REGISTEREDThis error indicates that the submitted PE-TM hash does not match any registered hash for the specified PE.
4156EC_PE_TM_HASH_INACTIVEThis error indicates that the status of the PE-TM hash is invalid because one of the telemarketers in the chain is inactive.
4157EC_PE_TM_HASH_BLACKLISTEDThis error implies that the status of the PE-TM hash is blocklisted.
4158EC_PE_TM_HASH_SUSPENDEDThis error indicates that the status of the PE-TM hash is suspended by the customer.

Live Chat error codes

Below are the possible error codes for:

  • Web widget
  • Enable authenticated customer session with widget API
  • Invalidate authenticated customer session
1001Mandatory field missingParam widgetId is required in the method.
1011Widget initializing errorWidget already initialized.
1012Widget initializing errorError in the widget configuration.
1013Widget initializing errorAlready authenticated with another widget id.
1031Widget visibility errorInitializing on pages that are not allowed.
1032Widget visibility errorAuth customers only.
1033Widget visibility errorOutside working hours.
1101Mandatory field missingtoken parameter is required in the method.
1102Mandatory field missingski field is required in JWT.
1103Mandatory field missingsub field is required in JWT.
1104Mandatory field missingiss field is required in JWT.
1105Mandatory field missingiat field is required in JWT.
1106Mandatory field missingjti field is required in JWT.
1111Field in wrong typeiat should be a number type and should be in seconds.
1112Field in wrong typeexp should be a number type and should be in seconds.
1113Field in wrong typestp should be one of [email, msisdn, externalPersonId].
1114Field in wrong formatCheck sub for stp type.
1121Method invocation errorUser is already authenticated.
1122Method invocation errorJWT payload is broken.
1123Method invocation errorski is wrong, no widget key with this id.
1124Method invocation erroralg is incorrect.
1125Method invocation errorThere is something wrong with the encryption.
1126Method invocation erroriss differs from the initialized widget id.
1127Method invocation erroriat is not valid, should be earlier than now.
1128Method invocation errorexp is not valid, should be later than now.
1198Connection issueFailed to authenticate. Try again later.
1199Request errorRequest failed with status ${status}.
1321Method invocation errorUser is already logged out.

Moments error codes

Below are the possible error codes for batch flow processing.


200REJECTED_INVALID_CONTACTA person started to be processed but was rejected as the contact was not recognized.
202REJECTED_VARIABLE_MISSEDOne of the Flow variables specified in the request does not exist or has a spelling error.
203REJECTED_PERSON_ALREADY_IN_FLOWPerson is already in Flow.
204REJECTED_PERSON_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_REENTERPerson is currently not allowed to re-enter Flow.
206REJECTED_NOT_ENOUGH_CREDITSYour account is out of credits.

Top up your account. Contact your account manager for assistance in topping up or applying for an online account top-up service.

People API error codes

Below you can find the error codes for People API.

  "requestError": {
    "serviceException": {
      "messageId": "TOO_MANY_REQUESTS",
      "text": "Too many requests"

400 Bad Request

40001BAD_REQUESTGeneric request validation error.
40002DUPLICATEProfile already exists.
40003DUPLICATE_EXT_PERSON_IDProfile with this External ID already exists.
40004DUPLICATE_NUMBER_DESTINATIONProfile with the phone number already exists.
40005DUPLICATE_EMAIL_DESTINATIONProfile with the email address already exists.
40006DUPLICATE_NAMEObject (tag, attribute, company) with this name already exists.
40007INVALID_ADDITIONAL_FIELD_TYPEInvalid value type for the custom attribute (for example, when a string value is specified for a numeric attribute).
40010CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_OUT_OF_BOUNDSInvalid value for the custom attribute.
40012INVALID_UNIQUE_FIELDInvalid profile identifier value in the request.
40013NON_MANAGED_DESTINATIONS_EXCEPTIONYou can only modify the email and phone contacts using this API.
40014INVALID_UPDATE_ENTRIESInvalid query (wrong field or missing value) in the batch update request.
40015UNKNOWN_PROPERTYUnknown profile attribute in the request.
40016INVALID_DELETE_ENTRIESInvalid query (wrong field or missing value) in the batch delete request.
40018EMPTY_DESTINATIONSMissing contact information for the profile.
40019BAD_QUERYBad filter query in the request.
40020PLACEHOLDER_CANNOT_BE_DELETEDCustom attribute cannot be deleted.
40021TAG_CANNOT_BE_DELETEDThe tag cannot be deleted.
40022INVALID_PLACEHOLDERInvalid custom attribute.
40023INTEGRATIONS_CANNOT_BE_MODIFIEDIntegrations data cannot be modified.
40024WEB_SDK_RESTRICTED_OPERATIONYou cannot create or change Customer profiles from Web SDK.

404 Not Found

40401PERSON_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe person does not exist.
40403TAG_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe tag does not exist.
40404ADDITIONAL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe additional field does not exist.
40404CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe custom attribute does not exist.
40405COMPANY_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe company does not exist.
40406PLACEHOLDER_LIST_SCHEMA_MUST_EXISTThe list attribute must be created before use.
40407NON_PARSABLE_DATEInvalid date/time value format in the request.

405 Method Not Allowed

40501READ_ONLY_ALLOWEDThis account is in read-only mode.
40502WRITE_SOURCES_RESTRICTEDProfile data modification over API is disabled.

409 Conflict

40901IMPORT_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESSThe merge batch is already in progress, please wait until the previous merge is completed.
40902OPTIMISTIC_LOCKOptimistic lock due to concurrent data updates.

429 Too Many Requests

42901TOO_MANY_REQUESTSThere are too many requests.

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