Search Audit Logs
This method allows you to track and search through users' activities on the web interface.
query Parameters
action | string Enum: "Accept" "Activation" "Add" "Assign" "Buy" "Cancel" "Change" "Clone" "Create" "CreateGenerate" "CreateVersion" "Delete" "DeleteVersion" "Disable" "Download" "Duplicate" "Enable" "Export" "Finish" "Import" "InviteToMobileDemoApplication" "Launch" "LaunchVersion" "Lock" "Login" "Logout" "Merge" "Pause" "Remove" "Request" "Restore" "Schedule" "Sent" "StopVersion" "Successful" "Unlock" "Update" "Updated" "Unsuccessful" "Verify" Example: action=Create User's action. If nothing is provided, logs for all actions are returned. |
description | string Example: description=username Description of an action. If nothing is provided, logs for all descriptions are returned. |
from | string <date-time> Example: from=2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z Date and time filter with the following format: |
item | string Enum: "TFA" "Account" "ApiKey" "AutomaticPayment" "BillingAddress" "Blacklist" "Campaign" "Communication" "Company" "CustomField" "Domain" "ExportConfiguration" "Forms" "Keyword" "MobileApplication" "MobileDemoApplication" "Number" "OneTimePayment" "Password" "Person" "Price" "Report" "Segment" "Search" "Tag" "Team" "Template" "URL" "User" "Website" Example: item=User Use it as a filter to apply to the action field to narrow down the logs returned. if nothing is provided, logs with all items are returned. |
ipAddress | string Example: ipAddress= User's IP address. If nothing is provided, logs for all IP addresses are returned. |
limit | integer <int32> [ 1 .. 10000 ] Example: limit=10000 Max number of user activities returned in logs. Accepts values from |
to | string <date-time> Example: to=2023-01-03T00:00:00.000Z Date and time filter with the following format: |
userKey | string Example: userKey=JD1I2JD9JD3DDHHGKCNN1PK2O1 User's key can be found on the user's profile page at the Infobip portal. If nothing is provided, the logs for all user keys are returned. |
List of audit logs.
Search result larger than the limit. Limit is 10000.
Internal Server Error
Request samples
- cURL
- Java
- C#
- Go
- Python
- JavaScript
- NodeJs
- Ruby
curl -L -g 'https://{baseUrl}/audit/1/logs?action=Create&description=username&from=2023-01-01T00%3A00%3A00.000Z&item=User&ipAddress=' \ -H 'Authorization: {authorization}' \ -H 'Accept: application/json'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 500
[- {
- "action": "Create",
- "description": "User 'username' created user!",
- "id": "80265c56-b644-4fb9-a5ab-83example5b3384",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "item": "User",
- "timestamp": "2025-03-12T00:00:00Z",
- "username": "username"
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