Dashboard updates: New features and transition guide

Dashboard updates: New features and transition guide


We are introducing the redesigned Analyze dashboard, now with enhanced features. During the transition, we are implementing a dual dashboard system. Depending on your eligibility and the channels you use, you may have access to both the old and new dashboards simultaneously.

For customers using SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, Email, RCS, or Viber BM channels, these will now be available exclusively on the new dashboard. This means they will no longer appear on the old dashboard.

The new dashboard is part of an open early access program and is subject to specific prerequisites. If you are using other channels that are not yet supported on the new dashboard, you will continue to see them on the old dashboard until their full integration. Depending on their channel usage, some qualifying customers may only have access to the new dashboard.

Analyze - Dual dashboard


The Analyze dashboard has been redesigned and now boasts significant upgrades whose goal is to provide you with a more intuitive and powerful tool for your data analysis needs, with enhanced performance and a user-friendly interface. These improvements will help you gain better insights and manage your channels more effectively.

Transition period

During the transition period and depending on your setup, there are a couple of things you can expect:

  • Dual access: Some customers will have access to both the old and new dashboards. However, based on customer eligibility and configuration, some may only have access to the new dashboard.
  • Channel-specific access: Channels like SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, Email, RCS, and Viber BM will be available exclusively on the new dashboard. Other channels will remain accessible on the old dashboard until they are fully integrated into the new system.

To facilitate a smooth transition, we are also introducing intuitive navigation features, allowing for easy switching between dashboards for those with access to both. Clear visual cues and icons will help you distinguish between the two interfaces.

Eligibility and access

The new dashboard is available as part of an open early access program, requiring specific prerequisites. Access is determined by the channels customers use:

  • Primary channels (SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, Email, RCS, Viber BM): Customers using at least one of these channels will see them on the new dashboard.
  • Secondary channels (Voice, Push, etc.): These remain on the old dashboard until full integration.
  • Legacy accounts: Customers with older setups will continue to use the old dashboard until further notice.
  • Data centers: Access to the new dashboard is restricted to customers processing traffic in specific data centers (Frankfurt, Mumbai, New York, and Indonesia).
  • Non-SaaS locations (Russian Federation, South Africa, Hong Kong, Brazil, Singapore and Malaysia DCs)​: these can also expect the change since we replicate reporting data towards Frankfurt location.

Customer scenarios

  • Primary channels only: Customers using only primary channels will see all relevant data on the new dashboard.
  • Primary and secondary channels: Customers with both primary and secondary channels will need to use both dashboards, with the new one showing primary channels and the old one showing secondary channels.
  • Legacy accounts and other DCs: Legacy account holders and those processing in non-primary data centers will only see the old dashboard.
Customer scenarioOld dashboardNew dashboard
Primary channels onlyNoYes (Primary channels)
Primary and secondary channelsYes (Secondary channels)Yes (Primary channels)
Legacy account setupsYes (All channels)No
Non-primary DCsYes (All channels)No

New dashboard features

The redesigned dashboard comes with lots of new and enhanced features.

Expanded metrics and dimensions

  • Detailed metrics: Delivery, performance, audience, and inbound/conversational metrics are further broken down by final statuses, network, country, and other dimensions.
  • Organized insights: Metrics are organized to highlight channel-specific details, offering deeper insights into message delivery and interactions.

Enhanced filtering and pre-configured charts

  • Flexible data filtering: Tailor insights with account, period, and sender type filters.
  • Ready-to-use dashboards: Pre-configured charts are organized by various factors, making it easy to find relevant data.

Multi-channel analytics

  • Unified reporting: The new dashboard provides comprehensive coverage across multiple channels (SMS, MMS, Email, WhatsApp, RCS, Viber BM).
  • Consistent metrics: Metrics are consistent across the web interface and the API sending.

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