Send a notification to multiple channels
Send a notification to multiple channels

Send a notification to multiple channels

Some situations call for notifications on multiple channels, whether due to the urgency or importance of the information, like emergency alerts, appointments canceled on short notice, or failed billing. This tutorial will take you through building a minimal .NET Core project which sends a message to multiple channels and reads the delivery reports.


  1. Infobip account (opens in a new tab). If you do not have one, you can easily register (opens in a new tab).
  2. .NET SDK (opens in a new tab) installed.
  3. Node.js (opens in a new tab) installed.


Step 1: Use your API key and base URL

Head to Infobip and copy the auto-generated API key and your base URL. If there is no option to copy the API key, the new API key can be created with the message:send scope. For more information, read about API scopes here (opens in a new tab).

Step 2: Register Email single sender

You can use your email address to register a sender. Complete the first step of Email onboarding (opens in a new tab) on the Infobip account. Click the verification link sent to the provided email address.

Step 3: Initiate a conversation via WhatsApp and Viber

Send the first message to your phone number from the first step in WhatsApp (opens in a new tab) on the Infobip account and respond to the message in the WhatsApp app. Note that there is a 24-hour window for sending any message content. For more information, read about initiating a conversation on WhatsApp (opens in a new tab).

Do the same for Viber - send the first message (opens in a new tab) from the Infobip account and respond using the Viber app.

Step 4: Create an ASP.NET Core project

Either use your project or start from scratch with the minimal API tutorial (opens in a new tab).

Step 5: Create a client for Infobip API

First, create a client that can request the messages-api endpoint. For that purpose, define HttpClient. The copied API key will be added to the headers via DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization, and the base URL will be set as BaseAddress in the following format: https://your.api.infobip.com:

var infobipClient = new HttpClient();
infobipClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("App", "paste-your-api-key-here");
infobipClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://paste-your-base-url-here");

Next, define a new method that can invoke the messages endpoint via the previously defined infobipClient:

async Task SendAlerts()
    var response = await infobipClient.PostAsJsonAsync("/messages-api/1/messages", new {});
    Console.WriteLine("Messages response: {0}\n", response);

Step 6: Build a request

Valid request data is required to make a request. Define it for the Viber channel to start:

object BuildRequest() => new
    Messages = new[]
            Channel = "VIBER_BM",
            Sender = "DemoCompany",
            Destinations = new[]
                    To = "put-your-phone-number-here"
            Content = new
                Body = new
                    Text = "Hi, this is a friendly reminder that your appointment has been cancelled.",
                    Type = "TEXT"

On the Infobip account, there is a page dedicated to all assigned Viber senders (opens in a new tab). During the free trial, you will have access to the assigned shared sender "DemoCompany" for testing Viber messages.

NoteFor simplicity, an anonymous type object is used here. However, in production code, it is strongly recommended to define explicit classes.

Edit the line with infobipClient to use the method defined earlier to build the request.

async Task SendAlerts()
    var response = await infobipClient.PostAsJsonAsync("/messages-api/1/messages", BuildRequest());
    Console.WriteLine("Messages response: {0}\n", response);

Step 7: Add endpoint for sending alerts and trigger it

Add an endpoint for invoking the method with the following logic:

app.MapPost("/alerts", async () =>
        await SendAlerts();

After running the project, Swagger UI will open in your default browser, where you will be able to execute the /alerts endpoint:

Tutorials - Swagger UI alerts

After execution, the message should be delivered to Viber shortly. If something did not go as planned, a response in the console will provide more detail.

Step 8: Read delivery reports

You now have a working example of sending Viber messages, but you cannot be sure the messages were delivered. To receive delivery reports, set up a webhook endpoint that can trigger our app whenever delivery data is available. Find more details here (opens in a new tab).

To expose your local app via the public domain, use the localtunnel CLI tool (opens in a new tab), which is built on Node.js.

npm install -g localtunnel
lt --port 5139

The CLI will respond with a message skin: "Your URL is: https://hip-emus-car.loca.lt (opens in a new tab)". Copy the URL and use it in the code below.

Expand your request and include the "Webhooks" part with the new URL with the endpoint that you have built. For example, https://hip-emus-car.loca.lt/messages/webhook:

object BuildRequest() =>
        Messages = new[]
                Channel = "VIBER_BM",
                Sender = "DemoCompany",
                Destinations = new[]
                        To = "put-your-phone-number-here"
                Content = new
                    Body = new
                        Text = "Hi, this is a friendly reminder that your appointment has been cancelled.",
                        Type = "TEXT"
                Webhooks = new
                    Delivery = new
                        Url = "https://hip-emus-car.loca.lt/messages/webhook"

Now create a new endpoint that will accept the POST request. Log the request in the console:

app.MapPost("/messages/webhook",  (object request) =>
        Console.WriteLine("Webhook request: {0}\n", request);

When you execute the /alerts endpoint, you will see the delivery information provided via webhook in the console.

Step 9: Defining other channels

To specify additional channels, use a dictionary that associates each channel identifier with its corresponding sender.

var channelSenders = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "SMS", "Info"},
    { "VIBER_BM", "DemoCompany" },
    { "WHATSAPP", "447860099299" },

All assigned senders can be viewed on the Infobip account.

Next, iterate over the dictionary and make a message request object for every item:

object BuildRequest() =>
        Messages = channelSenders.Select(channelSender => new
            Channel = channelSender.Key,
            Sender = channelSender.Value,
            Destinations = new[]
                    To = "put-your-phone-number-here" // for example: 447700900123
            Content = new
                Body = new
                    Text = "Critical: Your payment process has failed. Please update your billing information urgently to avoid service interruption. Thank you.",
                    Type = "TEXT"
            Webhooks = new
                Delivery = new
                    Url = "put-your-tunnelled-domain-with-webhook-endpoint" // for example: https://hip-emus-car.loca.lt/messages/webhook

Test the new implementation and execute the /alerts endpoint. You will now receive important messages across multiple channels simultaneously.

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